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Dark Tide IV shots

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 Barry Brien
08-15-2003, 2:10 AM
Well I posted these at DF-21 and Massassi, and people seemed to like them, so here you go:

These are shots of The Dark Tide IV, which is still in progress. This is supposed to be Coruscant, by the way.
08-15-2003, 3:43 PM
OOh... I could mtell its Coruscant. ;) Very good map. I can't wait for the release. :)
08-15-2003, 4:57 PM
NICE! Too bad I don't have Dark Forces...:(
08-15-2003, 9:54 PM
Originally posted by Neverhoodian
NICE! Too bad I don't have Dark Forces...:(

You should buy it. I'd imagine it wouldn't be much, sicne you can get Jedi knight for 10 bucks. ;)
09-01-2003, 8:52 AM
I have Dark Forces, but the stupid music gave me a headache so i stopped playing.:D
09-10-2003, 4:14 PM
Barry, have you considered mapping for a q3 engine?
09-10-2003, 7:33 PM
Originally posted by crow_nest
I have Dark Forces, but the stupid music gave me a headache so i stopped playing.:D

Are you sure it wasn't the graphics :p

Hit ESC, select preferences or settings, turn the game Music down ;)

That is a very nice level. I do not get add ons for DF though. I might have back before I had JK (or any other good games for that matter) but now it seems kinda pointless. You got a real gift, I know the DF engine is not to easy for the impatient. JK/ MotS is easier, and I couldn't even make more than a crappy MP map for MotS :(

To bad the Imperial City in DF didn't look like your last screen shot.
 The Cheat
09-13-2003, 2:34 PM
wow that is a pretty sweet map, you should try mapping for some newer games, i am sure you would be good at it
09-13-2003, 3:28 PM
Originally posted by Katarn07
Are you sure it wasn't the graphics :p

Hit ESC, select preferences or settings, turn the game Music down ;)

That is a very nice level. I do not get add ons for DF though. I might have back before I had JK (or any other good games for that matter) but now it seems kinda pointless. You got a real gift, I know the DF engine is not to easy for the impatient. JK/ MotS is easier, and I couldn't even make more than a crappy MP map for MotS :(

To bad the Imperial City in DF didn't look like your last screen shot.

Thanks but too bad i 'm not playing this game anymore.:D
 Barry Brien
09-13-2003, 9:43 PM
Originally posted by CortoCG
Barry, have you considered mapping for a q3 engine?

Well yes, but not yet. I'm hoping to get this DF project finished before I move onto JA editing. I have tried JK editing in the past, but I didn't enjoy it too much. I just don't like JK at all, and making custom levels really didn't appeal to me.
 Barry Brien
10-13-2003, 6:02 PM
Some new shots etc. here for anybody that's interested:
10-13-2003, 8:25 PM

Wow.... :cool:

Gotta like those as well ;)

Great work, it's amazing. i wish the original Coruscant level looked like these shots.
 Samuel Dravis
10-19-2003, 8:42 PM
Those look great. I'll have to install DF again, but that's ok for maps of that quality.
10-20-2003, 12:10 AM
Holy crap that is the best looking DF level I've seen I am going to have to reinstall DF now!
 Szico VII
10-24-2003, 6:01 PM
i'd play df more but on my new pc the sound doesnt work.
11-11-2003, 1:23 PM
Hehe, didnt know you could, or there were peole doing DF maps!! Cool anyhow!
11-13-2003, 5:50 PM
Nice... nice indeed. I should pick up Dark Forces. My friend said he liked it better than any of the new Jedi Knight titles. :)
11-16-2003, 5:10 AM
Umm darkForces wasn't a jediKnight game. its in the series but not a jedi Knight game.
11-16-2003, 5:11 AM
Damn double posts.
11-16-2003, 5:13 AM
Double post there pal. ;)
11-16-2003, 8:40 PM
I know its just these forums are sooo damn slow.
12-12-2003, 7:24 PM
Nice job!
12-13-2003, 3:30 AM
Originally posted by DarkLord60
I know its just these forums are sooo damn slow.

Next time you can just delete your doubled post. ;)
09-19-2008, 9:26 AM
Did Dark Tide 4 ever get finished?
10-24-2008, 11:22 PM
I want to find out too, it looked great but that was five years ago. maybe at the M Temple.
 Barry Brien
03-03-2009, 11:28 AM
Oh yeah, it came out in 2007. You can download it over at
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