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power duel suggestion

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08-24-2003, 9:45 PM
This sounds like a good idea, and it is a nice option (to prevent people from simply voting it in to one type all the time), however:

Which would you rather do, play on a server that let you duel, FFA, CTF, etc all in one, or play on a less lagged dedicated CTF, FFA, or duel server?

Also, most FFA maps already have the option to have a duel (it's called a Lightsaber challenge) and there are modifications to allow more than one challenge to occur in a FFA simultaneously.

With voting or admins present to change settings, you can already switch the whole server around.

I'm not saying this option shouldn't be made. There were even similar maps made for JK (although they were just alternate duel arenas) and Rune and JK2 as well. I just think that it will be something modders will make and won't be featured in the base game...
 FK | unnamed
08-25-2003, 12:19 AM
That’s the sweet thing, all that does not lag servers.

I play rocket arena 3 (in quake 3) all the time and while me and a guy are going at it 1v1 in the "duel" arena, those 15 guys over in the team arena in no way lag us even a drop.

It’s really no different than doing the "press K" duel in the middle of a 20 man FFA, if you lag it's because the server/host can't handle that many clients, mod or no mod.

The thing is, the "press K" duel is a start but having the option to NF duel, FF duel, NF teamFFA, FF teamFFA, NF FFA, FF FFA, gun FFA, saber only FFA all in one server is simply not an option in base jk2/ja.

Being able to play several game types with the same server full of people/friends with out having to go through the ritual of finding multiple servers, "no wait it's full, no wait connect now" etc. is simply fun as hell and very well received in the other games that run this mod.

Actually when you think about it, people do this in jk2 in a round about way.

Take maps like ffa_bespin, that Jedi council map, the TMBJ map.

Certain areas are for “dueling” others are for FFA; others are just for chilling out right?

Well the problem is, if you want to duel in the “duel room” I can still go in and raise hell and mess with people who are waiting. If guns are enabled I can blast anyone anywhere on that server.

Any changes made to the server involving weapons, powers etc, will affect every person on that server, in arena mods it just effects those in that arena so if the admin wants to play a gun ffa but you want to play a nf saber only teamffa, you don’t have to go find somewhere else to do it.
10-16-2003, 3:31 AM
1v2 only give like the one person has:
1.200hp 100 shields regen time
3.absorb to use against drainers(really annoying)

Thats my 2 cents :)
10-16-2003, 3:52 AM
You guys really have to think outside the box on this. If you haven't played with someone as a team for an extended period of time (like months) you will not work well with that person until you spend the time.

Just like all those monkies on Korriban in SP that get in your way as you fight the bad guys.

As the two-man team you have an exploitable weakness: confusion. You don't have the option, within the game itself, for voice communication. So changing plans on the go is left to typing, which will more or less get you killed. Sure, you could put something together in limbo while you wait for your turn, but no plan survives actual combat. The wily and intelligent power-dueler will use that lack of fluidity against your two-man team to confuse and tangle the two of you. Being good at the technical aspects of the game, much like anything else, will only take you so far. Think outside the box.
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