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Can't holster weapons. What gives?

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 Wes Janson
09-18-2003, 4:13 PM
I'm not quite sure what caused this. I think I routed the problem to be linked with using a cheat to get weapons (or specifically, weapponnum 14 -- Melee).

After doing this, the game no longer enables me to holster my weapon with any bind. I tried switching the "weapon 0" bind to several other keys, it just doesn't work.

I know the game's fresh of the line, but does anyone have any insight to this?
09-18-2003, 4:47 PM
Melee = give weaponnum 14, weapon 14
Stun Baton = give weaponnum 17, weapon 17
no weapons = weapon (Not weapon 0)

Try that.
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