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OJP (Open Jedi Project)

Page: 4 of 5
10-01-2003, 1:09 AM
A. I can understand this, but I also don't understand why you can't minimize it to the task bar like most IM clients.

B. You mean changing nicks to indicate that you are away? Who cares? Not only is that not a big deal to change your nick, or even use the proper away mode, but it's not an important feature. Who cares if MSN gives you a little window that says "lol dude I r teh away!!!11"
10-01-2003, 1:41 AM
A. I can understand this, but I also don't understand why you can't minimize it to the task bar like most IM clients.

Cause you gotta watch the window to see if someone is there. :P

B. You mean changing nicks to indicate that you are away? Who cares? Not only is that not a big deal to change your nick, or even use the proper away mode, but it's not an important feature. Who cares if MSN gives you a little window that says "lol dude I r teh away!!!11"

No, I meant when people come online. IRC doesn't handle that very well at all. There's no "user is online" stuff in vanilla IRC.

Plus, I don't like the fact that logging into IRC automatically makes my firewall work overtime to block all the script kiddies.

You can do IRC all you want if that's your thing. However, I'm not going to waste time or taskbar space trying to watch the channel and do my thing at the same time. Sides, you guys are rarely there when I'm awake, so it's just going to be a major thorn in my side.
10-01-2003, 1:48 AM
Originally posted by razorace
Cause you gotta watch the window to see if someone is there. :P

No, I meant when people come online. IRC doesn't handle that very well at all. There's no "user is online" stuff in vanilla IRC.

Plus, I don't like the fact that logging into IRC automatically makes my firewall work overtime to block all the script kiddies.

You can do IRC all you want if that's your thing. However, I'm not going to waste time or taskbar space trying to watch the channel and do my thing at the same time. Sides, you guys are rarely there when I'm awake, so it's just going to be a major thorn in my side.

1. Most IRC clients can be setup to beep or have their icon flash when there's activity.

2. But what's the point of the user online stuff?

3. My point is that IRC is far more efficient and easier for group meetings and discussions, it was never created for one on one communication.
10-01-2003, 5:22 AM
Originally posted by Emon
[B]1. Most IRC clients can be setup to beep or have their icon flash when there's activity.

Most but not all. Trillian's IRC function is VERY inconsistant. Plus, it flashes for log ins, log outs, when you're idling and when people are just talking about crap.

2. But what's the point of the user online stuff?

So you know when certain individuals come online. I don't want to be bugged by window flashing whenever enters the channel or when a net split occurs, I just want to talk to people on the project instead of having to check the window 50 zillion times when people are whining about how JKA MP sucks.

3. My point is that IRC is far more efficient and easier for group meetings and discussions, it was never created for one on one communication.

Have you even tried MSN messenger? Its group conversation option covers the exact same base as an IRC chat and it's much less of a hassle to use than idling. And you can simply close the freakin' window (without lossing the ability for other people to know you're online) when you're not interested in the current conversation.
10-01-2003, 7:20 AM
Well, maybe when you guys stop arguing about the rules - or lack of rules - and the method of communication, you can start the project! I'd be interested to see what you guys got in store!

Sorry for posting, as I doubt I have the coding abilities to actually contribute, but it seems there is a lot of bickering on little stuff - I mean it's good to come to agreements on the project plans and all, but imagine how many lines of code you could have made instead of the essays y'all have put into this thread? :p

Just a third-party observation. I mean no flame, I consider you guys to be respectable, knowledgeable forum dwellers here - and that's a rare thing indeed. So just a thought.
10-01-2003, 7:54 AM
Well, we're still waiting on sourceforge for a repository and Raven for the qvm code. We're basically stuck in the water until then. That's why we're talking about this stuff heavily now so we don't have to worry about it later.
10-01-2003, 8:42 AM
Deciding what the rules for the OJP are - or whether we need rules in the first place - needs to be done. And it needs to be conclusive enough for everyone to agree on. So I don't see a problem with getting a bit 'involved' with that.

But - hehe - this chat program stuff is quite funny! :) Whenever I wonder if certain aspects of my personality are too stubborn - I only need to visit this thread to put it in perspective! ;)

Anyway - I wasn't acutally aware you could set up audio alerts in IRC - that would improve matters for me at least. So I'll look into that...
10-01-2003, 10:27 AM
:P So sue me. I'm sick of idling in IRC channels.

Anyway, I've found the first bug fix for JKA (outside of Raven of course). pwn3d!! I'll post about it tomorrow...after some sleep.

Basically, I found out what was wrong with backward walk animations for several of the different saber stances. It's a easy txt file fix.
10-01-2003, 12:23 PM
Well, when coordinating on a coding project, IRC is very cool.

A) I don't feel the necessity to keep responding, like with an IM client - I can just hop in the channel and answer questions - if you're not there, and perhaps you're somebody I NEED to talk to, I'll find you on one of the IM programs I have laying around.

B) idle? not idle? I'm supposed to be coding, not chatting away the hours with a bunch of guys who have nothing better to do than argue about a preffered chat medium. EVEN IF I found one of you guys online, getting you to stop whining and join a conversationg would just be too much work - I just want to code, people, let me code! GIVE ME THE CODE!

C) Sadly, I don't think constantly conversing with the other OJP contributors is a very necessary thing - WHILE coding - maybe when I've finished a set of functions and I want to pop in and show you guys what I wrote, then I'd be interested.

D) If you can't tell, I'm frothing at the mouth to begin coding. I want to code, NOW.
10-01-2003, 2:12 PM
yeah... you'd better wipe your chin. it's a little unsightly with all that drool...

10-01-2003, 2:22 PM
I think Wudan said it pretty well... It's nice to hop in and out, and maybe discuss a coding problem or two, with MSN, you've got to organize a stupid chat every time, that would be extremely annoying.

I'm home sick today, so I'll try to finish the web site.
10-01-2003, 8:00 PM
All you gotta do is click a button and invite people into your chat. It's far less annoying than having to idle in the hope of talking to someone.
10-01-2003, 11:08 PM
You're missing the point... But whatever. It doesn't matter.

New website! ( I finally got a good design I like, I felt the Obsidian Temple theme and the name of our project fit pretty well together. Most of it's done. I still have to try to change the scrollbar color so it blends better, and fix a few multiple browser issues. Oh, and the bottom image is a placeholder. :)

More later, time to go watch TNG...
10-01-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Emon
New website! ( I finally got a good design I like, I felt the Obsidian Temple theme and the name of our project fit pretty well together. Most of it's done. I still have to try to change the scrollbar color so it blends better, and fix a few multiple browser issues. Oh, and the bottom image is a placeholder. :)

Looks good, but what's the whit gap above the new name banner for? A news ticker? Plus, none of the menu buttons work. Is that intentional?

More later, time to go watch TNG...



As I mentioned before, I got fixed animation.cfg file to fix the "bad animation while walking backwards with a single saber ignited" bug. I suggest that we make this the first addition of OJP and release it as version 0.01 of OJP.

But first, we need official names for both distrobutions and we need to settle some of the usage rules. Namely, should make OJP based mod have to contain the OJP readme files as part of their release packages? Or should it be optional as long as they make it clear that the mod is OJP based?
10-02-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by razorace Looks good, but what's the whit gap above the new name banner for? A news ticker? Plus, none of the menu buttons work. Is that intentional?


As I mentioned before, I got fixed animation.cfg file to fix the "bad animation while walking backwards with a single saber ignited" bug. I suggest that we make this the first addition of OJP and release it as version 0.01 of OJP.

But first, we need official names for both distrobutions and we need to settle some of the usage rules. Namely, should make OJP based mod have to contain the OJP readme files as part of their release packages? Or should it be optional as long as they make it clear that the mod is OJP based?

1. Above the name banner? You mean below it? It's just null space, I liked the way each segment on the page looked, seperate instead of together. Like stone slabs.

2. Yes, the buttons don't work because there is no content to link to yet. :)

3. The animation.cfg thing sounds good. I also made some modifications to it a while ago so that guns were raised and fired from the shoulder, it looked so slick. Totally new animations may be better, but this may be good for now.

4. I think we should use the major.minor.release version system. Pretty self explanitory. Major revisions are indicated with the first space, then minors, then releases. Releases usually refer to the same thing just fixed or changed a little, minor is a small new feature, major is a big new feature or total change, which is pretty rare. Most logical system I think... Also, I think we should try to keep the public releases to minor, so people don't have to update so damn much.

5. I'm about to fill in the content for the page, and I'll include the rules and all that jazz, then you guys an look it over. How's that sound?
10-02-2003, 2:02 AM
Originally posted by Emon
[B]1. Above the name banner? You mean below it? It's just null space, I liked the way each segment on the page looked, seperate instead of together. Like stone slabs.

Above it. There's just a square whole. It looks intentional.

3. The animation.cfg thing sounds good. I also made some modifications to it a while ago so that guns were raised and fired from the shoulder, it looked so slick. Totally new animations may be better, but this may be good for now.

Well, I'll have to see the file before I can approve of anything. If it works great without any issues, adding it will be no problem. I should note however that both of these probably need to go in the Distro 2 release since animation.cfg changes can cause problems without it being used both server and client side. My bug fix will probably not cause any problems since MP doesn't use that animation anyway.

4. I think we should use the major.minor.release version system.

Sounds good.

5. I'm about to fill in the content for the page, and I'll include the rules and all that jazz, then you guys an look it over. How's that sound?

Fine by me, but you didn't answer either of my questions. :D
10-02-2003, 3:43 AM
Oops, sorry. :) Yes, I think the readme should be required. It's likely that any OJP enthusiast would make it quite clear that it was made on OJP, it would increase our popularity a little (I know I would!), but if they don't want to, just make them include the readme. One file, no big deal.

More site updates ( All I have to do is fill in the content, maybe add some more visual goodies and optimize file sizes of the images. The box you speak of is the space for the JK.Net ad, I took the info from the DF site. It should display properly... Everything is looking flawless for me in Mozilla/Firebird, Opera and IE. :D
10-03-2003, 12:31 PM
1. I suggest that we try to make a master cvar/command list that people can add to over time. I'm trying to talk to Kurgan about it to see if he wants to get involved.

2. I think our readmes/docs will look much better and be easier to read if we use something other than .txt files. Should we maybe go with .rtf or .doc files instead? It's not like it's a compatiblity issue. Everyone is going to be on the windows platform anyway. :)

Emon, any news from sourceforge? It's been at least a week. I suggest emailing them if they haven't responded yet.
10-03-2003, 8:02 PM
More like two weeks. I'm fairly certain they aren't accepting us, but a notice would be nice. I'll contact them. I'll also look into Asynchrony's features.

What's Kurgan's thing?
10-03-2003, 8:50 PM
Hmmm, why? They accepted =X= mod.

Kurgan is wanting to work on a master cvar list. It would be great if we actually had one for JKA. :)
10-03-2003, 10:39 PM
You mean of all the cvars in the game? cmdlist and cvarlist don't report everything, so waiting for the source code might be easier.
10-04-2003, 12:18 AM
That doesn't mean we can't start on one. Besides, we're probably not going to get the SP source anyway.
10-04-2003, 8:07 AM
Open Jedi Project (OJP) Readme

Release Version: 0.0.1

NOTE: This readme might not be part of an official OJP release zip since this file is required with all OJP based projects. If this isn't an official OJP release, this file will probably only partially apply.

0000 - Table of Contents

0000 Table of Contents
0001 Introduction

0001 - Introduction

The Open Jedi Project is a code/modding colaberation with the intent of maximizing the features and fun factor for all Jedi Knight Academy mods. We work together by contributing fun, interesting, and useful game features so that everyone can benefit. We operate on what's basically an open source system. See the Smacktard Open License section for more information.

Our design philosophy is to make everything as seperated and customizable as possible to allow developers and players to choose what features they wish to use.

We currently have two seperate distrobutions, Basic and Enhanced:

Basic is a server side only mod/codebase. It includes map enhancements, bug fixes, etc that does NOT affect gameplay. The Basic OJP mod can be found in the /OJP directory of this zip file.

Enhanced is a server/client side mod/codebase. It includes all the additional features of the Basic distrobution but also includes client side modifications, gameplay enchancements, etc. The Enhanced OJP mod can be found in the /OJP+ directory of this zip file.

0002 - Installation

Just unzip this file to your JKA game directory.

What's New?



BUGFIX1 - Animation.cfg fix for BOTH_WALKBACK2
Fixes an animation bug seen when walking backwards with an ignited single saber in SP.

New File - bwwalkfix.pk3
Includes BUGFIX1


Basic Includes:
Nothing at the moment.

Enhanced Includes:

Bug Fixes

BUGFIX1 - Animation.cfg fix for BOTH_WALKBACK2
Single Player, Enhanced, Animations
What It Does:
Makes the walkward walking animation for the ignited single saber stances work correctly.

Special Notes:
To make the patch work, you simply need to copy the bwwalkfix.pk3 into the /gamedata/base directory of your JKA install directory.
This fix will be obsolete once a game patch comes out. Remember to remove this file before you patch the game.
This might cause problems when playing multiplayer. If you have any problems, just move the file out of the /base directory.

Fixes the animation BOTH_WALKBACK2 to play the correct number of frames.

Using Our Work

We have few rules for using our work as part of your own projects:

1. You must include this readme in any public releases of your mod. This doesn't apply if you're only using OJP features that you wrote yourself.
2. You must treat your fellow coders and the project with respect.
3. You may NOT use our work for ANY commerical purposes without the author's direct permission.

Please don't violate these rules, they are here for everyone's benifit.

We will have a public CVS server to allow you to view the source code as soon as we can. In addition, we are still waiting for the MP SDK so there will probably not be anything to see for a while anyway. :)

We suggest that you:

- Submit any cool features you might think other modders/players would like to the project.
- Keep in contact with us about your project. The more information we have, the better we can coordinate OJP to help you and the community. We also like to know that people are using and enjoying our works.

Submitting Stuff to OJP

We are looking for any cool, fun, or helpful code/visual effects/etc you might have.

However, we are NOT looking for maps or player models (although we might be able to use some very skilled modeller help) at the moment. They take up a lot of space and can be downloaded seperately.

Before you consider submitting, take note that we won't let you desubmit or remove your works from the project. Allowing people to do so would cause too many problems for the project. While your work will remain your work, submitting stuff to OJP means that you give us the rights to use your work as part of the project perminately.

In addition, your work won't nessicarily be turned on or even in every compiled version of OJP. Some features will be disabled by default to allow people to just fire up and play OJP without confusion.

That being said, if you have something to submit, just contact one of the OJP moderators.


If we think your material could make a good addition to OJP, we will give you write access to the CVS repository (not yet availible) and allow you to make the nessicary changes yourself.

Submission Material Guidelines:

- Document your work as much as possible. Be sure to add mentions of your work to the readme and other project documents.

- Make your work as clean and tight as possible.

- Follow the coding guidelines. Try to keep your code as seperated from other code as is reasonable. Label EVERY coding change (from basejka) with approprate coding tags. If you're creating a new feature, you'll get to determine what the tagname will be. Try to pick something that is simple and easy to search for.

- NEVER DELETE FILES/DIRECTORIES/ETC FROM THE CVS REPOSITORY. If it is nessicary, the moderators will handle it.



Original Jedi Knight Academy Source Code: Raven Software

OJP Administration:

Original OJP Documentation: Razor Ace

Special Thanks:

Raven Software
George Lucas
Lucas Entertainment Company (LEC)

Contact Information

OJP Project Moderators:

Razor Ace -

End of Line.
10-04-2003, 9:52 AM
Looks good Razor.

In relation to OJP contributors not deleting files and /or directories in the respository. I would hope the CVS would allow us to set individual user rights appropiately - so that only admins can even attempt to delete stuff...
10-04-2003, 9:58 AM

Once your happy with the website, either let me know and I'll contact ChrisC3P0 - or you can contact Chris directly...
10-04-2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk
Looks good Razor.

In relation to OJP contributors not deleting files and /or directories in the respository. I would hope the CVS would allow us to set individual user rights appropiately - so that only admins can even attempt to delete stuff...

Hmm, I'm not sure about that. We'll have to find out.
10-04-2003, 1:05 PM
Jeez Guys, you could at least READ what razor wrote ...

Makes the walkward walking animation for the ignited single saber stances work correctly.

WALKWARD? how tired were you ... ?
10-04-2003, 3:09 PM
1. I already set a PM to ChrisC3PO, no response yet.

2. The project I applied for on SF was rejected, they just didn't tell me. I had to log in to see. It's probably because of a custom license I had whipped up based off the libjpg/libpng, which just prohibits commercial use. I suppose we can leave it out, though. If you wanna get sued by LEC...go ahead.

3. Where's the license section in that, Razor? I've searched Google, and I can't find it anywhere.

4. With OJP "basic" being only server side, how will that limit new entities? What if I wanted to make changes to the FX system...? What about new AI, vehicles, etc? Surely that is not only server side in JA. If you want to keep this server side, say good bye to any co-op levels or singleplayer levels built on this distribution. I know plenty of people would like to work off JA's vanilla gameplay, not anything we would add to the full distribution. Mappers I'm talking about, not coders. It was my view that the basic distribution wouldn't make any gameplay changes other than those for balance, a lot of people would like all sorts of new mapping features without having to install some full mod.

5. I'll start putting this on the site, put it under the Legal section, and continue my ad campaign in the About section. :D Also, fix all those spelling and grammatical errors Razorace has ;)

Oh, and ROP and I agreed that a class based player system (JA has it, but let us assume we can improve it and make it for all game types) would be a good example of a "generic" gameplay addition to the full distribution? I think we agreed we shouldn't be adding any terribly unique gameplay features, not anything that should be unique to one mod. If we do, I think we'd be venturing away from the generic, open code base thing we've been looking for.
10-04-2003, 4:01 PM
I think it would be 'convinient' if the basic distribution was kept to server-side - just because it can appear all the more transparent to the players.

...but I don't think we should make this a 'hard' requirement.
If there are really cool things we end up wanting to do that should be in the 'basic' build, but end up requiring client-side changes - I say we go ahead and make client-side changes...

And yeah - adding to and extending the class system is a good example of the kind of stuff wanted for the 'enhanced' build...

Extending it to other gametypes is a good idea...

Another very small example:
the classes in Siege seem to be limited to one model choice per class, per team. (Unless I'm missing something)
I think it would be nice to allow a more varied model choice for each class...
10-04-2003, 5:39 PM
Yeah that's the problem. The more transparent it is to players, the more they will accept it. I was thinking about a middle distribution, if we really want to keep it client side, but that may make it too complicated.

I think we can probably get away with the client side changes...

Think about the advantages of server side:

No client download
Virtually transparent to the player

The disadvantages:

Limited coding in vehicles, AI, etc.

Client side modification advantages:

New AI, vehicles, save games, singleplayer and co-op stuff


Few megabyte download

We have to decide which is more worth it. Transparent server side with few big additions, or client side, where we can win a lot of people with co-op and new, limitless singleplayer gaming? Most everyone likes at least some singleplayer, and I can't count how many times, before, after and during JO/JA that people have begged Raven/LEC for co-op gameplay. I think if we can get a good co-op or SP base going in MP, we'll start to attract some huge crowd and support.
10-04-2003, 6:01 PM
Originally posted by Wudan
WALKWARD? how tired were you ... ?

Ok grammar nazi. :)

Seriously, you're correct. I didn't proof it at all before posting in and I was tired at the time. I'll fix it sometime today.

Yeah that's the problem. The more transparent it is to players, the more they will accept it. I was thinking about a middle distribution, if we really want to keep it client side, but that may make it too complicated.

I think we can probably get away with the client side changes...

Let's keep it down to two distrobutions. Since you're the only one who has shown interest in the Basic distro so far, whatever you want goes. :)

Besides, server side only mods are so limited that I wouldn't even consider trying to mod one. The only reason why Vulcanus/Jedi Academy Mod were so "popular" were the additional server options anyway.
10-04-2003, 7:08 PM
Why thank you. :) Basic = sv and cl, then.

Oh, and I'm going to make it very clear that this is not an admin mod in any way, shape or form. A lot of people hate admin mods, and accuse them of being the major factor in the downfall of JO. Obviously, it would not be good for us to look like an admin mod...
10-04-2003, 7:17 PM
this is not an admin mod in any way, shape or form.

I second that.
10-04-2003, 8:08 PM
I assume it's because too many admins abused the additional admin commands?
10-04-2003, 8:26 PM
Yes. ChosenOne, the author of JediAcademy Mod, isn't going to put the abusive admin commands this time.
10-04-2003, 8:32 PM
Kick and ban. That's all you need.
10-04-2003, 8:34 PM
But wasn't his mod like 80% abusive admin commands? What would be left? Emotes and an small admin improvement?
10-04-2003, 8:41 PM
Shrug. Dunno.

Where's the license? It's not in the readme you posted, and I cannot find a "Smacktard Open License" anywhere on Google.
10-04-2003, 8:59 PM
Sorry about that.

That was what I was calling the custom licensing agreement that we are write/using. I removed the term when I figured that it would make things sound more complicated than they are.
10-04-2003, 9:11 PM
Alright. I have a license left over from the SF submission that I thought covered our needs pretty well, and was clear, short and concise. I'll put it up soon.
10-05-2003, 2:59 AM
Well, I finally got the direct CVS repository access to work with Getting it set up to work is a little complicated but easy once you figure it out. Plus TortoiseCVS (a open source Windows Explorer extension) makes it extremely easy to go the basic CVS commands right from Windows Explorer.

All the basic commands seem to work ok dokie.

Contact me if you want to try it out. Since this particular system is very barebones and a bit picky about direct CVS access, we'll probably only be using it until Emon can score us some better hosting. You'll probably have to work with me a bit to figure out how to get it to work. :)

BTW, the first rule of freepository is BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL WHEN USING THE WEBBROWSER SYSTEM! It doesn't provide any warnings for deleting entire modules. The issue is currently on the bugzilla for, but I suggest that noone (except for member control) use the webbrowser system until that is fixed.
10-05-2003, 11:36 AM
Well - it is a bit involved to get it set-up on your individual machine. Although I think Razor and I have found a way to make the process slightly easier .via environment variables...

The TortoiseCVS set-up is pretty sweet. The basic functions are very easy to perform - and make things very clear.

We've done a quick test - and the system IS safe. If you try and commit changes without having the appropiate updates from the repository - the CVS system stops the commit, and forces a merge...
...perfect! :)

It would be handy to find a nice Diff program to help with any nessesary manual merges - but isn't strictly nessesary. The CVS system points out any conflicts directly in the file itself...

Overall -I'd say this system is good to go - thx to Razor's good efforts... :)
10-05-2003, 11:47 AM
Well, the diff program issue is just a matter of figuring out which freeware diff program is the best for our purposes.

As for the convenence of installing the bugger, I think we could probably write down the install instructions and make a zip out of all the nessicary files.

If the Sourceforge application goes thru, it should become REALLY easy to set up. :)

Again, for anyone that's interested, I've already set the repository up with several OJP documentation files to get the ball rolling.
10-05-2003, 11:18 PM
Ok, I'm just merged Emon's improvements into the readme. I'll post it here but remember that the most up-to-date version is on the CVS repository.

Here's a question for the group. Should we include the source code with the binary releases or should we just have the CVS repository host the code?

I think it would be best to just leave it on the CVS repository. It will keep down the workload, size of the release zips, and confusion level for people that just want to play the OJP mod. In addition, forcing people to take a little effort to get the source will probably weed out a lot of the undesirables.
10-05-2003, 11:44 PM
Open Jedi Project (OJP) Readme

Release Version: 0.0.1
JA SP required:
JA MP required:

NOTE: This readme might not be part of an official OJP release since this readme is required to be included all OJP based projects. If this isn't an official OJP release, this document will only partially apply.

0000 - Table of Contents

0000..................Table of Contents
0003..................What's New?
0004.1...........Bug Fixes
0005..................Using Our Work
0006..................Submitting Stuff to OJP
0006.1...........Submission Guidelines
0008..................Contact Information
0009..................Legal Stuff

0001 - Introduction

The Open Jedi Project is a coding/modding collaboration with the intent of maximizing the features and fun factor for all Jedi Knight Academy (JKA) mods. We work together by contributing fun, interesting, and useful game features so that everyone can benefit.

We operate on what's basically an open source system. Open source basically means that the source code is freely available and accessable by all. See the "Using Our Work" section for details about rights and permissions.

Our design philosophy is to make everything as separated and customizable as possible to allow developers and players to choose what features they wish to use.

We currently have two separate distributions planned, Basic and Enhanced (can anyone think up some better names?):

Basic has two main features. One is bug fixes and balance fixes, neither which will severely alter game play. They are designed to be the "unofficial patch" for bugs and game play problems. Basic can still be considered vanilla Jedi Academy. The other main feature is map enhancements. Things such as new entities, expanded AI, vehicles, scripting and effects system can allow mappers to create far more immersive and fun maps. Since Basic also aims towards recreating all the single player entities and code, it is possible for mappers to create full featured cooperative and singleplayer games and levels using the multiplayer engine. This allows modders to make other enhancements such as new weapons, AI, etc., not possible using the singleplayer engine.

Enhanced is a superset of Basic, meaning it has anything and everything included in the Basic distribution. The difference is that it adds many significant gameplay alterations. It is a playable mod, but also a code base for other developers. To decrease the possibility of mods based off Enhanced loosing originality, we are keeping our game play feature list generic and flexible. New features will be generic, expandable, and flexible so other developers can easily adopt them to their mods. It won't venture out side of Jedi Academy's principle game play, so there won't be anything that makes this drastically unique in terms of pure game play. Players get a full mod that shares the same basic principles and ideas that stock Jedi Academy offers. Developers get a solid, flexible code base that includes the basic, fundamental features you would want to find in most mods, allowing them to spend their time on what makes their work truely unique. An example of a feature for Enhanced would be an extended version of the player class system seen in Siege, one that is available in more game types, and is far more flexible.

NOTE: This release only includes the basic package as there's nothing in the enhanced version yet. The separate distributions will come into play after the MP SDK is released for JKA.

We have a website pending. Please be patient.

0002 - Installation

Just unzip this file your jedi Academy directory.

0003 - What's New?

Version 0.0.1:


Bug Fix 001 - Animation.cfg fix for BOTH_WALKBACK2
Fixes an animation bug seen when walking backwards with an ignited single saber in single player by correcting the number of frames.

New File - OJP_fix1.pk3
Includes Bug Fix 001.

0004 - Features

0004.1 - Bug Fixes

Bug Fix 001 (BUGFIX1) - Animation.cfg fix for BOTH_WALKBACK2
Single Player, Enhanced, Animations

What It Does:
Fixes an animation bug seen when walking backwards with an ignited single saber in single player by correcting the number of frames

Special Notes:
This fix will be obsolete once a game patch comes out. Remember to remove this file before you patch the game.
Might cause problems when playing multiplayer. If you have any problems, just move the file out of the /base directory.

0005 - Using Our Work

We have few rules for using our work as part of your own projects:

- You must include this readme in any public releases of your mod. This doesn't apply if you're only using OJP features that you wrote yourself.
- You must treat your fellow coders and the project with respect.
- You may NOT use our work for ANY commercial purposes without the author's direct permission.

Please don't violate these rules, they are here for everyone's benefit.

We have a public CVS repository set up to let you directly access the OJP source materials to keep up-to-date with lastest additions to the project. However, the process to access the repository is a bit complicated, so please email one of the moderators for assistance.

In addition, we are still waiting for the MP SDK so there will probably not be anything to see for a while anyway.

We suggest that you:

- Submit any cool features from your work that you think other developers may benefit from.
- Keep in contact with us about your project. The more information we have, the better we can coordinate OJP to help you and the community. We also like to know that people are using and enjoying our works.

0006 - Submitting Stuff to OJP

We are looking mostly for new code features, but are not limited to that. We are usually looking for generic, flexible, and adaptable features that anyone can work into their own code. Features that are drastically unique or special probably do not belong here, because we believe in keeping individuality and uniqueness among mods.

We also accept patches. If you see something in our code that has a problem, you can submit a patch for it. A patch would usually be replacement code or files.

Before you consider submitting, take note that we won't let you desubmit or remove your works from the project. Allowing people to do so would cause too many problems for the project. While your work will remain your work, submitting stuff to OJP means that you give us the rights to use your work as part of the project forever.

In addition, your work won't necessarily be turned on or even in every compiled version of OJP. Some features will be disabled by default to allow people to just fire up and play OJP without confusion.

That being said, if you have something to submit just contact one of the OJP moderators.

DO NOT E-MAIL MOD MATERIALS TO STAFF MEMBERS WITHOUT ASKING FIRST! Just contact one of us, tell us a summary of your patch or feature, and if we think it fits the project, we'll accept it.

If you think you would like to actively participate in developing OJP, we can give you write access to the CVS repository, so that you may work on it yourself. This doesn't have to be a commitment, but if you would like to just submit features or patches seperately, go ahead.

0006.1 - Submission Guidelines

- Document your work as much as possible. Be sure to add mentions of your work in the readme and other project documents.

- Make your work as clean and tight as possible.

- Follow the coding guidelines. Try to keep your code as separated from other code as is reasonable. Label EVERY coding change (from basejka) with appropriate coding tags. If you're creating a new feature, you'll get to determine what the tag name will be. Try to pick something that is simple and easy to search for.

- NEVER DELETE FILES/DIRECTORIES/ETC FROM THE CVS REPOSITORY. If it is necessary, the moderators will handle it.

0007 - Credits


Original Jedi Knight Academy source code: Raven Software

OJP Administration:

Documention: Emon, Razor Ace

Original OJP Concept: Razor Ace

OJP Organizational Planning: Emon, RenegadeofPhunk, Razor Ace

Special Thanks:

Raven Software
George Lucas
Lucas Entertainment Company (LEC)

0008 - Contact Information

OJP Project Moderators:

Razor Ace
MSN: Razor Ace (
ICQ: 618641
AIM: razorsaces
Yahoo: razorsaces

ICQ: 253305779 (Knobby)

0009 - Legal Stuff

We are making no claim on Raven Software's, ID Software's, or LEC's intellectual properties. The above rules only apply to the additional works created by OJP contributors. Ravesoft's, ID's, and LEC's code and additional materials is only included for ease of use. All applicable licensing agreements still apply. Please don't sue us.

End of Line.
10-07-2003, 4:29 AM
I've determined a way to get access to the CVS repository with a LOT less effort than before. It's now in the "high easy" catagory of difficult.

There is also stuff in the repository (but not much). Let me know if you want to get access.
10-09-2003, 1:26 AM
looks like we're about to duplicated eachother's work

come talk to us

i've even tried to get a sourceforge project space and was denied... maybe we should put our heads together


10-09-2003, 1:27 AM
i invite you guys to consider joining our project, we have a much less cluttered webspace and will be fully gpl compliant
10-09-2003, 3:40 AM
...what? I don't even know what your project is.

And you cannot be fully GPL compliant, because the editing EULA violates the GPL, as well as OSI's definition of open source.
10-09-2003, 5:23 AM
I don't think you got the message about what OJP is about. It's not just a general mod for JKA but a development platform as well.

Anyway, we already have a CVS repository up and running and have already checked out the legal side of things. From our analysis, any mod based on the JKA code can't ethically or legally be distributed as GPL due to it being based on JKA code. The EULA bans commerical profiting which isn't covered by GPL.

We've also checked out SF, but it looks like it simply won't take projects that can't be 100% open source (meaning no restrictions on commerical usage).

From what we can tell, =X= mod was dishonest (or confused) when they signed up for SF since most of their project data is either not legal or simply wrong.

However, we wish you luck on your mod and encourage you to get involved in OJP as active contributors or users.
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