I need to know how to texture curves right. Im sure there are plenty of you that can help. If its a pain to tell me make a link to a place i can find out.
I encountered problems with this. You have to texture it right from the start of the brush, because it's very hard to texture correctly. Besides that, I have found that once you choose a texture, you get stuck with it.
Originally posted by moberemk
I encountered problems with this. You have to texture it right from the start of the brush, because it's very hard to texture correctly. Besides that, I have found that once you choose a texture, you get stuck with it.
You texture curves just like you texture brushes. Although the mouse short-cuts that you can use to copy a texture from one brush surface to another won't work with patches. Other than that, it's easy most of the time.
Just select the curve (don't try to select surfaces because you only have one surface in a curve anyway). Then select the texture. You align in by using the surface inspector for patches (patch properties). Press Shift+S to get that one. You have there four very important buttons: Fit, Natural, Set and Cap. Most of the time one of these buttons will make your curve texture look good. Sometimes you need to textboxes and align (and strecth) the texture more manually. That can be tricky and if you have made compilicated vertex adjustments to your patch, you won't necessarily ever get good texturing for that curve.
There's no magic beyond that in this business. And you don't "get stuck" with anything.
Thank you i didnt even know there was a patch properties menu.
I only thought there was a surface inspector lol.
Yeah, sorry, I'm just thinking of this problem that came up earlier.
Just a short-lived glitch.