Originally posted by gotcha8903
that all depends on the router. check your instructions manual (the what?), it should be in there.
I have a lnksys router, and I enter the IP address ( into the address bar in internet explorer. I get asked for a password/username (mine defaults at no name and admin as the password). Then there is a menu tab called applications and gaming, and it has port forwarding under it. This will most likely be different on other routers, but I listed it because the last person that asked me also used linksys.
Also, if you want your IP address, go to
I also have a linksys router(Wireless) and once the guy at linksys gave me the breakdown of the basics of it (since I told him I knew the # of the ports to open, he was able to guide me. and since that day(like 3 years ago on my original router) I have been to host like 2 servers off one cable connection (set the maxrate to 2,000 each for like 5 players) and no one ever complained (even the whiners didnt complain;) ) so if you ever need help on the router stuff, just give me a holler.