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Basic Brainstorming: Saber Hilts/Glow/Blades/Sounds

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02-28-2004, 5:46 PM
If we decide to have both the model tags and the offsetting systems, I suggest that we have the model tags take presidence.
03-16-2004, 11:15 AM
Something Else I want to throw out there.

Customizable Player hilts.

JKA handles hilt models much like player models.

you can have several meshes in a glm and you can turn surfaces off through the skin files.

I just got done setting up a saber For InsaneSith that has two sabers in one glm seperated by skin files. The .sab has two entries pointing to these seperate skins.

I propose we expand on this by making a Customizable Player Hilt section.

Here we can add several things

a shaft category, buttons, add-ons

Blade Styles?
Draw and holster Anims?
If the Holster Offset code is written were you holster it?

As you can see this has quite a few bonuses.
 Lei Hng Wei
03-16-2004, 5:14 PM
Ooo... neato.

BTW, how's the splitting saber staff idea going? I'm sure alot of us are await the ability to switch between staff/dual/single saber styles at key stroke.

"My saber staff owns man."

"Oh yeah?"

<click> <click> VRRRMMMMM VRRRMMMMM :D
03-16-2004, 7:17 PM
If that was implemented, there would have to be some wait-period while switching from staff-dual-single, otherwise you can just say hello to abuse and exploit.
03-17-2004, 6:26 AM
I wouldn't touch staff/dual switching with a million mile pole. Balance gets thrown out the window when you do stuff like that. I would like to see breakage be re-implemented though.

As for customizable hilts, the not changing hilts till re-spawn should stay the way it is.
03-25-2004, 10:45 AM
Ignore the text at the bottom I need to add a new string for it.
This was just a template that I wrote some ideas down on.
03-25-2004, 10:48 AM
 Lei Hng Wei
03-25-2004, 5:32 PM
Nice icon.

Here's an idea for broken saber staff: if your staff is completely broken, you have 5 seconds to take the dead Reborn/Cultist's saber so you don't have to go without. Maybe have the saber you chose revert after a save 'n' reload, so you don't have to finish the game with a Stinger/Guardian.
03-25-2004, 7:53 PM
I know this might be suited for a thread of its own, but I'd rather just post it here for now.

Has there been any discussion over a number of weapons you can carry at once? I've been playing CoD lately, and I really enjoy gameplay forcing players to limit their weaponary to a primary, projectile and secondary gun. Any thoughts on implementing something along these lines into OJP enhanced?
03-25-2004, 11:12 PM
I think it's a good idea. However, I beleive the limiting factor should be weigh/bulk instead of by abitary set weapon types
03-26-2004, 4:51 AM
More brainstorming on my part. Ignore unless you want to tackle it.

Things to do.

code in sab_,act_, and add_ skin parts
strip the prefix and feed them in by the skin names.
such as should be listed as just dooku

Custom BladeStyle saber flag

code to search through the .sab's for custom blades,animations,sounds
Listed by name (packages)

Such as dooku using a custom blade and animations and sounds

It would be listed as Dooku for each taking all the modifications

An example.


*newFlag* customSaber 1

name "Count Dooku"

soundOn "models/weapons2/saber_dooku/draw1.wav"
soundLoop "models/weapons2/saber_dooku/Loop1.wav"
soundOff "models/weapons2/saber_dooku/holster1.wav"
spinSound ""
swingSound1 ""
swingSound2 ""
swingSound3 ""
hitSound1 ""
hitSound2 ""
hitSound3 ""
blockSound1 ""
blockSound2 ""
blockSound3 ""

*newFlag* BladeStyle "models/weapons2/saber_dooku/ep2blade.jpg"

bowAnim BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W


As such the sound/BladeStyle/Anim option would include ALL sounds/BladeStyle/Anims defined.

The code should even list non-custom saber's sounds/BladeStyle/Anims.

anyways if everything is set up correctly with a,, and
and several packages chosen

You should have everything listed

g_saber "saber_dooku, dooku/dooku/dooku"
g_saber_sounds, "Count Dooku"
g_saber_blade, "Count Dooku"
g_saber_anims, "Count Dooku"

other than g_saber the other cvars don't exist their just for example :)

Technically you should be able to feed in every type of saber flag into a "package"

effects would be a good example


Custom sabers should also have a default skin for the .sab
that way the it can be used by those without the mod.
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