A new version of xmod has been released and can be downloaded at:
A few new highlights are lift fixes, warmup fixes, and MD5 encrypted subadmin passwords. Now since 2.5.0 you may use the in game bithash calculators to enable/disable weapons, subadmin powers, emotes, and more!
New in 2.6.0
- Fixed issues with subadmins that would cause entries on file to be ignored
- Changed fix commands to record a position lower on the model to make things easier
- New vote disable cvar to enable or disable specific voting options
- Fixed the saber with no owner bug a bit more to delete sabers with no owner
- Enabled the g_dowarmup cvar again so it works like it did in jk2
- Players can no longer change their name when muted
- Added a cvar to allow the pickup of a weapon again & again to give you ammo
- Added a cvar to change the waittime after a duel
- All gun damage and velocity can be changed via cvar
- All ammo values can be changed via cvar
- Option to keep scores on teamchange or forceteam
- Fixed linux server push bug that causes rockets and stuff to go the wrong way (thanks: Andrew "Mushroom" Kerr)
- Increased vehicle limit server side
- Subadmins that issue an addfix command are given noclip, while they are spectator, to set the second origin
- New cvar to make the lifts no longer instant kill
- Cvar help system is now searchable via /help cvar <search> or alone for a full list
- Non-Default cvar connection message reordered to be more readable
- Mispelling auth now works just like auth (within reason)
- Subadmin system now ONLY file based - cvars no longer used
- Subadmin passwords are all MD5 encrypted and stored on file
- Subadmin calculator now under rcon x_admintoggle and can be used with the subadmin's created on file
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements... (curse you format!)