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The Correlian Job

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 Lord Haine
09-12-2003, 5:32 AM
Haine laughs, "Well thanks for trying to intrest me in that..." He sighs, "Pearl of wisdom..." ¬.¬ He looks at the Imperials, "I wasn't tracked" He says sternly, "Where the hell is Milo? And how do you know they didnt have a secret tip off?" He growls with anger but then flushes it away and looks at Zach, "I apoligise Zach" Then he smiles at Craig, "Thanks, alright, lets do this!"
Haine runs towards the edge of the rooftop and leaps to lower one, he lands on top of an empty ship, he opens it and clambers in, "Haha, what kind of person leaves a blaster under there seat?" He starts the engine up and zooms towards the troops, he leans out the window and starts headshooting the small troopers, he sweeps over some not being able to hit them, "Oh Sh..." He looks over the control panel in dispare, "They couldnt of tracked me... No, NO!" And with that he smashed his hands down on the control panel and hears a strange noise, not a engine falour or anything, and kind of... Haine laughs, he looks up above him and sees a huge gun extracting itself from the top of the ship, a small extra pad comes out of the panel, Haine laughs and smiles, "Its party time..." Haine telepathicly talks to Craig; "I see Tie Fighters coming in from the west, there are walkers, I can handle them, when im done I'll come back and help you, Im sorry about this everyone..." The ship suddenly speeds up and goes straight for one of the walkers faces,. he shoots, then sweeps upwords, "You'll wish you never came..."
09-12-2003, 9:44 AM
To Rebcca and Greco: Boy do I love holo images.
09-12-2003, 5:07 PM
"Holo images?" Rebecca askes, her eyes widening. "You mean...?"
09-12-2003, 7:37 PM
Yep. There fake.
09-12-2003, 9:22 PM
Greco laughs as Haine swoops and shoots at the seemingly invincible ties.
09-13-2003, 5:34 PM
Craig laughed and watched, obviously finding this as humorous as the rest of them.

"Where IS Milo? Did something happen to him?"
09-15-2003, 12:36 PM
*Milo finally arrives*

Milo: Sorry, but I had a run in with a couple of Hutt gang members. Seems they don't want us to go on their turf.
09-15-2003, 1:27 PM
Greco: Grab a drink and come up here, there's entertainment.
*Points at Haine still fighting the holographic fighters*
09-15-2003, 3:02 PM
Rebecca laughs as Haine continues fighting the invincible ties. She turns to Milo.

"Hey Milo!" she says. "Nice of you to join us. Hutts are fun to run into aren't they?"

She laughs again and continues watching Haine.
09-16-2003, 5:04 PM
*Milo takes a drink*

Milo: Shouldn't we be going? I want my credits.
09-16-2003, 5:35 PM
*Greco looks at his chrono.*
Greco: Still got an hour, we'll see if he stops before then
09-17-2003, 12:28 PM
Rebecca laughed at Greco's response.

"You are mean!" she exclaimed. Even so, she made no move to tell Haine what he was doing. Suddenly, a missile flashed past. Rebecca glanced down into the street and laughed.

"The enemies of the Empire have just come to help Haine," she said. "They don't realize they're trying to kill an image."
09-17-2003, 6:09 PM
Greco: You know, we don't need to do the job, all we have to do is record this, sell it, make sure we own the rights, and we'll make a fortune.
09-17-2003, 10:35 PM
Zach turns on more holograms now with a Death Star.

Well this is fun.
09-18-2003, 6:24 PM
Milo: I claim 15%!
09-18-2003, 6:36 PM
Greco: I call 60%, since I bought all the equipment.
09-18-2003, 8:49 PM
"I get whatever's left and split it with Rebecca." Said Craig, laughing.
09-22-2003, 3:20 PM
(this still going?)
Name: Arc Tee
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Affiliation: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary

See Character thread for more
- - - - - - -
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Coruscant system, a tall man in a grey uniform was speaking with Arc Tee.
"I want you to kill..." he tapped some buttons and a holo image appeared on the desk between the.
"Seth Greco. He is a criminal, lowlife scum. He should not be problem"
"And the pay?" Arc asked cooly.
"Five thousand is enough for a common criminal"
"Common criminal?" Arc said inredulosly "You wouldn't be paying me to kill him if he were a common criminal"
"I'll do it. Any more info then?" Arc asked.
The man put in a code and a picture of one of Seth's gangs previous jobs appeared.
"Who's the cute girl?" Arc asked, looking closer.
"Rebbecca Young. She may be with Seth if he is, as we suspect, setting up another 'job'... Anyway, she is very dangerous so be careful, now go"
Arc glanced at the image again and left. Seth Greco was going to die... After Arc found out a little more about him.
09-22-2003, 5:06 PM
Milo: So when are we leaving?
09-22-2003, 8:40 PM
Suddenly, Craig felt a terrible ache in his stomach, one he normally only felt when his old Jedi senses were warning him of danger that may be coming soon.

Craig turned to the group, all humor had left his face and was suddenly grim, and said, "Let's go as soon as possible. I've got a bad feeling about something."
09-23-2003, 12:32 AM
"I agree," Rebecca said. "The sooner the better."
09-23-2003, 5:34 AM
Arc was flying slowly through space while he worked on the computer.
"Let see.. Greco..." he typed in his targets name. "Let's see about this gang of his then..." A few moments later he had small profiles of most of Greco's old crew.
"Assasins and Jedis! I'm going to kill that Imperial son of a..." He opened a com channel.
"Can I speak with Officer Torman? It's about my assignment" there was silence for a moment.
"Yes? Torman speaking?" Soom Torman spoke with a deep voice.
"Torman! He works with Jedis! Jedis for crying out loud! Did you think to warn me about that?"
"Oh, sorry. Didn't think it important. Well too late, a contract is a contract. And if you bring me a living Jedi I'll double your fee. Goodbye"
09-23-2003, 8:12 PM
((Welcome Uplink))
Greco: I think we've waited long enough.
*Greco turns the hologram off.*
09-23-2003, 8:58 PM
Rebecca laughs as Haine still swerves away from the place one of the TIEs had been.

"These ones have some kind of cloaking device!!" he yells. Rebecca laughs again.

"They weren't real," she yells. "Now get over here. We're getting ready to go."
09-24-2003, 8:04 PM
*Zach truns off the holos*

And you said you were a Jedi? A Jedi could tell that they wern't real.
09-24-2003, 9:55 PM
*Greco smiled slyly*
Greco: Not these ones, they project a life force, don't ask me how, i just bought them.
09-24-2003, 10:40 PM
Nice Greco.

*Sees the box and snatcheds a few*

They's could come in handy.
09-28-2003, 12:55 PM
"That's interesting," Rebecca says thoughtfully. Then she nods. "Lets take those with us and get out of here. I don't like the feeling I'm getting."
09-28-2003, 2:46 PM
Greco: Agreed. Let's move out.
*He grabbed his skateboard and jumped off the edge*
09-28-2003, 11:23 PM
Craig looked around suspiciously then walked back to the equipment truck they had been by. He prayed that if anyone was after Greco, they didn't know that a former Jedi Knight and now underground mercenary was working with him, suprise was always an advantage Craig hoped to have.
09-29-2003, 2:41 PM
Rebecca walked over to Craig. She sensed that he was not comfortable with something.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.
09-29-2003, 3:57 PM
*Milo follows the rest of the group, and watches Seth skateboard*

Milo: Sometimes I don't understand human behaviour.
09-29-2003, 4:02 PM
"That's ok, Milo," Rebecca says with a laugh. "There are some things we do that even we don't understand."

Then she turns back to Craig and repeats her question.
09-29-2003, 8:19 PM
Greco: Milo can you make us some profiles in the Impierial database? I got someone to get us a back-door, but it's one use only.
09-29-2003, 9:56 PM
"No, nothing's wrong." He said simply to Rebecca. He had no idea really why Rebecca cared, he was often like this before things got serious at the start of the mission.
09-29-2003, 11:52 PM
Rebecca nodded, but continued staring at Craig for a moment before she followed Greco.
09-30-2003, 12:22 AM
*Greco handed a datapad to Milo*
Greco: If you can get fake profiles into their computers through the back door, we can go in for the uniform without trouble. If you can't, we go in anyway.
09-30-2003, 5:11 PM
*Milo begins typing*

Milo: Would you rather have been wounded at Hoth or Reytha?
09-30-2003, 5:12 PM
"I'll go Hoth," Rebecca said.
10-01-2003, 2:11 AM
"Hoth." Craig said simply on his own end as well. He'd rather be stuck on a frozen planet than God knows where. And if he got cold, he'd just use Han's method with Tauntauns.
10-01-2003, 9:42 PM
"Wait a minute," Rebecca said after a thought. "Wounded?"
Then she understood. "You're setting up fake profiles already, aren't you?"
10-01-2003, 10:02 PM
Greco: Make us a squad from hoth then.
10-01-2003, 11:35 PM
Hoth it is than. I'm in.
10-03-2003, 4:36 PM
Milo: Ok, now I'm an informant from Bothawui, and Rebecca, you have an artificial leg. Anyone else want anything?
10-03-2003, 9:33 PM
Greco: Yeah, tell them we need uniforms, put the pickup date for tonight. Try to loop their camaras back, so they show empty most of the time.
10-04-2003, 2:18 PM
"Good idea," Craig remarked to Greco. His manner seemed impatient though, as if he was dying to get out of this place.
10-05-2003, 11:45 AM
Milo: I'll have to wait until we get there for most of these security features, but I can....there we are.

*Milo sends the base 3 teraquads of spam*
10-05-2003, 12:56 PM
*Greco sees what Milo is sending*
Greco: OUCH! that's gonna hurt them, and about 400 spam companies.
10-05-2003, 10:47 PM
"Spam?" Rebecca asks, a twinkle in her eye. "I thought you had gotten over spam. I guess you high tech boys love your ways. Me? I'll just stick with the old stuff."

She pats a small leather case on her hip that contains her throwing knives. Her two lightsaber hilts are also black. In fact, everything she is wearing is black, save for the two cortosis swords hanging at each side. Those are a bright shiny silver.

"Shall we go?" she asks.
10-10-2003, 2:59 PM
"Well, well" Arc said "Looks lime somebody is slicing Imperial systems. And... spamming them? Amateurs. While he's still in the system..."
Quickly Arc sent a virus in and out of the Imperial network into the slicers terminal. He closed his system monitor after wiping out security logs and deleting all traces of his actions.
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