:mad: I know I may sound pathetic, but I am still playing the Episode I game for PS. I CANNOT get out of level 2, in which Obi-Wan is on Naboo. Can anyone help me? :confused: :explode:
Hey, thanks Zanzibar. I'm at the part in Naboo where I'm attacking the battle droids while trying to get back with Obi-Wan. The terrain seems so vast and endless. Also, I'll check that website out.:)
Yeah, the Gardens of Theed are pretty hard to navigate around in. I actually wrote just about all of the AI characters on that level, so you can blame me :)
Seriously, that link has a really nice walk-through of the entire game, including the Gardens of Theed level.
I didn't mind Theed. It wasn't *that* conducive to the camera angle, but that isn't the AI writer's fault now is it? ;)
I found The gardens one of the best places at this game...
(little late? :D )