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Newbie question (types of sabers)

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08-12-2003, 1:08 AM
I just need a straight answer, in multiplayer can you use the double bladed and 2 saber styles as well as a single saber? I dont want to have to play single player to use different sabers.
08-12-2003, 1:37 AM
I've seen a few screenshots of double-bladed in multiplayer. So the awnser is yes.
08-12-2003, 2:26 AM
Yes, you can have them, but they will not be interchangeable; ie., you cannot switch from a dualbladed saber to dual sabers without respawning. The same goes in SP. You also cannot turn off one end of the doublesaber or one of your dual sabers in ordfer to use a single saber.

And I would recommend you play SP anyways. ;)
08-12-2003, 2:55 AM
For sure im gonna play SP. I just wanted to know if you could use the other sabers in MP too. And im glad that you have to respawn before switching, otherwise we would have the unorganized hell that is omnimod.
08-12-2003, 11:52 AM
Well...I'll be perfectlky honest. My statement reflects the latest information from RAVEN and LUCASARTS. Certain community members who have played the ILLEGAL WAREZ say that you can turn off one end of the "staff" or one of your dual sabers and use yellow stance. I cannot believe this, though, simply because it's not *official information, which is all I feel that can be trusted.
08-14-2003, 4:33 AM
It has been said before by Raven that the "swap between dual lightsaber and lightstaff" witnessed by some at E3 is a cheat... done so that developers could show off the various sabers easier.

We honestly don't know how the dual/lightstaff sabers are handled in Multiplayer in the final version, so we will just have to wait. Others and myself have been speculating how they will do this, as there is more than one way it could be handled.

In SP it sounds like you'll start with a single saber and then in the course of the game have a choice to trade up to one or the other new sabers (though whether or not you can go back to one we don't know for sure). Apparently the dual sabers and the lightstaff will each have one unique stance to them, while the single saber will have three stances like in Outcast.

Again, it's unknown if this refers to both SP and MP or just one of them. We will find out Sept 17th...

Any info coming from the illegally leaked beta is suspect anyway, as that stuff could change before release. It was after all an old build...
08-14-2003, 6:33 AM
hmmm this forum get me....kinda confused
in sum post someone says it gonna be out 17 aug
in another post 16 sept
and now kurgan,ur saying 17 sep x_X
 FK | unnamed
08-14-2003, 6:36 AM
it's out 9/17/03 side.
08-14-2003, 6:40 AM
Although many say the release date is sept.17, who knows? It could be delayed for some reason. Look at KOTOR, I'm pretty sure that game has been delayed several times, with good reason of course. :)
08-14-2003, 7:46 AM
No, it won't be went gold! (That means it's completely finished)

And the official Lucasarts in-store release date is 9/17/03.
08-15-2003, 12:06 AM
Previously the date was given as Sept 16th, that was the most official statement up until the "Gone Gold" announcement. Now it's the 17th.

It's only one extra day, so no biggie. ; )
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