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Multiple Weopons For Mods

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 The Cheat
08-20-2003, 9:20 PM
i heard that the new jedi academy game will be using basically the same modified quake 3 team arena engine elite force 2 used and i was playing the demo for that game and it had many different guns for each class, like 3 compression rifles and stuff like that

i was wondering, would it be possible for people wo make new weapons that would not replace other weapons but just be in the same "class" or whatever as another weapon? i think it would be pretty cool
08-20-2003, 9:45 PM
...The Hell :confused: ???? could ya dumb it down for us less smart folks, thank ya much :D .
08-20-2003, 10:29 PM
ie. adding the DH-17 blaster to the game, but still having the Bryar/DL-44 (no weapon replacement).
08-20-2003, 11:01 PM
I see what you're getting at. SOF2 allows you to pick from a couple of different weapons under each of the 'weapon classes'. So you press 4 on the keyboard, for example, and you get to pick from a couple of different types of machine gun.

It would certainly be a welcome addition to have a wider range of weapons for JA. I was expecting a few more swap-outs, to be any mod that can add a bit more spice and variety in the weapon line-up would be appreciated, I'm sure.

08-21-2003, 12:19 AM
JO already has something like that. There's one hotkey for several explosives.
08-21-2003, 12:57 AM
MOtS featured the Bryar pistol and the DL-44 pistol...exact same function, exact same hotkey.

BTW, I hope they don't add the "charged" alt fire for the DL-44 gun- that would just be...wrong.
 Obi-Wan X
08-21-2003, 1:21 AM
I don't really have a problem with the name. It's better to have my name spoken than to be considered "Padawan" by everyone. And me speaking my name in a mic and recordered as a "Name" sound file or something would suck to.

Luke: Hello students, i'll need one of you to come up to the stage. Hmmm...who to pick.

Kyle: How about *audible voice recording that sounds like you* ?

Luke : Well *audible voice recording that sounds like you* come right up!
08-21-2003, 1:31 AM
Think you posted in the wrong thread. ; p

Anyway, I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that the DL-44 in JA is basically just a model swap of the Bryar pistol (that fires red shots instead of yellow).

The secondary charging feature was a part of MotS so I don't see the big deal there, although MotS's charging was different than JK2's. In MotS you actually fire four bolts that were overlapping on each other.. evidenced by when they were blocked they would go off in four different directions... whereas in JK2 it was just a "big bolt" that was more powerful.

The charging function of the Bryar of course was something that JK2 added, and wasn't in any previous game.

Only two new guns.... sigh.

I want to see the return of the Rail Detonator in CTF. ; )

PS: Yes, MotS had Bryar/BlasTech, it also had Saber/Fists and Rails/Seeking Rails, ST Rifle/ST Rifle Scope, as well as Thermal Detonators/Flash Bombs and Sequencer Charges/Remote Sequencer Charges. But MotS used a different engine than JO/JA of course (it used the Sith engine, also used in JK1).
08-21-2003, 1:38 AM
Originally posted by Obi-Wan X
I don't really have a problem with the name. It's better to have my name spoken than to be considered "Padawan" by everyone. And me speaking my name in a mic and recordered as a "Name" sound file or something would suck to.


Anyway, I'd like to at least before each mission have a selection of weapons to choose to take along. Sort of like this system: You have say, 3 different carbines/rifles. At a menu before the mission starts, you can choose one of these to be your Rifle weapon. Same for the pistols, and for the explosives.

Or am I just going off on a tangent?
 The Cheat
08-21-2003, 3:05 AM
i dont know, i like carrying around like a lot of guns to have a lot of variety to choose from but i guess that selecting them would add more strategy to the game but you would have to know what to expect in the level so
in the tatooine level when you have to find the droid you have to know you will run into a rancor
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