I heard from a friend of mine, who for some reason couldn't wait long enough for it to ship in Sweden, and he somehow got it from another country, he didn't say which.
So, I was playing MP with him... When I discovered he knew a command that...
Enabled MERC vs JEDI mode, something inbuilt, it was something with g_jedivmerc 1 or something, I can't remember well, and it worked, because he restarted the server (it was his server) and suddenly half the server was Mercs. I even saw some mercs with cloaking and... Jetpacks.
This looks very cool.
What do you think?
I think i read somewhere that you could cloak in seige and of course use a jetpack...maybe seige :confused:
I'm gonna edit my post, since it came out strange.
It says I heard it from a friend, but then I say that I played MP with him.
What I was trying to say is, I was at his house, and I saw it, so it's not like I just heard it.
I won't bother editing btw.