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Loading a SP Mod in JA from menu...

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 Darth Kaan
10-16-2003, 2:15 AM
The file has changed from the one in JO and the old method for getting a mod to load from the menu by changing:

"uiScript startgame" to "exec gamestart.cfg" won't work. Anyone figured out how to load a mod from the menu in JA yet?
10-16-2003, 3:07 AM
Er, load the mod like any other mod?
10-16-2003, 7:59 AM
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about but Rich Whitehouse from made it sound like SP mod loading might be broken (again).
10-16-2003, 9:16 AM
Funny, I managed to get the Occupation 2 mod to load up in Jedi Academy with no modifications. Sure...the menu went totally weird and all, and when I went to New Game it loaded JAs text crawl instead of mine - but then the opening cutscene from Occupation 2 loaded....
 Darth Kaan
10-16-2003, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Kengo
Funny, I managed to get the Occupation 2 mod to load up in Jedi Academy with no modifications. Sure...the menu went totally weird and all, and when I went to New Game it loaded JAs text crawl instead of mine - but then the opening cutscene from Occupation 2 loaded....

I have this problem, my SP mod loads and my custom menu shows up fine. When I launch the game, my text crawl and opening cutscene play, but then it starts JA's first map instead of mine...

Now, if I put the .pk3 into the base folder and load it up using the console, everything works great. However, I won't release a SP level if it can't be loaded as a mod and work properly.

BTW, I tried Occupation 2 in JA just to see what would happen. It did the exact same thing my mod did.
10-16-2003, 3:50 PM
Sounds like we have a bit of a different setup somewhere then, you get the text crawl, I got JA's - then you got JA's first level and I got my own loading up! Oh, the whole thing crashed when I tried to pick up my lightsaber, and I started with no guns - so I guess the weapons are done differently too.
10-16-2003, 5:53 PM
From my testing, the SP mod loading menu isn't using your .pk3 files to override the defualt assets (at least for the animation.cfg). It's possible that this applies to other stuff as well. I know that Raven is looking into it.
 Darth Kaan
10-16-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by razorace
From my testing, the SP mod loading menu isn't using your .pk3 files to override the defualt assets (at least for the animation.cfg). It's possible that this applies to other stuff as well. I know that Raven is looking into it.

Well they should start with the file

There is no "uiScript startgame" line in it to change to "exec gamestart.cfg" like there was in the JO file so there is no way to use a gamestart.cfg in conjunction with it like we did in JO.
10-16-2003, 11:43 PM
I have no clue what this *.menu stuff is that you're talking about. I'm just refering to using the mod menu in SP.
10-17-2003, 8:21 AM
There is no "uiScript startgame" line in it to change to "exec gamestart.cfg" like there was in the JO file so there is no way to use a gamestart.cfg in conjunction with it like we did in JO.

I can't see why Occupation 2 is loading then - I'm pretty sure thats what I did. I put the gamestart.cfg file in the pk3 itself not outside like some people, but I dunno? Maybe just copy across the file from a JO mod, use the gamestart.cfg and you'll find it works...or at least works a little!

Razorace, Kaan is talking about the various menu files you can alter to load up up an SP mod with a custom menu and have it load your map when you go to newgame.
 Darth Kaan
10-17-2003, 4:50 PM
Thats how I did mine too.

I 'll try it without a custom menu and see what happens.
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