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hi im new here (Invalid Game Folder: try a legit server!)

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02-18-2004, 12:30 AM
i just bought JA from ebgames today and when i try to join a multiplayer game with mods or if its siege,i get this error,Error: Invalid Game Folder,and i don't have any cd cracks cause i don't want to ruin the game and also my game is updated,so if anyone has any ideas please tell me.
02-18-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
This happens if you are using an illegal version of the game and try to join a legit server, OR if you are using a legit version of the game and try to join a warez or illegal beta server. The only way to get by this is to try another server. This is all we can tell you, bud.
02-18-2004, 12:56 AM
i have the full retail and it doesnt work :( well thats 40 dollers down the drain ty anyways
02-18-2004, 12:58 AM
How many servers have you tried? You could have just had really bad luck, and selected all the warez servers. :p
02-18-2004, 1:02 AM
get the patch...
02-18-2004, 1:08 AM
Originally posted by luke9511
and also my game is updated By this did you mean you're running Jedi Academy with the 1.01 patch? Also, he shouldn't be getting the invalid game folder error if his game were not updated. Invalid game folder only happens when warez is involved.
02-18-2004, 1:19 AM
oops... yeah, missed that. If its warez you CANT update it. So, he cant be trying to connect to a warez server (remember, the beta is a different code, the patch doesnt recognize it, i dont think)

Just to be sure, try a popular server,, chopshop, kurgan's things like that...
02-18-2004, 2:52 AM
try to add the IP's from the server list from this website...

very trustworthy set of servers and youll learn a great deal there...
02-18-2004, 4:02 AM
If you SWEAR you have only the legal retail version, you have the latest official patch (1.01) and you are not using ANY cd cracks or hacks, then the problem MUST be that the server you're trying to join is not legit (ie: beta, bootleg, warez, etc).

Hopefully you didn't buy a bootleg/copied CD off some street vendor or shady Ebay salesman...

Try another server until you stop getting the error.

If you have ANY non-legit or demo versions of the game on your system, remove them and reinstall the real thing.
02-18-2004, 8:17 AM
Do you have a burnt (Not burnt with fire :p) disk? Also try removing the mods and see if it helps. :)
02-19-2004, 10:54 PM
ok i have the full retail version from ebgames,now when i try to join servers that are either seige or have the ja reloaded mod or any other mod i can't join them any server with no mods on it i can join
02-19-2004, 11:32 PM
Use the All-Seeing Eye and just look for games that say basejka (unmodded most likely) and you should be able to join.. Also make sure to get the latest patch V1.01

ASE: ///Free, even though it claims its only a 21-day trial version. Some people have been using it for years.
02-20-2004, 4:51 AM
Originally posted by Andy867
ASE: ///Free, even though it claims its only a 21-day trial version. Some people have been using it for years.

Yeah, i've been using it for almost a year now. They will ask you to upgrade to the full version after 3 weeks, just say no and use the trial version forever. :)
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