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08-27-2001, 3:10 PM
Are their gonna be possibilities to trade for bacta?

and how long do your unit have to be in the vats?
one thing would be that if you were on a protecting mission, maybe you could just put the unit in a bacta tank and keep them in their :D
08-27-2001, 5:11 PM
Bacta isn't a reasource in the game, so you probably can't buy it. Bacta tanks, on the other hand, can be a place to heal your units.
08-27-2001, 5:14 PM
they use medics to heal your units, not bacta. i don't think it's even in the game.
08-27-2001, 5:17 PM
Then why did you start this thread? *puzzled*
08-27-2001, 5:19 PM
i didn't start it and he didn't know!! thats what these forums are for!
08-27-2001, 5:25 PM
Oh yeah... what the....
08-28-2001, 7:43 AM
there you go.

there's a good chance the medics will have these mobile bacta-kits or something. but graphically i think they'll work like the medics from the SC:Broodwar expansion pack.
08-28-2001, 11:42 AM
Or like the Nuns and Nurses in The Conquest of America. That's another game, along with Cossaks, that's based on AoK.
08-28-2001, 12:34 PM
why would u want to trade for bacta if u have medics:confused:
08-28-2001, 12:43 PM
Maybe bacta would heal you faster...:confused:
08-28-2001, 1:09 PM
Maybe it will become a tech!!:)
08-28-2001, 2:55 PM
hey thats a good idea you could research bacta to make your medics heal faster and the wookie berzerkers could regenerate faster cool:)
 Admiral Odin
08-28-2001, 3:25 PM
Bacta could be an interesting part in the game. If you don't have any your medics wouldn't work. (but then people wouldn't get medics, so then it would be pointless). I think it could be a tech.
08-28-2001, 4:57 PM
I think a Tech would make the most sense. in AOK all the techs' names were somewhat related to what the effect of the tech was. For example "Hoardings", it added 1000 HP to your the medievil times "Hoardings" were stone and wood that was curled up over the top of the castle so that arrowfire from the attacker wouldnt reach the archers on the castle, but the hoardings has small holes so that the castle archers could fire out. Although im not exactly sure what "Bacta"s effect would be, possibly an increased healing rate? By the way, what unit (if ne) repairs aircraft or the mech units? Is it the "Vills" like in StarCraft?
 Tie Guy
08-28-2001, 9:50 PM
I don't think that there is a unit that can heal mechs. At least, not one we know of yet.

BTW, the "bacta" tech could be used so you could heal 2 units at the same time maybe. Or it could just heal it faster. Or they could have an entire "bacta facility" Where you could send units to be slowly healed.
 xwing guy
08-28-2001, 10:33 PM
Villes can probably repair mechs, heavy weapons, building, sea ships, and air units.
08-28-2001, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by SoReFiNgErZ
I think a Tech would make the most sense. in AOK all the techs' names were somewhat related to what the effect of the tech was. For example "Hoardings", it added 1000 HP to your the medievil times "Hoardings" were stone and wood that was curled up over the top of the castle so that arrowfire from the attacker wouldnt reach the archers on the castle, but the hoardings has small holes so that the castle archers could fire out. Although im not exactly sure what "Bacta"s effect would be, possibly an increased healing rate? By the way, what unit (if ne) repairs aircraft or the mech units? Is it the "Vills" like in StarCraft?

Perhaps a bacta upgrade would increase the rate at which garrisoned units would heal?
08-29-2001, 6:29 AM
Should't the astomech droids in the game be able to reapir aircraft?
08-29-2001, 11:19 PM
i just wanted to known if you could trade bacta, and then if you could, you could perhaps take control of the Bacta Cartel.... but now i have my awnser ;)
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 6:35 PM
Originally posted by crazy_dog
Should't the astomech droids in the game be able to reapir aircraft?

I think astromechs are rebellions workers (I could be wrong, probably am), so if they repair aircraft that means all workers could and answer the question will there be a way to repair mechs, and aircraft.
08-30-2001, 6:37 PM

yes, astromechs are the Rebel workforce.
there's a screenshot of them in action on the multimedia page here.. it's the first one.
08-30-2001, 6:37 PM
I think that there will be some kinda repair pad/air field that will repair aircraft.. :D
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 7:15 PM
I think it might be easier if they just had one thing to repair all vechiles, maybe a general repair pad for mechs and air.

And nice I was right.
08-30-2001, 7:34 PM
The Imperial workers/villagers are ASP droids I believe. That's pretty neat! :D
 Captain Fett
09-01-2001, 2:49 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732

Perhaps a bacta upgrade would increase the rate at which garrisoned units would heal?

or medics or berserks for that matter
 Captain Fett
09-01-2001, 2:52 PM
I'm almost positive that the villies/droids repair mechs, ships, transports, etc. but i really like the idea of a repair pad! :D :D :D
09-01-2001, 3:59 PM
I would put repair pads all around my base, and put a tank on each. That way if anyone attacked the tank the reair pad would repair it! :D
09-03-2001, 12:43 AM
I hope there is bacta in this game. i think it would work like the cloning vat in red alert II, where you placed a unit in there and like 15 seconds later he come back out, exept instead of two of him he would be at full HP. i't would prolly be like a building, not something you could transport.
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