I tried to create water with deformvertexes wave. The waves look pretty nice but the water doesn't feel water meaning it's impossible to swim in it (player trying to swim falls to the bottom of the pool).
I used the following shader code, which works wonders if the red line is removed:
qer_editorimage textures/yavin/water1
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nonopaque
surfaceparm water
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm trans
q3map_material Water
fogparms ( 0.145098 0.192157 0.0431373 ) 512.0
deformvertexes wave 50 sin 0 2.5 0 0.35
map textures/yavin/water1
rgbGen exactVertex
alphaGen const 0.9
tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
tcMod scroll -0.05 -0.001
tcMod scale 3 3
map textures/yavin/water1
alphaGen const 0.33
tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
tcMod scale 3 3
map textures/yavin/water_test
tcMod scale 3 3
tcMod scroll 0.05 0.1
map textures/common/stars
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 0.5
Is there something I should fix or does anyone have a working waving water shader?
I cant really help you but In parts of ST: Voyager Elite Force, there was water with waves that you could swim in and that was done with Q3 so it should be possable in JA.
Make a brush covered in system/caulk_water then texture the top face only with this shader...remember to add the name of the shader file to shaderlist.txt in order for Q3Map2 to actually recognise it's a shader and compile it as water as well!
well I saw this mod that you use hydroball
look at Dragon ( its a map) it uses it in the water:p
Thank you Wade, that did the trick! :cool:
Wavey water'd be cool.
:gben: The Force will be with you, always.
So, what does caulk_water do? I didnt think it mattered, untill someone made a comment on my Dark Crypt map, saying "I noticed you didnt use Caulk_water" or something like that... how could he know? Does the water 'act' better, look better, what?
i think its cos on the sides of the water brush you can see the water shader
I'm pretty sure it's for the splashing part or the drowning that you use system/caulk_water, just like you need to use system/caulk_lava the same way. Zeimi used system/caulk_nonsolid im pretty sure, which is what people believe you should do because Richdiesal says you should do this. Trust me it just makes the thing... well... nonsolid... I think this worked in JK2 but I'm not sure since I never mapped for JK2
caulk_water ensures the brush will act as water, caulk_lava will ensure the brush will act as lava. If you use caulk_nonsolid or nodraw then there is a chance that the brush will come out just being nonsolid with one surface looking like water but the entire brush not acting like water.
I think the "acting like water" in some cases comes from the water shader
Where else would it come from....?
From pie. Mmmmm, pie!