Originally posted by mslaf
Since the recent q3map2 versions the behavior of Hint portals has changed. They have become PRIMARY bsp splitters and therefore sometimes they may not work as you want them to work. There no magic here but like always with open source programs its lack of current documentation ;)
There're some rules that could be useful if you don't want to have problems with hints:
1. Don't use non axial or non rectangular hints if you don't need to - in most cases you don't.
2. If you need to use them, put an axial hint around it: |\| to avoid far splits in other parts of your map (this in a q3map2 bug in my opinion)
If you want to split the BSP with old fashioned hint you must create a special shader for that. Copy the hint shader and remove the "surfparm hint". BTW: It's already present in GTK 1.4+ but I'm not sure about it because I still use 1.2 with my own system shaders.
This shader has the same behavior like the hint shader from all Q3A mapping tutorials.
qer_editorimage textures/system/hint.jpg
qer_trans 0.9
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nonopaque
surfaceparm trans
Follow this thread you want to know about hints (problem #2 ... )
Err... In most cases? In THIS case, I require such a hint brush.