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Curse of Monkey Island won't run properly

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 Murray the Chao
06-15-2004, 1:30 AM
I would like this topic to be resolved so we can work on my Monkey1 problem.
06-15-2004, 9:10 AM
My intention wasn't to cause a bitch fight as I was only expressing my opinion. Didn't expect people to jump on it....anyways best way to resolvew it is to ask Murray the Chao whats the monkey island 1 problem he's having..
06-15-2004, 12:42 PM
Is that the problem about running it on the mac? Because I personally can't answer that question.
06-20-2004, 8:08 AM
I guess then that they aren't waiting around for an answer. Could you possibly direct them where they can go or aren't there many forums left on monkey island???
06-29-2004, 10:39 AM
Is there a Mac forum out there that you know of?????
07-06-2004, 8:21 AM
Need a bit of help here as accidently deleted the walkthrough that I was using for the game and am unable to find the site where I originally got it from. Can someone put me in the right direction...Thanx in advance.
07-06-2004, 10:47 AM
There are thousands of walthroughs for this game on the web, I'll point you to a few of them.

Just click here (
or here (
or even here (

If you search around,i'm sure you'll find more, just type "Monkey Island 3 walkthrough" into any search engine (like Google ( and it whould find some good ones, but one of the ones above should help.
07-14-2004, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the prompt response... its just that a number of them out there have information missing and you can't figure things out..
07-14-2004, 3:49 PM
remember, we're always here if yuou want any hints and stuff.
07-15-2004, 6:45 AM
Guys, its appreciated.
08-26-2004, 2:30 PM
Hello guys

I got a problem with CMI.
I installed it and when i tryed to run the game, it wants to intall "direktX 5.0". I got DirektX9.01 on my computer. I tryed some more times, and it didn't work. Then i just klickt on the "install DirektX" button, but this didn't help. Then i have try ScummVM Q+E. with this programm i could run MI 1 and 2 and also India Joens 3 and 4, but when i try to run CMI with ScummVM Q+E, it says a data called "comi.la0" is missing. i downloaded the game from e-mule. the downloaded gae didn't run,too. it says it wants to install DirektX 5.0. Then i saw the data, witch scumvm q+e was missing on my original version. i tryed to run the downloaded version with ScummVM Q+E and the screen becomes black for 2 seconds, "yea it works" i thougt, becaus the screen gets black for 2 seconds when i run MI 1 and 2.too. But then i was back in windows. i tryd again and the screen becomes black for 2 seconds angain and the it returns to windows. Then i copyed the missing data into the folder where i installed my original version, and tryed to run it with scummVM Q+E again. it sayed a data called "comi.la1". this data was in the folder with the downloaded version,too. So i copyed the data into my original version and tryed again. But then the screen becomes black and retuned to windows after 2 seconds,too. I hope you can help me with my problem. I'm runing Windows XP Profesional version on a AMD Atlon 2400+ geforce 4 4200, 520mb ddr ram.

08-28-2004, 9:54 AM
Sorry, we unfortunatle don't offer help to people who copy games.
08-28-2004, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Doomtempler
Doomtempler ****ing Kraut!
09-11-2004, 1:41 AM
i recently repurchased curse of monkey island cause my original screwed up like 4 years ago and i had been meaning to buy a new copy. Anyway i had the same problem wif the sound the nfs rogue had and downloaded abandon loader it fixed up the speech problem but the cutscenes now go insanely fast and they keep skipping im running it on a p4 2.8 and wanna know wat settings nfs rogue put it on to get it running if hes still on this board i could sure use ure help :(
09-11-2004, 9:33 AM
have you tried running it through ScummVM ( instead? I think you'll find it's easier to use and is just as effective.
09-12-2004, 6:11 AM
yer i tried scummvm it was running all smoothly till i got to the second disk it kept on telling me to insert the first disk when i was a playing the second part of the game even now it keeps asking me to change disks 1 then change back to 2 then one its really annoying i just wanna know how you got it workin using abandon loader because besides the cutscenes the game runs fine.
if u can remember wat settings did u put curse of monkey island on abandon loader to get it running?
09-12-2004, 6:45 AM
download the "CMI launcher" here (
just scroll down a bit and click on download latest.
it musst be installed in the same place, where you cmi exe is.
09-12-2004, 7:38 AM
man doomtemplar ure a champion it works like a charm now thanks man
09-12-2004, 7:43 AM
yer im just wondering i also have the monkey island 1 & 2 package with both monkey island 1 and 2 together wif the grim fandango demo im just wondering monkey island 1 has full cd music however monkey island 2 uses wat sounds like midi for the music did lucasarts ever redo monkey island 2 like they did with number one?
09-12-2004, 1:48 PM
No. In actual fact, MI1 was redone but not to MI2 standards. When MI2 was being created, the programmers created a little music engine called IMuse, which basically allows for continuous music throughout the game, with the music changing from scene to scene and so on (MI1 now calls on CD tracks, but when the tracks finish, they just finish, as apose to MI2 where the tracks simply don't finish). This is actually better and was used for years after (it was used In MI3). But they didn't improve the quality as such as you can find with maybe MI1, but then again, who needs it, the music in MI2 rocks anyway.
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