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Aurora Merlow

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Posted in: ENIGMA CLUB
 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 11:59 AM
I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I? soul...  [Read More]
Posted in: ENIGMA CLUB
 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 8:11 AM
first time ever doing a spoiler so i hope it works (the answer is teacher and no not often enough) Alive without breath, as cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, All in mail never clinking...  [Read More]
Posted in: StOrY IdEa fOr KoToR 3
 Aurora Merlow
10-04-2005, 4:44 AM
it could just ask you questions throughout the game that determine what happened in the previous 2 and then according to that it it would work out who is you mother and father. Personally i kinda like the idea...  [Read More]
Posted in: This has gone too far...
 Aurora Merlow
10-04-2005, 6:31 AM
Wow!!! this thread is full on. I don't mind that people hopes differ than mine, when TSL's came out i was a bit like forcefight, a bit annoyed i wasn't revan, but when i got into the game it was still awsome. kotor 3 might not turn out exactly how i...  [Read More]
Totally agree, the best thing about kotor is that it brought a new, fresh and unkown story and characters to the star wars world. It wouldn't have any shock value, we already know the twists and who dies where and how it pans out in the end....  [Read More]
Posted in: What did you expect!
 Aurora Merlow
10-04-2005, 5:53 AM
Totally agree with everything chaleur said. Well exlpained...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
 Aurora Merlow
09-23-2005, 9:55 AM
things i don't want; 1. new PC and new story (finish 1 and 2's) 2. boring pointless quests and planets like Korriban (dantooine good in kotor bad in tsl) 3. GO TO, Visas, and an annoying meddling so called mentor i.e. kreia 4. soooooooo long to get a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planets in KotOR III
 Aurora Merlow
09-18-2005, 6:55 AM
good call i really liked Taris in Kotor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Characters in KotOR III.
 Aurora Merlow
09-05-2005, 8:07 AM
Yeh how good would that be, a little yoda flying around with a lightsabre. Maybe he could be like a mentor that guides you through the unknown regions...  [Read More]
Posted in: Characters in KotOR III.
 Aurora Merlow
09-03-2005, 2:31 AM
As long as it has Revan, Bastila and Carth not fussed A mixture from kotor and TSL would be good...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR 3 guessings.
 Aurora Merlow
09-23-2005, 5:01 AM
You could get away with Revan starting as say a level 10 and going from there. I know i know, you go higher in kotor1 but it would be similar to say a BG1 to BG2 where you are the same character and start at level 10 and continue the story. Would be...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR 3 guessings.
 Aurora Merlow
09-20-2005, 7:58 AM
i think i have to agree vladimir, i don't want to start over with a new character again, i've already done that twice. i want to finish the story of Revan and the other NPC's of kotor1 and 2 using my original character instead of tieing up their stor...  [Read More]
Yeh T3's a pretty cool little droid. very true about the cities and planets being a let down. in k1 all the planets were pretty lively and full of people. In TSL they were so desolate and boring, should take a leaf out of BG1 and BG2 like you say. B...  [Read More]
Bioware all the way. They made a story that rivalled the original. Yes obsidium brought in heaps of new features (that were awsome) but thats to be expected from a sequal. There was too many holes in kotor 2 storyline and Biowares was sound and flowe...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III Story Ideas
 Aurora Merlow
09-13-2005, 8:40 AM
It starts off on a space station in the unkown regions under the rule of the true sith. The true sith are ruled over by the remnants of the species sith (which were a race incredible strong in the force that had long since died out, or so we thought)...  [Read More]
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