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Bad Performence on High End Systems?

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09-18-2003, 4:15 AM
I have a ATI 9800 Pro, 1gig of system ram and a AMD XP 3000+ and I get 20 FPS. I have the latest drivers for all my gear. It is really sad that this game is on a Q3 engin and runs like this.

With AF off I gain only 4 to 5 FPS.

With the Call of Duty Demo I can turn everything on and get damn near 100 FPS. On Unreal 2(sucky game that looks great) I get 83 FPS at 1600x1280 with everything turned on.

How is the high end performence for everyone else?

09-18-2003, 4:28 AM
I get 60fps most of the time and it occasionaly dips to about 45. This is with all settings maxed except no af or dynamic glow. They both kill my fps. With v-sync on I cant go over 60.

P4 2.5
1 Gig ram
 Rad Blackrose
09-18-2003, 4:29 AM
Hmm, with everything you are saying, I don't get it... Did either of you two have problems with running the demo in terms of FPS?
09-18-2003, 4:40 AM
On the Jedi Temple lvl of the demo I get slightly over 60 FPS with everything on except Vol shadows(I have it on simple) On the Demo lvl of Tatooine I get 30 FPS.

This is at 1600x1280 with all the goodies including Vsync and AF on.

With the full game on the mission where jadan and his boy crash land and also the training corse mission I get 15 to 20 fps witht eh same settings.(

Also I am getting errors that crash me to the desktop with the send and don't send option.=(

09-18-2003, 4:41 AM
Try turning off force feedback in the control options for the mouse. and you do realize that the Q3TA engine is meant to make High end systems work harder the more detail you enable... Its almost common knowledge. in Other words, try playing around with the detail settings.
09-18-2003, 5:54 AM
turn off Dynamic Lights and Dynamic Glow in the "More Options" menu. that should solve your problem.
09-18-2003, 5:56 AM
Force feedback will provide just as much performance as dynamic glow..:) So try BOTH our options:)
09-18-2003, 6:08 AM
I see no force feedback option.
09-18-2003, 6:15 AM
you also realize no one dreamed about the amount of polys in JA when the Q3 engine was created. this is old tech,and its pretty amazing what Raven has accomplished with it.
09-18-2003, 9:15 AM
After playing thru the first couple of lvls I found out that the low FPS is caused buy some outdoor missions.

Once I get to the second part of Tatooine where you fight the [spoiler]Tuskin Raiders[/spolier] my FPS is fine at 60 at 1600x1280 with every thing on except Vol. Shadows.


all my q3TA games run great and have just about the same poly count. MoH:AA, Call of Duty, RtcW, SoF2. etc. SoF and RtcW may not have as much but CoD and MoH sure do.

I am not dissing the game. so for it is mad fun. I am just wondering how it was running on other peoples PC and how did they optimize it for best graphics and performence since I never had this problem with any of my q3ta games nor games that use the newer engines.

09-18-2003, 9:44 AM
yes the outdoor, looks...not very good, but slow as hell. i would not turn key features like glow and dynamic light off, heh. glow makes JA better than JO.

i have an athlon @ 1466mhz, gforce3 ti200 and 1,5gb ddr ram. JA runs with all turned on but vol shadows and textures are on high quality. 25-45 fps is all i get. that was different with JO...
09-18-2003, 9:59 AM
You do know know that games are meant to be run at no higher than 1024x768. Pushing the resolution to settings like 1600x1200 can hurt the eyes since it is forcing it concentrate on thousands more pixels per inch, whereas running the game at 800x600 is plentiful, and should be set no higher than 1024x768
09-18-2003, 11:23 AM
Depends on your monitor, Andy867. if I had a 15" or 17" then 1024x768 would be fine but when you get a 21"+ monitor, 1024x768 wont cut it.

The game is running great at 1600x1280 with very high textures and everything on but vol shadows(60FPS with vsync) as long as it is not an out door lvl.

After turning off force feedback mouse I get about 26 to 30 FPS in outdoor lvls which is better then the 15 - 20 I was getting before that.

I agree with NITEMARE. Dynamic lighting and Glow is what makes JA look better then JO. =)

09-18-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by CriPPleR
After playing thru the first couple of lvls I found out that the low FPS is caused buy some outdoor missions.

Once I get to the second part of Tatooine where you fight the [spoiler]Tuskin Raiders[/spolier] my FPS is fine at 60 at 1600x1280 with every thing on except Vol. Shadows.


all my q3TA games run great and have just about the same poly count. MoH:AA, Call of Duty, RtcW, SoF2. etc. SoF and RtcW may not have as much but CoD and MoH sure do.

I am not dissing the game. so for it is mad fun. I am just wondering how it was running on other peoples PC and how did they optimize it for best graphics and performence since I never had this problem with any of my q3ta games nor games that use the newer engines.


Outdoor areas? Weird, we didn't have problems (obviously, if we had detected a serious performance problem we would have fixed it). Obviously, make sure you have the latest drivers, etc. Did you try turning off Dynamic Glow? Or, maybe it's fog? Try changing r_drawfog (or r_fog? can't remember, I'm at home, not work) to 0. I think 1 is normal fog and 2 is GL fog? Also, you're running at a ridiculously high resolution, which cranks up the texture memory requirements, especially in large, outdoor areas where there are tons of hi-res textures in view. Try turning down your texture detail or (preferably), drop your res to something more reasonable like 1024 x 768... :)
09-18-2003, 12:59 PM
Everything is running smoothly for me on my 1.7 GHz, 256 Meg RAM, GeForce 2 32 Meg video card system. It might be your system that is having the problems. Try turning some detail settings off and see what helps.
09-18-2003, 1:20 PM
I noticed the exact same situation. Poor performance on outdoor levels, including in the demo. I have a AMD 2800+, 9500 PRO, 1GB RAM, and outdoor levels I got 20fps at 1280x1024. Dropping res a bit and/or disabling options helped, but it seems like a shame, espacially since JO and other games work just fine at full res
09-18-2003, 2:12 PM
it seems that many people think that resolution is not realy a performance killer since nvidia intentionally optimized their tnt cards on 1024+ back then. but it does make a difference if i play on 1024 or 640! i get 65 instead of 45 fps. the vol shadows are not important, since they still don't look realy good.
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