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is the demo for this game gonna come out , or will there not be a demo

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09-17-2001, 4:41 AM
just wondering, update me on this if it will come out
09-17-2001, 8:50 AM
There is going to be a demo and its going to come out before the release. I don't know when though.....
09-17-2001, 8:54 AM
Probably not too long before the Game itself comes out...
 Tie Guy
09-17-2001, 3:23 PM
I would imagine it coming out in a month or so, maybe less. I guess we'll just have to wait. Gaber wouldn't say exactly when it would be out, but that is probably because he just doesn't know.
09-17-2001, 3:57 PM
Garry told me over a pm that he will update us about the demo.

09-17-2001, 4:02 PM
Well, there's SUPPOSED to be a demo coming out before the game, but. . . :(
 Tie Guy
09-17-2001, 4:30 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
Well, there's SUPPOSED to be a demo coming out before the game, but. . . :(

But nothin! There WILL be a demo out!

*waves hand in the air* There will be a demo.
 Admiral Odin
09-17-2001, 6:50 PM
I would laugh if they realsed the day before the game was in stores.
09-18-2001, 9:30 AM
Yeah that would be funny and suck at the same time.
Wierd huh?
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