What's the best way to light up a map with tall structures in a city at night? I don't think light entities are the most practical way to go because I'd have to use an insane amount to cover the large and open areas. Light from a skybox gives a nice effect in between buildings and lights the tops well but some lower parts remain too dark.
Use q3map_skyLight in the skyshader, it'll make the lower area's a bit brighter.
Thanks I'll give that a try.
How 'bout light-emitting shaders as windows?
q3map_skyLight <brightness> <iterations>
I've gone as high as 800 5 and there's still not enough light in some places. The lighting looks nice but I'll need help from other light sources. What if I used the dreaded ambient light? Just a mild amount like 50 or so.
wedge - I'm going to try all other possiblities before making new textures and shaders.
Originally posted by Mercenary
Light from a skybox gives a nice effect in between buildings and lights the tops well but some lower parts remain too dark.
how do u put light from a sky box without using light entities,
q3map_skyLight <brightness> <iterations>
how, or where does that go...in other words how does it work???
It goes in the shader
qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
q3map_skyLight 300 5
surfaceparm sky
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
skyParms textures/city/sky 512 -
I think q3map_skyLight is the new way. I used q3map_surfacelight before.
Combine it with q3map_SunExt, it'll look quite a bit better.
You know, Gothix, it's not even healthy to know as much as you do? Your brain might burst! ;)
If you use the ambient lighting, your indoor areas might suffer, if you have such. On the other hand, I guess nothing should be avoided just because it's "notorious". If something looks good, then it looks good, no matter how it was achieved.
BTW, what are you mapping, Mercenary? I hope it's SP!
Originally posted by GothiX
Combine it with q3map_SunExt, it'll look quite a bit better.
Another new one?
Originally posted by lassev
BTW, what are you mapping, Mercenary? I hope it's SP!
Don't worry it's for SP. Speaking of which, me and Kengo are doing an sp side project which we hope can be released in the near future.
q3map_sunExt <red> <green> <blue> <brightness> <angle> <elevation> <deviance> <samples>
Damn... this makes some nice lighting. The shadows are so good. I used the settings ydnar gave as an example:
q3map_sunExt 0.95 0.99 1.0 120 60 30 2 16
Originally posted by Mercenary
q3map_sunExt <red> <green> <blue> <brightness> <angle> <elevation> <deviance> <samples>
Damn... this makes some nice lighting. The shadows are so good. I used the settings ydnar gave as an example:
q3map_sunExt 0.95 0.99 1.0 120 60 30 2 16
So, does it produce better results than entity sun(s)? I somehow liked the shader entry sun, although I have right now three entity suns in my map. But it's a night time map, and they are very weak, and produce a tolerable result. A shader entry sun wouldn't do at all, I think.
I think it all depends on the map.
Oh, but that's not true. Q3map_SunExt will look a lot better in 99% of all cases. Also, mercenary, by raising the elevation, you'll have less trouble with buildings in the way.
I've noticed sunext is far faster than entity suns as well, also for actual sun try deviance 1 samples 8 as sun doesn't usually deviate by 2 degrees.
Actually, the real sun has half a degree, but what the hell. :p
I tried 0.5 but it didn't work, hence me saying 1. I'm sure it's supposed to work...but last time I tried it it just screwed up and came out as 0.
Can you repeat the sunExt line? Some neat effects can be achieved with two entity suns, and I'm wondering if that's also possible here.