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Tips on Barkhesh

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 Rogue Renegade
03-22-2001, 5:57 PM
For experienced players, this may seem silly. However, for new players, here are some tips for Gold-level performance on Level 2: Rendezvous on Barkhesh.

Rogues, give your 2 cents!

Time: 5:45
Kills: 30
Accur: 40%
Saves: 19
Bonus: 0

Don't worry about time, the transports will make the correct time, you just protect them!

For 30 kills, you must take one or two opportunities to leave the transport & attack the mini-camp on the far side of the level.

Remember Accuracy is based on how many of your shots accually hit the enemy target -- NOT how few shots it takes to destroy to enemy (although in some ways there is a relationship here).

For Saves, you must protect all the transports!

1. When he says "take your targets and go", fly straight ahead and take out the probe droids.
2. Then close the S-foils on your X-Wing (special function button) and head straight ahead. You'll see the transports leaving the base. Fly ahead and take out the second set of probe droids.
3. Then turn right to take out as many of the 6 AT-STs as possible. Note, there are also 2 Blaster Silos on top of the hill.
4. When he says "watch out for Ties", head back and follow the navigation finder to the transports. Two TIE Bombers are on the way.
5. Head back to finish step 3 if you didn't already.
6. Close S-foils, head to your left, and follow the ravine all the way till you come upon two more blaster silos on the ground. Take them out and continue straight.
7. Next you'll find the mini-camp. With 2 AT-STs, a blaster tower, and Storm Troopers. Take out as many as quickly as you can, them when he reminds you "stay with the transport", close S-Foils at jet back to the transports. Two more Bombers are on the way.
8. Now, if you need to go back to the mini-camp you can. If not hang around for one more Bomber. (If you do go back, use S-foils).

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (Rev. 1:8)
03-23-2001, 6:27 AM
Use missles to destroy large things (turbolasers, missle turrets, AT-STs). And when the general tells you the transports are moving out, there will be a TIE bomber heading toward the Rebel base to bomb it out. He's harmless to you, and an easy kill.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-23-2001, 12:54 PM
I wiped that level clean yesterday, I destroyed ALL the enemies, and nobody got hurt! i think i even took a nice screenshot of it.
03-23-2001, 3:24 PM
oops wrong level. The level i wiped out was corellia, i got 10 extra kills than needed for the gold, and 10 extra friendly saves too! I could've got more kills, i destroyed everything except about 4 stormtroopers, and the at-at by the capitol tower (i didn't finish it off after knocking it down).
03-23-2001, 3:25 PM
did i mention i did all this in cockpit view? cockpit view is the best view. i didn't switch to cockpit view when wrapping the tow cable though.
03-23-2001, 6:47 PM
i did get it in one shot though with nothing being destroyed. I rule.
 Rogue Renegade
03-23-2001, 7:10 PM
Man, I remember when Corellia was the "hated" level. But, now its pretty cool.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (Rev. 1:8)
03-24-2001, 6:38 AM
Why was Corellia hated?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-24-2001, 6:49 PM
when EVERYBODY had a hard time figuring out how to take down one at-at, but there were 2 of them in the level.
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