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How do kill 'em?

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01-19-2004, 8:50 AM
I like to just slash through them, but when I'm angry on aomebody, I choke him and terture him:eek: :mad: :D
01-19-2004, 10:21 AM
Slash em' ;) :cool:

Its the only way, zap+drain em i i get fed up
01-19-2004, 11:50 AM
Concy pwnage.
01-19-2004, 2:54 PM
I tell them that they have no honourz when they attack me when my saber is down.

Then I slash them :)
01-19-2004, 5:09 PM
Slash em and shoot em.. I never give in to my anger and thus don't use dark side forcepowers :p push only when they're really asking for it...(standing on a ledge with no force left) and only when they grip me (i just pull them in 'to their doom')
 darth small
01-19-2004, 5:22 PM
I choke em and while I'm doing that I smash them into things or drop
01-19-2004, 5:33 PM
-Please add another option: All of the above.
01-20-2004, 5:31 AM
Originally posted by TK8252MJL
-Please add another option: All of the above.

If there was an option i would vote that. :p
 Sam Fisher
01-20-2004, 12:53 PM
I mainly slash 'em. I really like to duel:)
01-20-2004, 4:56 PM
I choke them then i throw my lightsaber at them, and some times i throw them off, I like to throw things.:duel:
01-20-2004, 5:47 PM
you dont sap their life away.... you sap their force mana pool away and add life to you....which is only 5 in MP....... ;/
01-21-2004, 2:03 AM
I like to slash them good!
01-22-2004, 6:29 PM
Whatever is convenient at the time.

Of course a barrage of rockets, det packs or Concussion Shots usually does the trick.

Don't get me wrong though, cutting off a head or slicing their torso in two (as it falls to the ground with Ragdoll effects) is still quite satisfying!
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