What kind of amounts of health will u get in the mod then? cause DF difficulty only changed the amount of enemies you fought, right?
there were also less power ups (health packs etc.) arround.
Regarding the difficulty of the mod, would it be possible to have an Easy, Normal, Heroic and Legendary setting like HALO for the Xbox and PC, if it isnt copyright infringement.....If it is, disregard.
But I happened to notice that under the respective settings it gave a picture of a shield, a shield and sword, two swords and shield, and under legendary it had a picture of a covenant Elite skull, and two crossed swords and a shield, and there would be a caption regarding the difficulty setting such as;
"You face enemies who have never known defeat, who laugh at you in alien tongues, this is suicide"
Would it be possible not to copy this wholesale but replicate it in kind?
We have no swords in DF :p . The exisiting settings were good enough there i think. Let us start with them.
In DF the difficulty settings partially result from the amount and strength of the ennemies, and the strength of Kyle (the available ammo and shield and health rate decrease while beeing hit).
lol what i meant was when you select a difficulty you have a small graphic representing the difficulty and a caption explaining the difficulty......i need hands and pictures lol
You could have little Bryar Blasters instead of Swords. ;)
What he means is :-
Easy :- :D
Normal :- :D :D
Hard :- :D :D :D
Very Hard :- :D x 4
Extreme :- :D x 5
Like that but have your own custom icons, instead of the smilie.
LOL i see :cool:
my opinion is: as soon as you die in the game, the difficulty setting must have been too high for you :D
Perhaps the HUD could show that using some info in a menu. But i don't think a display is needed on the ingame visible hud.
Or don't you remember which setting you chose at the beginning?