First, I have a request--can you resize your screenshots in the future, so they don't stretch out your posts so drastically, and people with low resolutions don't have to resize their browsers all over the place and people with slow modems don't have to wait forever?
Looks like you've put a bit of thought into design on this map. Don't stall there. Right now the map appears very "even"--the same few flat textures, very flat lighting, etc. Try varying the textures you use, so that they don't repeat too much--that flat gray wall texture looks like it appears everywhere, and there are many more ways to mark the red/blue sides than that one colorized version of the flat gray wall. You should also try to break up monotonous stretches of wall with smaller brushes and trim textures. It will make the map look much more intersting.
As an example, check out my mapping style article ( Instead of just a straight four-brush corridor, essentially a big box, add supports and things down the line:
The idea is the same, a straight hallway, but the effect is much different.
Are you using any sort of ambient lighting? If so, deep-six it. Use point lights and light-emitting shaders. This will allow you greater control over the contrast between light and dark areas, and overall seem more realistic. It'll add some variation. Don't forget to add light sources (lamps, bulbs, candles, what-have-you).
It looks like you're designing the map as a huge open playing area with two freestanding bases in it--is this correct? When standing outside one of the bases, can you see most of the map, all the way to the other base? This is a poor design, for a couple reasons: First, the VIS process will choke and compiling will take forever. Second, the game will have to render nearly everything at once, and you'll get some serious lag. Third, there will be very little to no strategy involved in navigating the map, since an enemy in their tower will see all approaches of your team, and just snipe them--in fact, teams might just snipe each other from the comfort of their own home bases. The best advice I can give you to combat this is to work at learning how to use the terrain tools for Jedi Academy--EasyGen and such. Make yourself a canyon system that snakes between the two bases, and use structural brushes and hint brushes to block the game from drawing bits of the canyon that you shouldn't be able to see. You can still have open areas, but make sure they're isolated and the game doesn't draw EVERYTHING at once. A good terrain will have the added bonus of obscuring the terrible map/skybox interface you have now.
It's good to see that you're updating frequently, and you've obviously given quite a bit of thought to this map. Good luck!