I just learned to spawn swoops on my map, and then I use :
Spawnscript Mp/siege_desert
But what If I want a x-wing on my map? Then I can't use the same script, or can I?
yes you can, you just need to change the NPC_type to whatever the name for the x-wing is.
Just the targetname. It doesn't matter if it's an X-Wing, the script looks for a targetname, not an Entity class. So yeah, you can just give your X-Wing a targetname "Swoop1".
So I'll just take a swoop and change it's NPC_type to x-wing? I thought it was more complicated...
Everyone always does :rolleyes:
:confused: For some reason JA shuts down when I try to load my map (if I delete the x-wing thing it works).
Why does this happen?
Are you guys really 100% sure about that the only thing I have to do is to copy a swoop, and change it's NPC_type value to "x-wing"? It doesn't work!:(
hopefully the tutorial i used will clear up what gothicx said about targetname:
it tells you how to make a swoop that respawns after being destryed. all i did to make a mini-tie respawn was to change npc_type from swoop_mp to tie_fightersmall. dont change anything else (well, after its working you may want to mess with the delay and stuff).
Allroght, then I must have the wrong name of the x-wing. Maybe it's called "x_wing" or "xwing" or something...
It is called x-wing. But just go to ext_data/vehicles and check the names. If you haven't got the files extracted then look in the assets1.pk3 for the same.
Allright, I got it to work, a mod called "TheLastHope" was the problem.
Only a quick question; Why does the ships fly away when they spawn?
EDIT: Now I get it, I had placed it "to much above the ground".