Just started out mapping, so I'm kinda newb...
WHen I go to complie my map (any BSP command) an error occurs saying that I do not have an SRF file.
Can someone please explain what this is and how do I create one? thanks.
It is automatically created in the BSP phase, if you do a vis or light compile first you won't get the srf file generated, hell you won't even get a .bsp! Be sure you select one that has the word "-meta" as all those will create a BSP.
OK, that sounds like an easy fix.
On general knowledge principles, what is an srf file? and its purpose?
Thanks Wade...
The .srf file has to do with lighting calculations...but it's not necessary to play a map, it's an intermediate step. You need only include the .bsp in your pk3 when you finish (the .map, .srf and .prt files don't have naything to do with the actual gameplay).
makes sense...
Then I assume correctly that all the srf/prt/map information will be included in the bsp file when I pk3 it?
Yup. The .bsp file is the final product of a compile, and that file contains all the information the game needs to know.
(Besides custom textures, models, etc, of course.)
Just to be picky, the bsp file does include custom models provided you placed them as misc_models, they're built into the BSP tree :p