Even though it hasnt made its way to JK2files.com yet.. TotalJediWar did make it to PCGamemods..so if you havent tried it.. go download it now!
to those who have tried it... im proud to announce i will be making total jedi war 2.... The Theme is set.. It will take place
on Hoth. I plan on using the same vehicles.... minus 2 swoops... i will have 2 swoop 2 taun taun 2 ATST walkers and 2 MiniTies for each team to use.
I learned from my horrible mapping mistakes and now know how to map a large map without having to worry about much draw distance.. so i will be making this map a little more detailed then the last map.. (mainly. will have rocks in the turrain... plus nonflat canyon side surfaces..
It will be snowing ... to add the detail.. and if i can figure out how to add a thin layer of fog to the ground.. i will add that too..
as well as Water covered with thin ice.. (breaks when you jump on it..
ok.. enough with the bragging.. (not that its much .. but its better then TJW1)
I wanna know what you would add to TJW t o make it more fun?
if you had to make the TJW map.. based on a canyon on the planet hoth.. how would you do it? what would you add... what would you take away from the original TJW to make it more fun???
Sounds good, downloading it now.:)
the one thats on there right now isnt the hoth one.. that one wont be ready for a week or so...
the one there now is the Total Jedi War City...
the gameplay is the same.. mini ties..swoops atsts..
i just need ideas for improvements to the TJW : Hoth Canyon.
let me know what you think
Every CTF map I've played has the two teams areas, and a neutral area in the center of the map that connects the two.
When I played TJW1, I didn't really like it, due to the fact that the map layout was too bland, and kinda boring.
I said it once, and I'll say it again. For the first one ( city theme), you need some... Umm.. City themes. Like, bar signs flashing at you, all that.
i know.. theres little excuse to why it looked so bland.. being it was my very first map.. and my biggest worry to the whole thing was FPS. since then i learned proper cornering of areas
however the new hoth map leaves little to the whole detail thing..
mostly ice snow and mountainside... im using better textures/shader textures this time.. and will be trying to improve gameplay by offering multiple paths.. like a small cave system for people who wanna walk on foot (why theyd do that i dont know.. mabey being stuck when your vehicle explodes?)
too bad there isnt a smaller version of the snow speeder vehicle ive seen... it would be nice to put that in the map
but besides the graphical detail.. what you would do to improve the gameplay of the first TJW... what would you add to this second one
Originally posted by darkdreamr
i know.. theres little excuse to why it looked so bland.. being it was my very first map.. and my biggest worry to the whole thing was FPS. since then i learned proper cornering of areas
however the new hoth map leaves little to the whole detail thing..
mostly ice snow and mountainside... im using better textures/shader textures this time.. and will be trying to improve gameplay by offering multiple paths.. like a small cave system for people who wanna walk on foot (why theyd do that i dont know.. mabey being stuck when your vehicle explodes?)
too bad there isnt a smaller version of the snow speeder vehicle ive seen... it would be nice to put that in the map
but besides the graphical detail.. what you would do to improve the gameplay of the first TJW... what would you add to this second one
Well, if you use the type of snow in the SP level, like, hard to see very far ahead, you might want to use flares.
im going to ditch the whole canyon idea... completly..
im going to physically attempt a Hoth map... mabey not to full scale... but im going to work on it...
I need to know info on these subjects though...
Terrain... I need to know how to make bumpy mountainside.. like the ones found in the lava level... but with snow on it..
I need a map of hoth.. the battle field . or atleast a drawing.. or something indicating a layout of base... and such.. from there i may add a few environmental changes.. (fallen ATAT, Frozen lake and such)
mabey a photo of the outside of echo base and a good detail of the inside.
i basicly need the whole kitandkaboodle for hoth...
Im figuring bases wont be drasticly large.. mostly i need to make a hanger for the snow speeders. however im going to go off accuracy and give both sides snow speeders and atsts..
its unfortunate that ATATs havent been made for academy yet... it would make the hoth experiance that much more authentic...
but im really going to be serious about making this map.. and plan to hopefully have it out eather by end of year.. or early next year (next month)
I also need larger a larger vehicle spawn script... holding 20 or so vehicles.. mabey more.. to make it fair
If thats not possible..i need to know how to make the vehicles spawn after being taken.. and not after they blow up.. (a problem shown in the first Total jedi war was that the swoops and ties only respawned after they were destroyed.. and not a few moments later - like Flight school)
Can i get a team going here?
Full credit will be issued !! i promise!
For bumpy terrain, you need.. Uhh, something-gen. Its a plugin for GTK. Just choose the land you want to be bumpy, texture it with snow texture ( I think ) and use the plugin on it.
i think its there already in my plugins that came with my gtk radient... i just got done playing with it.. now i just need to learn how to use it to make mountainside.. i made ground with it.. but the more you stretch it.. the thinner the hills are... i guess i jsut have to tinker with it to learn how it works...
thank you ! :)
If it doesn't work well for you, use patch meshes. They seem to work well for me.
Patch meshes???
Umm... Just choose any brush, then click on curves, then patch mesh. You should see the 2 numbers: 3 and 3. This refers to the number of vertexes on the mesh: 9 in all. Just manipulate them, and there you are.
hmm.. ive been playing with it.. i do notice it turns the wall into TONS of squares.. is this gonna kill the FPS?