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What's the deal w/ water?

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 Mr. Chopper
11-15-2003, 5:27 PM
I'm noticing that water isn't created the same way it was in JKII. So how do I go about making usable water?
11-15-2003, 5:28 PM
hmm... as I made water for Jk3 it's the same as in Jk2. :confused:
What do you mean?
 Mr. Chopper
11-15-2003, 5:40 PM
I mean making a caulk (or nodraw) brush, and then texturing only the top and bottom of it with a water shader. It hasn't been working for me, so I was wondering if maybe the procedure had changed a little.
11-15-2003, 5:50 PM
oh, hmm try this creating a brush, find a water texture eg water1 (its in yavin) and just apply the texture on the brush
11-15-2003, 6:28 PM
yeah, i just put the texture all over it... unless i cut a hole into the water or something.
11-15-2003, 7:30 PM
Why cut a hole in water? Just let it pass thru brushes, easier :p
11-15-2003, 8:33 PM
You don't have to cover the entire brush with the water shader. On non-visible sides, use "system/caulk_water"
11-16-2003, 4:00 AM
Texture only the top and bottom of the water brush. Cover all other sides with system/noclip nodraw or system/caulk_water.
11-16-2003, 4:28 AM
Originally posted by Business_Eskimo
NOT system/noclip (is there even such a thing?) but system/nodraw.
11-16-2003, 4:40 PM

Ugh. Sorry about that.
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