Okay, this is probably pretty basic and been asked before, but I couldn't find it.
If two mods have different files with the same name, how do you use both mods? Is it possible? I tried putting each mod in it's own folder within Override, but they didn't work that way. Can you rename the files in the mods?
you can rename the overrides but, if you rename a module and try to warp to it, you have to type in the previous name to get there. Of course, i am not 100% sure you can do this but it works for me!!
That makes sense. However, I don't think I'm working with modules here. The file "spells.2da" is in both the Replication and Emporium mods.. It doesn't seem like renaming one of them to "spells1.2da" would work in this case. I thought of combining them, but I don't know how to edit them. I opened one with Notepad and got some meaningful text and some garbled symbols.
i did that with spells.2da. i had a 1-4 going and it worked fine, same thing with appearance.2da why don't you try that?
The best and easyest way to edit 2da's is to DL the Fantabulous Kotor tool. With this tool built by Fred Tretra Allows you to edit or exrtact almost any KotOR file. Without this tool many of the mods out probly would not exsist.
Once you have KT and after you READ the readme(very important to use this tool) You can open 2da files that have been edited with KT by clicking File-->Open 2da file editor. An empty window will pop up now click File-->Load 2da v2.b file and navigate to the file you want to edit.
The best thing to do is to open the original spells.2da as well as the modded ones you can find it under BIFs-->2da.bif-->2da array-->spells.2da
Have fun. :)