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Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Outcasts

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08-07-2003, 6:56 PM
This is the same kind as the first. it will have new and old characters. later the story will tell some unanswered questions form the first.


sabor(s) colors: Gray, Green

Light/Dark: Light

Favorite Force Power:

Blaster Weapon:none

Padawan/Knight/Master: Padawan
08-07-2003, 7:02 PM
I warned you but I had too do it. I sent two PMs to mods about what you are doing. A Mod and an Aministrator.
08-07-2003, 7:04 PM
aww man i wasnt here
08-07-2003, 7:08 PM
heh, he made the topic name wrong just make another one.
08-07-2003, 7:10 PM
ohh yeah... Mines Republic he's is Old Republic.
08-08-2003, 5:48 AM

Thread closed.
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