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El Mariachi Mod!!

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03-30-2004, 10:21 AM
El Mariachi Mod
Version 0.8

Description: Named after Antonio Banderas from Desperado, these are all the Bith Instruments with amped up stats, each one has different stats. Get them in game by entering the cheat: giveitem g_i_bithitem001, g_i_bithitem002, g_i_bithitem003, g_i_bithitem004

Bith Guitar:
Damage Energy 3-18
Damage Sonic +5
Critical Threat 19-20,x2
Dex +5
Bonus Feats: Uncanny Dodge 1, Uncanny Dodge 2

Bith Clarinet:
Damage Energy 3-18
Damage Sonic +5
Critical Threat 19-20x2
Con +2
Regeneration: 10

Bith Trombone:
Damage Energy 3-18
Damage Sonic +5
Critical Threat 19-20,x2 +2-12
Bonus Feats: Sniper Shot, Improved Sniper Shot, Master Sniper Shot

Bith Accordian:
Damage Energy 3-18
Damage Sonic +5
Critical Threat 20-20,x2
On Hit Paralyze 25% chance, 6 sec, DC18
On Hit Paralyze 25% chance, 6 sec, DC22
Bonus Feats: Sneak Attack I, Sneak Attack II, Sneak Attack III

Future: Add icons. Also i plan on putting them on the bodies of one of the Bith bands, probably upper or lower Taris, and make them hostile so you kill them and take their instruments. I tried changing the faction to 1 which i think is hostile, but they kept on playing, not sure why.

available for download NOW at ryan's kotor mods ( WITH SCREEN SHOTS!!!
03-30-2004, 3:04 PM
If there was ever a mod that begged for screenshots -- this would be it. :D
03-30-2004, 3:10 PM
Now that's something different! Haven't tried your mod yet but I already imagine Revan beating up Malak with a Guitar in the final duel! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I tried changing the faction to 1 which i think is hostile, but they kept on playing, not sure why.

In what file(s) have you tried changing the faction?
 Fred Tetra
03-30-2004, 6:16 PM
I tried that out when I was developing KT's character editor. Nice to see that someone went further with it!
03-30-2004, 6:30 PM
Bioware should've known this mod would come out when they made the instruments have Blaster Pistol as thier baseitem as you noted ( earlier.
03-30-2004, 10:38 PM

i've added descriptions to each item and i've made the stats even better, you can see the new stats in the first post which ive edited and its available for download at the same website!


Maybe someone out there knows what i need to do to make the Bith band in the lower city cantina attackable? or how to make my icons work? that would be great.

also instead of attacking one of the bands, maybe i will put them in that locked foot locker that you have to solve a puzzel about the Twisted Rancor Trio (where you find the echani armor) what do you y'all think?
03-30-2004, 11:40 PM
Cool. I dont like how they are held as blasters though. Only the last one should be held like that. Good job anyways. And maybe put them somewhere later in the game so that people that are farther in can get them.
03-31-2004, 7:05 AM
theres not a whole lot that can be done about how they are held. i dont really like it either, since they are strange shapes the characters hands clip, but its really a little out of my hands. it might be possible to make the characters use the Bith Musician animations, but thats really more work than i feel like doing, this was just a quick little mod to pass some time while my other project is at a stand still that i thought would be kinda funny. if any one knows how to do that however, i would love to add it.

and does anyone know the UTI for the Twisted Rancor Trio's footlocker?
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