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Dialog-Tree Viewer

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04-02-2004, 6:19 PM
No, I don't have one, but the tlk editors I've tried to date have allowed for searching for text strings.

Has anyone created, or is anyone working on, a searchable dialog editor that will allow for the display of entire dialog trees?

This may have been covered before, and I apologize if it has. Could someone point me in the right direction?

ps: I have tried runing the command-based editors, but for some reason they quickly open, load and shut (using WinXP SP2). (Old people appreciate GUI. believe it or not, tho I'm not adverse to using cl when I have to. Just can't get it to work right on my pc).
04-02-2004, 6:58 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Grandpa
ps: I have tried runing the command-based editors, but for some reason they quickly open, load and shut (using WinXP SP2). (Old people appreciate GUI. believe it or not, tho I'm not adverse to using cl when I have to. Just can't get it to work right on my pc).

Are you talking about TK102's dlg tools? You have to open your command prompt first. You can't just double click on the icon. This one is not command based: (also by TK) It allows you to search and edit the .tlk table.

If you want to see the entire dialog tree, you can try NWN toolset (comes with NWN) it works with Kotor but it's not practical if you want to edit large dialog files since it removes all the VO_ResRef. I also had problems with animations.

TK102 is also working on a dialog editor. see this thread:

See also this thread:

Hey TK, do I get a cookie for this free advertising? (not a melba toast please)
04-02-2004, 8:31 PM
Darth333 -> :burg1:

Darth Grandpa: I know what you mean about GUI being nice. It is. It takes awhile to develop though. It's hard for me to steal time away to work on the developing these tools. I hope you're able to work with what's available though until something better comes along.

Fred Tetra has been very generous with his time and efforts put into KotOR Tool. If his module editor doesn't get him burnt out, a dialog editor is probably the next logical development. Given that .dlg files are GFF files, I doubt they would pose a serious problem to him. However, we should never take for granted his (or anyone else's) time spent working on tools for the mod community. :)
 Fred Tetra
04-03-2004, 3:12 AM
Well, the Module Editor hasn't burnt me out yet (close, tho', heh heh), but I am going to be taking a few weeks off to move to a new home, so developement will likely be rather minimal to non-existent during that time.

The Module Editor is coming along pretty well, but as most people who have seen my work so far, I like to have things in as fully working order as possible when I release it. I will probably do a release when 1/2 the features are done, so folks can start experimenting. I am also considering going "home-donation ware" (shareware) on it, to help fund my new place. :) I've stayed "free" up until now, but the project is taking ever-increasing amounts of time.

As far as a dialog editor, I am considering working on one, since the Aurora-based editor doesn't handle some of the data structures present in the Odyssey Engine's files.
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