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Vampire Jedi

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05-04-2004, 10:13 AM
i have no idea how this got into my head (well, maybe after seeing some vampire movies/games) but I would just like to ask:

wouldnt it be just damn cool if a new breed of vampiric jedi's appear?

(it could either be in JA or in the SW world in general)

you can just imagine fighting vampire jedisand the only way to get loose from their grapple is by using force (push, etc.). These new breed of jedi are able to fly more than usual and have different force powers. And it would be seriously sick if they incorparated these vampiric jedis into a new Jedi Knight game where one bites you, the main character, and you turn into one yourself... joining a new group (republic, sith, -vampiric -(or whatever))

i know people will call me crazy...well, i am
 Master William
05-04-2004, 1:34 PM
It is already possible. Brainwashed darksiders would be the ones most likely to do this, sharpening their teeth and running around with Force Powers and some bloodsucking mouths
05-04-2004, 2:12 PM
is this one of those ideas you got on the toilet???

interesting, but weird and RANDOM! :D
05-04-2004, 2:29 PM
It would be interesting in the sense that they 'drained' your midichlorian count, rather than your blood. Basically, if they started to suck the 'Force' right out of you, and left you as a 'normal' person without connection to the Force at all...

Of course, if you escaped their clutches, your midichlorian count could replenish itself over time.

That is, of course, if you buy into that whole 'midichlorian' deal... :rolleyes:
05-04-2004, 3:29 PM
Originally posted by StormHammer
That is, of course, if you buy into that whole 'midichlorian' deal... :rolleyes: We must never mention it again...
 Amidala from Chop Shop
05-04-2004, 3:35 PM
Hmmm, midichlorians, Jar Jar Binks, young Darth Vader as an obnoxious brat, they sure don't make 'em like they used to...
05-04-2004, 3:43 PM
you forgot the bright yellow naboo fighters
05-04-2004, 9:01 PM
Hey now! Don't be raggin' on my pimp yellow fighters! :p
05-05-2004, 9:27 AM
as for another idea:

gay jedi's... this is how it works:

there are gay people who train to be jeids in a whole different academy....what happens after is that from between themselves they obtain the force power "gayness"and run around humping peoples legs, automatically paralzing them in places of the body needed most to humans.

as for their lightsabers....well....ya - you kinda
guessed it. And as for their healing ability? they have to watch queer eye for the straight jedi.

as for force regeneration they get manicures and pedicures and raibes shots.

ps. i did not right this. im just pressing enter after my friend.
05-05-2004, 2:01 PM
Originally posted by Tinny
you forgot the bright yellow naboo fighters Indeed. First time I saw it my friend next to me punched me in the arm and said, "Punchbuggy Yellow!"
05-05-2004, 5:54 PM
Originally posted by Tidus01
as for another idea:

gay jedi's... this is how it works:

there are gay people who train to be jeids in a whole different academy....what happens after is that from between themselves they obtain the force power "gayness"and run around humping peoples legs, automatically paralzing them in places of the body needed most to humans.

as for their lightsabers....well....ya - you kinda
guessed it. And as for their healing ability? they have to watch queer eye for the straight jedi.

as for force regeneration they get manicures and pedicures and raibes shots.

ps. i did not right this. im just pressing enter after my friend.

Wow, I'm not even gay and I found that horribly offensive and juvenile.

That's easily the dumbest thing I've ever read in the past month or so, and I've been to the forums...
05-05-2004, 5:57 PM
Forgive a poor n00b, but why does everyone hate midichlorians? They are the technical explanation of the force, and EVERYTHING has a technical explanation, even if it may have been created by a spiritual force, it would have to have a technical explanation so that it could work in balance with other things.
05-06-2004, 11:16 AM
erm, does the God have a techincal explination? :p
05-06-2004, 2:56 PM
Tidus01...please don't post anything like that again. While you may have meant it in good humour, it does come across as rather offensive. :tsk:

As for your supposed 'disclaimer' at the end - it's your member account, and you are solely responsible for any posts under your user name. Please keep that in mind in the future.
05-06-2004, 4:45 PM
Originally posted by AIVAS
Forgive a poor n00b, but why does everyone hate midichlorians? They are the technical explanation of the force... Actually, I don't think that is quite correct. From what I gather, midiclorians are what allow force-sensitive beings to communicate with the Force. They are not what creates or is the Force itself. They are merely the go-between. The Force itself has not really been explained yet, apart from being an energy field created by all living things.

From Q-G:
"Midi-chlorians are a microscopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force."

"Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force. "

In any event. I myself don't like them because I don't believe that they are necessary. They don't really advance the story apart from maybe giving a method to detect a force-sensitive person. The other thing is that IMO Star Wars is more fantasy and myth more than true science fiction, dispite the setting (I think StormHammer and I have had a debate on this before).

Because of that, the mystical in that universe doesn't really need a scientific explanation. To me, it is the same as not needing an explanation of why Gandalf has the powers that he does. He is just a Wizard, and that is what Wizards in that word can do. As the world is being established in the story, it is just taken as fact that he has those powers.

The same with the Force and the Jedi. The universe was set up in Episode 4, and the energy field theory was enough of an explanation of what the Force was. And it was explained that the Jedi could use this field. And the field had two sides, a good and a bad. Perfect. It set the Jedi up as beings with tremendous power, because they could use this force. This set everything up so that the Jedi are sort of mythical beings with some sort of real affect on the state of the universe. And they were almost, in a sense, chosen by the Force to be what they are.

To me, in a sense the midiclorian thing just turned them into genetic freaks. They just happen to have enough midiclorians to to be able to sense and manipulate the Force.

Not to go off topic too much, but that is one reason why I am disappointed with some parts of the EU (NJO in particular, not to start that debate all over again). Some books try and alter the traditional and established view of what the Force is and how it works. Why do authors have to try and remove the light side and dark side, and all that stuff? Why can't they just take the established framework and work within it?

Anyway, It just takes away the mythical part of it, to me anyway...
05-07-2004, 2:26 AM
Originally posted by Prime

To me, in a sense the midiclorian thing just turned them into genetic freaks. They just happen to have enough midiclorians to to be able to sense and manipulate the Force.

Not to go off topic too much, but that is one reason why I am disappointed with some parts of the EU (NJO in particular, not to start that debate all over again). Some books try and alter the traditional and established view of what the Force is and how it works. Why do authors have to try and remove the light side and dark side, and all that stuff? Why can't they just take the established framework and work within it?

Anyway, It just takes away the mythical part of it, to me anyway...

Because, genetic freaks gives an explanation as to why jedi are jedi.

As to NJO books, if you think about it enough, there is no "light" and "dark" same for good and evil. There can be cruel actions, as well as kind ones, but to immediatley asses anything as "good" or "evil" is incorrect. I like the stories that attempt to show people this, but

When they are confronted with it time and time again, all that happens is they put their hands over their ears and "LAAAAAAAALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Or something that sounds slightly more mature. Nothing personal intended, but that's about 97% of what I've seen.

Mythical is mythical, Star wars is Science fiction with a few mythical implements hinted at IMHO, the jedi act as though it is mythical, yet in truth, most of what we see has had a technical explanation. The majority of star wars original fans wre scifi/fantasy lovers, and now it's taking more of a turn to scifi with all us scifi geeks (Yes US, so don't try to say I'm accusing others) becoming the majority, and they are trying to please the majority, so they can give us better games *cough*makemoremoney*cough*
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