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11-11-2003, 6:37 PM

The dwarf, out of all odds lands on earth next to Shade.

*Dusting himself off* "Well, thanks"

11-11-2003, 8:21 PM

incase nobody noticed: " WE ARE ON EARTH!!!!!"

does none of you recall the smelly hat teleporting the cold, hard pavement to the top of an old building on earth???

that includes of course everybody who was on that pavement in that second...
11-11-2003, 8:22 PM
besides i hit the ONLY fry, as there were no other...
11-11-2003, 8:26 PM
*Topshot and his living, breathing, flying Harley Davidson he calls Jim, land on Mars.*

"Well, we finally made it! We're finally on.......wait a minute, we're not on Earth! Ok, what the heck's going on?"

Jim:"Outta gas! Need refill! Feed me. FEEEEEEEEED MEEEEEE!!!!!"

*Jim starts crying like a little baby.*

Topshot:"Oh this is just great! Just great! I travel to a far away galaxy which was hardly a long, long time ago. AND NOW I'M STUCK ON MARS WITH NO GAS AND A BIKE WHO WON'T STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!!"

*Descending from the heavens comes Darth Vader.*

Vader:"Luke.......*big gasp*.....I am your......wait a minute, you're not Luke! What the heck's going on here?"

Topshot:"Beats me. I was headin' toward a planet called Yarth or something. You must be Darth Vader."

Vader:"That, I am, puny 17 year old boy!"

Topshot:"Um, I have a message for you. It's from the Jedi hero known only to myself as Snowman21. He's looking for you. AND I AM NOT PUNY!!!!"

Vader:"And I, for him, as well. He still owes me a new cape and lightsaber. And you ARE puny!"


Vader:"No you can't. You don't have any rope with you. What is it he wants?"

Topshot:"He wants to kill you."

Vader (bored):"He ALWAYS wants to kill me!"

*The discussion continues while the other guys are on Earth, and Topshot, a talking motorcycle named Jim, and Darth Vader are stuck on Mars.*
11-11-2003, 8:39 PM
"heyyy, isn't that Topshot???" Smellyhat said while pointing at a moving object 400 ++ meters above the cold, hard, pavement, wich still are moving longer and longer away.

"what's he doing up there? i thought we were supposed to capture this Jearth or something....:confused: "
 rick ulo 11103
11-11-2003, 11:17 PM
"i dont know" said rick riding on his tank
"im going to get him"
*rick landed on mars*
"stupid davidson"rick blows the bike up with an rpg
"you can come with me"
11-12-2003, 12:41 AM
Apo lights the lighter fluid and from space there is a huge patch of smoke after a bright light."And so ends everyone else."
11-12-2003, 1:08 PM

that's not fair at all!!!!

you can't just end us (everyone else or 'us'?)
11-12-2003, 1:59 PM
Originally posted by topshot
*Topshot and his living, breathing, flying Harley Davidson he calls Jim, land on Mars.*

"Well, we finally made it! We're finally on.......wait a minute, we're not on Earth! Ok, what the heck's going on?"

Jim:"Outta gas! Need refill! Feed me. FEEEEEEEEED MEEEEEE!!!!!"

*Jim starts crying like a little baby.*

Topshot:"Oh this is just great! Just great! I travel to a far away galaxy which was hardly a long, long time ago. AND NOW I'M STUCK ON MARS WITH NO GAS AND A BIKE WHO WON'T STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!!"

Hah! at least steve the flying hot dog doesn't complain :D
11-12-2003, 2:39 PM
Redwing: Well, now this won't do. To preserve the integrity of us, we can't have individuals among us trying to end us. *Takes Apo's lighter fluid* We're staging an intervention here, pal.
11-12-2003, 8:06 PM
"Thanks, man. They sure don't make Harleys like they used to about 1,000 years ago."

*Gives Rick 100 Republic creds and together, they travel back to Earth.*

*Spots Red staging an intervention.*

"Need help?"
11-12-2003, 8:37 PM
Apo chases his lighter fluid
 rick ulo 11103
11-12-2003, 10:02 PM
"come on in and you were asking for some guns awhile ago...."
*rick gets in his tank and comes out with assault rifles, desert eagles, RPGs, sniper rifles, ect.*
11-12-2003, 10:34 PM
*Takes out an AMD .65 Hungarian assault rifle and blasts Apo's lighter fluid, then sees that the fluid is floating in mid-air.*

"Wow! That is lighter fluid!" :D

*Sees that the fluid creates a huge explosion, nearly blowing Apo to pieces in the process. He then sees that Apo isn't really dead.*

"Man, this sucks. This bites!"
11-13-2003, 1:54 AM
Apo fly's into the wall"Want to play like that?!"Apo rushes to the jedi academy and rouge squadron to protect earth Apo has the ships suround earth and waits on earth for the infantry
11-13-2003, 2:23 AM
*Uses a little bit of harsh sarcasm.*

"Um, hello? News flash, Einstein! We're already on Earth! Rogue Squadron can't do a thing to us unless they blow up the planet as well!"
11-13-2003, 2:23 PM
yeah that's right!

and since were on earth right now, who can't we just invade it...

Who made the idea of invading earth anyway?? why earth, and not some other planet??


should we invade this earth or just go and play soccer?
11-13-2003, 4:07 PM
"Soccer seems funnier! Lets do that! I want Topshot in my team!"
 rick ulo 11103
11-13-2003, 9:08 PM
"NO SOCCER!!!!!!" yelled rick "NOW THE WORLD ENDS!!!!!!!!!"

*rick takes out the biggest can of lighter fluid anyone had seen and poured it on earth*


*lights matc and throws it on the ground*
11-13-2003, 9:55 PM
Apo uses a freeze ray to freeze the fluid so the match has no affect then takes the huge patch of ice and flings it at rick and sends him flying and using the force has the ice in space while rouge squadron detnates it"OOOOO pretty colors"
 rick ulo 11103
11-13-2003, 10:54 PM
*rick recovered from the blow and went in his tank*


*rick fires the turret at apo shattering his spine*

"mess with the best and die like the rest"

*rick shoved a grenade up a hole as big as a watermelon and whatched as apo was blown off earth*

11-14-2003, 12:46 AM
Apo uses extreme force heal and becomes good as new. Apo stands with an army of jedi as far as the eye can see"We may have to fight a hard battle but we will Have victory of this planet!"The jedi activate their sabers and charge rick and rick only
11-14-2003, 6:30 PM
Shade uses a sledgehammer to kill all off the jedis.
"Everyone happy now? So, whats next?"
11-14-2003, 8:47 PM
(((Thats messed up shade........)))

Apo takes his saber and the other jedi steal the sledge hammer and slam it on shade

[Shade out for 2 posts]
11-14-2003, 8:57 PM
Apo, this isn't the Bar Fight Thread....
11-15-2003, 2:36 AM
(((Yea i know but apearently it has spread to other threads when needed so your back in))))
11-16-2003, 5:08 AM
((No. :p))

*Redwing stands staring in disbelief at all the chaos*
11-16-2003, 5:56 AM
*Stands in the distance, the sun casting his shadow in front of him. Proto Man's whistle tune plays (Ya'll who've played the original Mega Man should know what I'm talkin' about!). Finally, someone shouts.*

Some guy:"Dude! Your whistle is stupid!"

Topshot (gripping the guy, aiming an uzi to his head):"DON'T DISS THE WHISTLE!"

*Blows the guy's head straight off his shoulders.*
11-16-2003, 9:55 AM
walkup to redwing: "why are we still here? going to this yarth has just ruined our discipline... come on, lets go play on Yavin 4"

*Drags redwing in his sleeve and jumps on Steve the flying hot dog*

"go to Yavin 4 (or at least to a spaceship)"

"byebye to everone figthing down here" The man with the smelly hat said and Steve begun flying out to the space, with a little herofry at his front, a man with a smelly hat on his middle, and Redwing hanging from his arm holding on to his back...:p
11-16-2003, 12:00 PM
steve, here we go again!
they land on yavin 4 right outside the academy
"yes, i think some of your jedis are revolting, and destroying this planet called warth!" the fry says to a jedi master who is practising his winking skills.
The jedi ignores him and starts dancing riverdance...
 rick ulo 11103
11-16-2003, 2:32 PM
"to yavin 4"
11-16-2003, 3:49 PM
Apo and thje other jedi got on Rick and pileup on him stabing him repeatidly.
 rick ulo 11103
11-19-2003, 10:39 PM
(((haha im already on my tank going to yavin 4)))

*rick saw the jedi stabbing the air from space*
11-19-2003, 10:43 PM
*kookee walks back in the thread, takes a look around, and slowly backs out...* :D
11-20-2003, 1:25 AM
Apo sends rouge squadron out and they begin to repeatedly bombard rick:D
11-21-2003, 8:02 PM
before Timor takes of to Yavin, he turn around in Births atmosphere and sends of a exploding elf. "lets blow this thing and go.... to Yavin 4"

"btw, since we call ourself "", arent we supposed to be a team?"
11-21-2003, 8:05 PM
"Who said that? Just because we are on the same side, it doesn't mean we can be mean to ecother"
Shade finishes the conversation by showing a chair down Herminators throat
11-21-2003, 8:12 PM
the chair mysteriously manages to go out of his shoelaces. "haha, that tickles" he wispers something into the coachґs left pillow, so it kicked wiener or (whatever his name is) so he lunged into space, followed by an unhappy elf with explocives wrapped around it
11-21-2003, 9:34 PM
(((Im not with "US" Im protecting earth)))
11-22-2003, 4:53 PM
this thread has gone far out of what it was meant to be, it was at first created to get people into a website , , but my friend which made the thread forgot to type in the webadress and therefore some idiots are trying to destroy earth with xploding elves and afterwards jumping on some flying hot dog and travel to yavin4... and before that someone actualy manged to burn a few hundred creatures with some lighterfluid... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


everyone must join 'us' at
11-22-2003, 11:01 PM
((Okay, enlighten us as to how we're actually supposed to join, please? So far, all I've found is a Table of Contents, but no e-mail addresses or forums.))
 Darth Groovy
11-22-2003, 11:34 PM
Advertising your website is an LF no, no. Spaming in a thread like this is an even bigger no, no. Hence this thread is closed. See the official list of rules here ( .
11-22-2003, 11:38 PM
Okay, what my dear friend Groovy was trying to say is that we're not supposed to be advertising sites on this forum. Sorry, kiddos. :D

[It's part of the overall JKII forum rules, in case you're wondering why it wasn't in the sticky. I'll be adding it ASAP ;)]

If you really, really want to continue this madness, then make a new thread for it. I'm just saying :p
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