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Death Tracking Mod?

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01-03-2004, 8:08 PM
Now I've seen a few people at least bring it up, but one thing that has always irked me about the Jedi Knight games is that in multiplayer they keep track of how many kills you have, but not how many times you've died.

I've also noticed that a lot of the time, the people with the highest scores are also the people that die the most, because it's much easier to land a kill when you don't care about getting hurt yourself, and it's much more difficult to land a kill when you ARE worried about dying.

I also see lots of people jumping into a mass of swinging lightsabers, dying, then jumping right back in...managing to take one, maybe two people down before dying each time.

Has anyone every seriously considered coding some sort of admin mod or anything that would track deaths? Is it even possible? I'm suprised Raven hasn't added something like that themselves. Either taking points away whenever you die (not just when you kill yourself), or keeping track of deaths and kills independantly.

I think something like that would add a bit more strategy to the game, and require a more skill to maintain a high score, instead of simply lunging at a mass of players, trying to take one down before you get cut up yourself.

Anyone else have any opinions on this? Or maybe there already are mods like this that I'm not aware of?
01-03-2004, 9:03 PM
Like UT huh? Yeah that would be nice.

Right now all we have are those silly "Killtrackers" which are pointless counting skill (it only tells you how many times you kill each person on the server), lags the game and is just plain annoying (plus they require the dreaded .NET framework).

Talk to the makers of Xmod2 and OJP (Open Jedi Project) and see what they say...
01-04-2004, 11:36 PM
Seems someone over at the Open Jedi Project really liked the idea, because they responded almost imeadiately and said it would be in the next version, if none of the other contributers minded.

Thanks Kurgan!
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-04-2004, 11:52 PM
1. Killtrackers also count how many times you die, and can give you a kill\death ratio. It's only for an individual obviously.

2. There are log parsing programs that can extract not only how many kills you have, but also who you killed the most, kills by weapon, how many times you died or killed yourself, etc. They are used to generate statistics for server web sites like this:
01-05-2004, 2:46 PM
I'm supposed to worry about getting killed? Whoops.

Is that why some people get in such a tizzy when I kill them when their saber is down? ;)
01-05-2004, 2:57 PM
strange no one ever tought of this in JO. would be nice seeing how many time's i die next to how many time's i killed people.
01-06-2004, 11:54 AM
I don't know if thats a stat I really want to see about myself. But then again I'm not very competitive. So I say go for it. :D
 =X=Master HeX
01-06-2004, 3:14 PM
In upcomming versions of xmod I plan on updating the scoreboard to show more then useless information. This includes CTF gametype information as well as a simple / deaths added to the kill column.
01-06-2004, 6:26 PM
Hex, perhaps also an option to set the score based on kills-deaths ?

I agree it would give the less skilled players definetely a - rank, but pergaps in servers with more skilled players.. When score=kills-deaths, it would also be important who you kill. If you kill the leader you're 2 points closer to him instead of just one.

Note: in TFFA i would recommend this unless you set suicide= -2, since when you'd kill yourself you'd get a -, but the other team wouldn't.
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