1. i want to move a fighter upward while rotating 180 degrees and then move forward. what scripting do i need to do to accomplish this and how?
2. why does it do this with a refelecting floor and is there any way to fix it?
thanks for your help.
1) target a misc_model at a func_static or give a func_static a model2 key (one will lightmap the model, the other requires dynamic lighting....model2 is best to try first). Then all you have to do is affect("name_of_func_static",INSERT)
move(<0 0 0>, <0 0 100>,3000);
rotate(<180 0 0>,3000);
That won't be spot on, most likely you should use ref_tag's to get the absolute positions but that will execute the move and rotate commands simulatenously and both will run over the same 3 second period.
i created a func_static and covered it with origin. i then added a key model2 with a value models/map_objects/ship/x-wing.md3
when i start up my map i get the following error.
i also get this when i target a misc_model to the func_static
do you know what causes this and how to fix it?
You must add to your origin brush some other stuff. Try a small piece of caulk or nodraw, or equivalent. So, make a piece of brush, then make an origin brush separately (the origin can and often should be inside the other brush). Then select both and turn into a func_static. You cannot make a func static just out of an origin, because the origin just gives an origin, and the func_static wouldn't have any substance at all. Needles to say, models don't count.
Other than rotate which Wade explained, just look for some scripted elevator tutorial to see how to move func_statics with ref_taqs.