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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part V: The Threefold War

Page: 5 of 10
 Cyborg Ninja
11-26-2008, 8:49 PM
Wrath hoped that she would not deny his proposal

"How does Dar fit into all of this? Your brother is rather uncooperative with Lord Virul. Its gotten so bad that Lord Virul plans on killing him if he doesn't learn his place. Personally I have no problem with him but Lord Virul is quite upset. If somehting isn't done he will be killed."
11-30-2008, 6:25 PM
"That's the idea." Komad replied, unaware that the Mandalorians had begun their attack.

Kalla activated her lightsaber as soon as the Mandalorians opened fire, and attempted to deflect as much of the blaster fire as possible. Mandalorians fighting Mandalorians? This doesn't make sense. She thought.
11-30-2008, 8:40 PM
Durrel attached his bayonet as he yelled the war cry of his clan. His troops followed suite and attached theirs. Suddenly, Durrel noticed a lightsaber spring from the mass of Republic troops.

Durrel thought quickly and shouted, "MANDALORIANS! We have Jedi here! Capture and question!!! Activate shields!!"

The Mandalorian commandoes temporarily slowed their charge to activate small blue shields on their wrist launchers. These shields could stop and disable a lightsaber on contact. The fight was on.

Garrick nodded at Komad's wisdom and he now respected the Jedi and his captors. He still smiled to himself, happy as he watched his captor's, oblivious to the attack, continue their questioning.
12-01-2008, 1:09 PM
Jun-la had seen the Mandalorians and leapt high onto a branch of a tree. She let out a strange udulation that echoed throughout the forest. She then shouted something that was unintelligible to her padawan any who didn't know the various dialects of Avalon.

Out of nowhere hundreds of Shreyites and Avalonian warriors bounded out of the forest to attack. Tahl shouted for the Republic soldiers and the Belosian warriors to attack. He waited until Jun-la had jumped down before saying, "I suggest you go deep into the heart."

Jun-la acknowledged with a slight nod as she deflected blaster fire. She called a Shreyite to her accompanied by one of Tiye's warriors. She spoke to them and they nodded. She then spoke to Andros who looked torn at what he was to do. Only a firm, "Go!" from his master told him to move.

Andros made his way to his sister and said, "We are to follow the Shreyite and the Avalonian into the forest.We need to take Andorra out."


Andros didn't move as he studied the prisoner. He knew the Mandalorians would attack. He had went over this scenario with the Republic commanders and they were on stand by on the far side of the planet. As they were talking, they were coming out and targeting the enemy ships.

When Komad activated his lightsaber, he waved his hand for him to back down. He said, "This sullen creature wouldn't be able to find shou even if it stared him in the face. Bloodlust clouds the mind as does vengeance. Perhaps our transport would like to take him and interrogate him?"

Tiye took a step forward and added, "Or perhaps it is cockiness that he feels that his own troops are attempting an ill fated rescue?"


Greea replied to the intruder, "My brother made his choice. Since then it is his own. I have no part."
12-01-2008, 3:10 PM
Garrick stared at his captors.

"Interrogating me will not get you any where. I'm a Mandalorian, one of the best, therefore your little force-tricks won't help, that and I've been trained to resist torture. Not that you would use that form of interrogation due to your morale standards. My people have no qualms on that subject."

Garrick knew that his men had been discovered, and were probably trying to rescue him. But knowing Barek, this special detachment of troops could have another reason for coming, something else that will equally help the clans.

Garrick glared at the Mandalorian women, "You should know very well that a mission for a Mando'a is never ill-fated. The mission will be accomplished, no matter what. You as a Mandalorian should know that."

Garrick tensed a bit and stood straight-backed in his chair as he looked at Komad's lightsaber.

Durrel grabbed the nearest Republic soldier's throat, and tried his best to rip out the man's trachea. He nearly succeeded, either way the soldier was dead. Durrel adjusted fire onto the oncoming wave of native soldiers. He dropped several with a few rounds and fitted his rifle with an incendiary grenade.

"Mandalorians! Defensive circle, prepare for a slow advance!'

The other Mandalorians took cover in the rocks and trees and began a slow advance, going into hand-to-hand combat with the natives. The Mandalorian super-commandoes were by far the superior soldiers. They held the line well.

Durrel saw that a small group of Avalonians, possibly, were moving the Jedi away from the fighting. Durrel knew he wouldn't et go of his prey so easily. He motioned for a squad of Jet-Troopers to follow him. The 6 soldiers got into position behind Durrel. Durrel activated his jetpack, and he and the other soldiers rocketed toward their target.
 Cyborg Ninja
12-01-2008, 3:32 PM
Wrath surprisingly smiled at her response.

"So you would rather have him die than be given the chance to save him? That's rather cold for a jedi master."
12-01-2008, 5:08 PM
Jun-la knew that they would be followed. Leaping high and in great bounds that would even suprise a Jedi Master, she landed in front of the advancing troops. She was joined by her brother and Matton and Tonatius. She had grabbed a sling shot of a contraption and had started shooting with it. They were fist sized marble shots that required great strength to sling it. The first she aimed at the leader and fired the marble ball. She then ignited her saber to deflect the blaster fire.

One of the Mandalorians was coming at them with a jet pack. Taking a leap she jumped and kicked the Mandalorian square in the chest. Little did she know that it was reminescent of her grandfather on Kamino. She shouted at the enemy, "You dare to force your way onto this world?"


Tiye was amused at the response. She replied, "Why do you insist on calling all of us Mandalorian? Amshrey holds many secrets but you seem to labor under false impressions."

"I wouldn't concentrate on the weapon if I were you," Alkéa suddenly said. She had decided to follow Andros' lead and observed the prisoner. It actually worked since she was able to notice that he was calculating his odds.

Andros hid his pride at her astuteness. He had to maintain a calm front and make his move now. "Perhaps we should leave now," Andros replied as he advanced towards the prisoner. To Tiye he said, "You better check the seals."

Tiye nodded and left. Andros meanwhile took out a pair of cuff binders and handed them to Komad. He said, "He shouldn't be trouble while you put those on him. Preferrably behind his back." His other hand had taken hold of his lightsaber but he left it hooked. His body relaxed to a casual expression.


"He made his choice. Even when one never stopped trying he made his choice. Hard to listen when insistent upon own way is he," Greea replied mimicking Yoda's turn of expression. She had seen holocrons of the master and heard his voice. She was sorry that Andros had to watch him die with Luke Skywalker.
12-01-2008, 5:22 PM
Durrel's jetpack failed with the impact of his opponents kick. He fell down and landed on a rock.

"Di'kut mi'jihil! We come for our own reasons, warrior, do not assume we come for this world, Jedi! We'd burn it to ashes before setting foot here, IF we wanted it!"

Durrel leaped forward, turning on his small blue shield and aimed his flamethrower at his enemy.

"We will find what we seek and take what we want! Seri mhi Manda! We swear!"

Durrel dropped into a combat stance and awaited the Jedi's next move, knowing that he would disable the lightsaber with a simple block. The prey would be caught.

Garrick stood quickly before Komad made a move.


He stared at the binders, anticipating the fear of captivity, he knew he wouldn't go without a fight. Yet, there was something strange about going along with this group of people, something oddly felt good about them. Perhaps something could be gained through working with them, but Garrick couldn't work with them if he were a prisoner. Once he escaped, he knew he'd plan the "Grand Crusade" with Barek. This was simply a hinderance in the grand scheme of things, Garrick knew it.
 Cyborg Ninja
12-01-2008, 5:37 PM
Did she just mimic Yoda? Wrath was caught off guard by that. Still the problem remained that she would not assist him in stopping Dar nor could he capture her at the moment.

"Well the problem remains master jedi what to do here. Neither one of us wants to die, you wanting to be with your children and me not wanting a slow, painful death. So what do you propose happens now?"
12-01-2008, 7:15 PM
Jun-la twirled her saber and deactivated it. She pulled out Sanglumina and held it downward. She said, "Burn to ashes before the invasion? Cheap cowardly act." It was her warrior blood that spoke and not her Jedi half. Her father said that she was like his mother, one foot Avalonian and one foot Jedi and the two often at odds with each other.

"You see me as prey, Mandalorian. Perhaps you should see as a warrior." With a deft move, Jun-la lift kicked a blade that had been lying on the ground towards the Mandalorian. "Defend yourself," she said and held Sanglumina up in the respectful gesture of acknowledging the opponent.


Andros looked impassive betraying no surprise at the outburst from the prisoner. He then cocked his head as if to think. He said, "You fear us. Why?" He had asked it in a rhetorical question before changing the subject, "My world is where the Force began. Your people called mine Ghost Fighters for some reason. Perhaps it was how we moved. I do not know but I am sure your histories would tell you that." Then to Komad he nodded, "We should take him."
12-01-2008, 7:26 PM
Durrel caught the blade and glared at the Jedi. He twirled it several times before settling into the ancient Mandalorian style of Ven'char, or vengeance.

"You do not speak as Jedi, I sense you have the blood of a warrior. Therefore, I will think of you as one, at the price of giving you an honorable death."

He charged forward, swinging his blade towards her face. This movement only the first of the style.

Garrick was mentally stunned for a second. How would they recognize fear? thought Garrick, but then he reminded himself they were Jedi.

"I would remember the tale of the "Ghost Fighters." You made quite an impression, but we also regarded you as weaklings for not using your power in the proper way. For that, the many clans held your people in disregard. I offer you reprieve if you join the glorious clans in our Grand Crusade."

Garrick knew that the answer wouldn't be good, but this could at least delay his conversion into full captivity. The fear still hung in the back of his head, a fear that could destroy planets to protect itself. He tried his best to keep this from his captors, but he also knew that it was to no avail.
12-01-2008, 8:47 PM
Jun-la brought Sanglumina up and it clanged hard with the blade she handed the Mandalorian. She could feel the vibration of the power behind the swing and no doubt could the Mandalorian. She said, "Death is the next part of the journey but life is the greatest adventure of all." She then countered with the Three Rivers Cut. It was a basic move taught to beginners but capable of dealing deadly cuts.

Sanglumina had been forged from the rarest of metals to fall from the sky. It's cut was like a cold fire if you were caught in its wake. It chilled the blood and burned like fire thus its name which in basic meant 'Bloodfire.' Jun-la had trained all her life with that sword. She executed her move and said, "Three rivers move in swift currents as does blood."


"Thought we were weaklings or was naivete?" Andros countered, "Of course that was the name you gave use. The name that all the Republic knows of us is Explorer.

"We are explorers which is probably why your people thought us weaklings. Now I urge you to stand up and let my companion do his job." By this time Andros had his lightsaber in hand and held it up till the end was pointed at the prisoner. With a smooth motion he activated it and watched coolly as the blade extended till it was a hair's width from the prisoner's nose. "I insist."
12-01-2008, 10:24 PM
Durrel stried his best to block the Three Rivers attack, but one attack slipped down his blade and cut off the top of his index finger. The pain was unusualy, not a burning pain, but cold, a searing pain it would seem.

"The blade was named accordingly, as was the attack. Still, I will stem that tide as to prevent death."

Durrel hopped backward onto his left foot and lunged forward, launching the second phase of his attack, a simple parry and attack. But the attack was merely a fake and he would quickly move the blade into another swing attack on the opposite side of his opponents head.

"Vengeance strikes hard when it is in the right hands," he said.

Garrick's eyes narrowed at the lightsaber that was barely an inch from his helmet. He would spit on it had he not been wearing his helmet, but he could do nothing. His cortosis armor could protect him from one Jedi, but 2, or 3, no, he couldn't defeat them all, despite his status as top warrior.

"I know my bounds, and I know what is right, "growled Garrick, "I will comply, explorer. You will find me a most unpleasant guest."

If looks could kill, Komad would've been dead with the glare that Garrick gave him. Garrick knew that he would have to face the fear of captivity, and still try his best for the Manda. He shunted aside the fear in his mind and allowed Komad to approach.
12-01-2008, 11:41 PM
As they made their way through the forest, Andorra asked the group, "Where are you taking me? Offworld? My mother and I were brought here because they thought we'd be safe." She was starting to doubt whether anywhere in the system was safe. "She has a point. It might be better if we take her deeper into Republic space." Kalla suggested, especially concerned for Andorra's safety.

Komad quickly but the binders around Garrick's wrists, stating, "I've dealt with plenty of people less pleasant than you. You're better than most in that respect, actually." He was fully aware of how the Mandalorian would respond to the realisation that his attempts at being bothersome were ineffective.
12-02-2008, 10:58 AM
"Hmmm, that's a nice compliment," said Garrick.

He slipped his hands carefully around the binders to get more comfortable.

"But you should know very well not to judge the enemy by their first attack, something far worse always comes next."

He smiled and nodded as he awaited their answer.
12-02-2008, 12:28 PM
The Shreyite began to jabber at Kalla. It was the Belosian who translated, "We are taking you somewhere safe. The Daughter of the Heart suggested that we go on. We are going to the Shreyite village deep in the forest."

"Sounds good to me Sis," Andros replied looking at his sister.


Jun-la knew that she had made the Mandalorian angry by slicing off his finger. She also knew that he would try something else. As he moved to strike, she backflipped away looking like the graceful dancers of geisha and geima. She replied, "Anger drives a body but more energy is wasted."

She raised Sanglumina into a defensive position. She didn't mind if she had a cut or two. Her Shi-Cho masters said that one cannot understand a weapon's personality if they had not suffered a wound at its hands. She did mind however dying on account and willed her mind to survival.


Greea knew what the intruder was trying to do. She refused to be put into a compromising position with someone she didn't trust. She replied, "You leave and I leave and we each search." She knew that she would have to seek Dar out as much as it would pain her to do so. Yet she could not let this intruder have his way with him. He was her brother after all.


Andros gave a wry grin before lowering his lightsaber and switching it off. He said, "Glad you decided to see some reason."

By this time, Tiye had returned and said, "We are clear."

Andros motioned to Komad and said, "Follow me." He then turned and followed Tiye who led the way to where a stack of crates was. He tapped the wall gently and muttered something in archaic Avalonian. The stack of crates swung outward to reveal a stairway. He looked at the Mandalorian and Komad and said, "Amshrey hold many secrets and reveal what and when she wants."
12-02-2008, 1:00 PM
Durrel leaped forward to continue after the Jedi.

"Your words are obviously that of a Jetti. I think you just say these words for the sound, though. You have raw strength, something most Jedi lack, something you can use to the advantage. You must have much anger as well."

He lunged forward, parrying her blade to the side in an effort to get in a stab.

Garrick couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the crates move to reveal a stairway. This is almst like a holovid! thought Garrick.

They walked slowly down the stairs. The area was rather cramped and Garrick tried his best to finger the cuffs on his hands. He knew that if he could get free, these close-quarters could provide ample cover while he nuetralized his captors.

"Many secrets indeed, you are definately prepared. Let's see how far you get, though. Mandalorians never give up and never forget. You will soon understand the meaning of vengeance."

Garrick slipped a small piece of a metal out of his glove. He began slowly and quietly to pick at the lock in his binders. At the same time, he silently thanked his captors for not doing a thorough check.
12-02-2008, 3:15 PM
Andros grinned and said, "Surely you must appreciate that of which exists inn ancient times as much as I appreciate a man who tries to escape by picking his binders. THough I must say that in these tight quarters it must be difficult." He gently gripped the right wrist of the prisoner.

Tiye had to marvel at Andros' astuteness when it came to prisoners and interrogation. She had heard that he had been a prisoner of war at one point and had to escape with a deafened connection to the Force or something of that nature. She highly suspected that he was playing along with the prisoner just because he himself did something similar years ago. She led the way to what appeared to be a docking bay with a small herd of katarans. She asked the prisoner, "How well do you ride?"
12-02-2008, 3:57 PM
Garrick would've bonked his head on the wall had he not been being forced through te doorway. How do they know these things?!!! he thought.

He immediatley reminded himself, Jedi....di'kut! Garrick resigned himself and admitted that he was out of tricks in the bag. For now.

The group walked outside the door, and the first thing Garrick saw didn't bring back the happiest of memories. He knew they'd be riding on those creatures before it was announced by the Mandalorian\or something-or-other women.

"Last time I rode anything like that was...well...a long time ago. Not a very pleasant experience, either. Heh, I hope it's like riding a Basalisk War droid...."

The memory that Garrick had was when he was a young boy, maybe not 8 years old. His brother, Barek, had playfully tricked Garrick into a race on top of a rather aggressive and large lizard. Garrick didn't know the name of this creature, but he remembered how uncomfortable the creature rode without a saddle. Garrick visibly winced at the memory.

"Oh...boy.." Garrick said to himself.
12-02-2008, 4:09 PM
(@JM12: Happy Birthday!)
"As long as the Mandalorians can't find it." Kalla commented, following the Shreyites' lead. She quickly made her way over to Andorra and explained to her what was happening. "The Shreyites are taking us to one of their villages deep in the forest." She said.

"You should try riding a Boga on Utapau." Komad commented. "That's a challenge, especially when you're short a hand." After losing his hand on Rhen Var, he and Greea had gone to Utapau and they had to ride one to travel from the docks to the medical facility.
12-02-2008, 5:27 PM
The Shreyite jabbered in his native tongue and the Belosian translated, "He takes his duty seriously. He wants to help the governor and he wants to know if you can climb."

It sounded strange but warriors didn't play around when matters of survival were at hand. The Belosian didn't look confused but rather like he thought the responses practical.


"Remember that," Alkéa said quietly. "Can you ride again?"
12-02-2008, 5:38 PM
Garrick looked at the creatures and listened to Komad.

"That must've been interesting, quite an adventure indeed. Something you would've been honored for in my clan. Unlike my brother, I took to facing off against beasts instead of riding them. That skill will not help me here, but riding may be easy, I hope."

Garrick sighed and tried to look at the binders behind his back.

Well, this will be fun, thought Garrick, Look Ma! No hands! The thought made him chuckle again.
12-02-2008, 5:54 PM
"Of course, although a Boga's a lot bigger. Should be easier." Komad replied, mounting the Katarn. Though, Utapau was a very different planet from Amshrey. Here, there was much more wide open spaces.

"Certainly." Kalla replied, looking to Andorra for her answer. "Well enough for this." She told the Belosian. "How far, exactly?" Kalla then asked.
12-02-2008, 11:15 PM
Ahh, wide open spaces, I might just get an oppurtunity to escape there, or at least get spotted by my men... thought Garrick. He listened closely to his captor's conversation, all the while trying his best to plan something to get out of his binders and escape.
12-03-2008, 1:18 PM
Jun-la simply leapt away. Like the younglings of the Old Republic, she had been taught not to use fancy moves since that wasted energy. Rather she was taught to wear down an opponent. She was actually glad for a challenge such as this. The last serious fight she had was when Tahiri challenged her and she was eight ir nine and Tahiri was an adult. It was sparring yes but they fought as if it mattered greatly.

Jun-la replied, "The Force began with us. Then we began to explore." She moved fast and deliberate.


Andros said, "Mount up." He then took the prisoner and threw him up on the kataran's back. The beast gave a low mooing as he settled the prisoner in. From the depths of a pocket on his belt, he produced an electromagnetic chain and fastened it around the arms and legs before fastening it around the kataran's neck.

He patted the beast gently and murmured a watery sound. The beast mooed in appreciation. Aloud he said, "Can't have you wandering off especially since the brush will hide us from anyone."

He then took the lead rein and mounted the beast he was to ride. Since they were short a beast, he pulled Alkéa behind him. The backs of the beast were bare. It was a tradition that Avalonians learned to ride without a saddle. A test of ability since took a lot to maneuver a beast like the kataran. He then nodded to Tiye.

Tiye then gave a similar watery shrrr and the beasts began to move. They followed in the insitnctual pattern of a herd.


The Shreyite jabbered. The Belosian translated, "Wait here."

The Shreyite then gave a funny whistle that echoed. Some more Shreyites then appeared and motioned for the party to follow. They led the way to a lift that was cleverly hidden. They beckoned and jabbered.

The Belosian cocked his ear to listen. He then translated, "This is the first leg. The rest is climbing. Hop in."
12-03-2008, 1:50 PM
Durrel suddenly understood the tactic his opponent was using as he watched her gracefully leap away. He went back from his attack stance into a normal at-ease stance, blade at his side.

"So, this the way you wish to fight? Wait for me to tire, then destroy me? Well, Mandalorians fight harder then you shall expect, we are much smarter as well."

He pressed a button on his wrist launcher that unveiled a small compartment. He put his hand in, producing three razor sharp throwing knives. He held them close and made eye contact. He knew that these knives wouldn't finish the job, these were for a different reason. If she was going to continuosly retreat from him, then these throwing knives would force her to come towards him.

A much better fight.. thought Durrel.

He then threw the spinning blades toward her.

Garrick sat atop one of the creatures as they began running ahead. He found the herd of animals quite interesting, due to their nature of sticking together and moving much like a school of Dreak Fish on one Mandalore's large lakes. He figured that this could work to his advantage.

If these creatures travel fast, then all I need is one bump to throw me off... he thought. If he could somehow escape from that, he could find a way to break his binders, seeing as they were actually of cheaper make. Garrick looked at the terrain carefully for any sign of luck. Suddenly, he noticed down the way, he had found a bump.

12-03-2008, 4:30 PM
Jun-la blacked the first two blades with Sanglumina, knocking them away. The last one she ducked under and did a somersault roll coming back up to a fighting stance. She then said, "You would use toys just to take advantage of a situation?"

It was almost a taunting question considering the manner in which she spoke. She held her sword at an angle ready to defend.


Andros gave a grrrrrshrrrrrrrrrr in the same watery sound. The kataran he was on slowed and the one following did. The creature then stopped docily eating at shrubbery. Andros handed the leading rein to Alkéa motioning her to take it and get on. She then got off the beast and got on the one with the prisoner.

Andros then gave a sound that turned the beasts away from the path. They went through the brush till the sound of running water came upon their ears. Andros looked at the river intently as if remembering. Alkéa was the one who asked, "The river?"

Andros, still looking replied, "Yes." He had seen an image of a man caught in the great currents struggling to get to shore. It was strange but he brushed it aside to say, "Detour. Looks a little deep but the kataran can swim it."
12-03-2008, 4:35 PM
Kalla and Andorra quickly got into the lift, uncertain of how safe the Shreyite village would be. "What's taking Jun-la?" Andorra asked. "That Mandalorian didn't look like just a common grunt." Kalla replied.

"Keep up will you? And stay where we can see you." Komad told Gerrick. He then looked out at the river they were to cross. "Looks dangerous, but I think it's doable." He commented.
12-03-2008, 4:42 PM
"I would use them to make the situation fairer, at least from where I stand," said Durrel he stood and pointed to somewhere behind the Jedi.

"Mandalorian throwing knives, very accurate, very sharp," he said. Then what his finger was pointing at finally revealed itself.

"And they always come back to the thrower."

Durrel couldn't help but smile as he watched the knife that had been avoided by the Jedi, come speeding back. And the Jedi was between him and the blade.

Garrick cursed silently to himself as the animal herd changed direction,

My luck is way down today... he thought, it's never been this low.

Then the herd took a turn for what appeared to be...a river.

Yep, I think my luck has hit rock bottom, Garrick smiled and almost laughed aloud at his misfortune. First, the bump is avoided, now I have a gaurd, and now, a river.

Garrick stared ahead and prepared for what could be a rough ride.
12-03-2008, 8:02 PM
"I think he was after us," Andros said to his sister after he clambered in. He was followed by the Belosian and the lift took them up what looked like the face of a cliff. "He charged straight at us but I think Jun-la anticpated it. She tends to see before it happens."


Jun-la didn't panic. Even over the din of battle, she could hear the whirring of the blade. Lesson number three: Best defense is no be there. With an extra spring in her muscles, she shot up and forward.

She felt it whizz by and heard her robes tear. She shot up and forward and in midair she did a perfect twist like she had seen gymnasts do. She landed on her feet feeling instantly a slight quiver in her calves. She was in a squat when she landed but sprang up. Her robes torn right on the sleeve near her shoulder. She held up the sleeve and gave an amused hmm. It was a good slash and it didn't even graze her skin. She said, "Why even a playing field when the sword is your advantage?"


"Kataran are good swimmers," Andros explained, "Besides I changed the rendevouz before you came in. We are to be met by some friends."

Alkéa disliked the prisoner but she kept it hidden. She watched him as she guided the kataran to the water. Actually she didn't need to guide since the beast was following Andros' beast instinctively. As the beast plodded into the river she could feel the coldness of the water as it sprayed her boots. They were going to get wet from the looks of it as she watched Tiye near the center and the water was up to her thighs. "Nice day for a dip."

"Love the water during the cold season," Andros muttered.
12-03-2008, 8:21 PM
Durrel caught the blade and twirled it back into its compartment. He had to admit, the Jedi was indeed impressive. He took a step forward, brandishing his blade once more.

"Yes, the sword is quite an advantage, but can a sword strike you from afar. No, now I ask you to step up and fight, not flee. You are a warrior, aren't you? Possibly even Mandalorian for all my knowledge."

Durrel stepped closer and made stared at her, watching closely as a predator would do to his prey.

"Either way, you are a warrior, fight with honor as a warrior would."

He began to circle her, preparing for the final phase of his style.

Other Friends? thought Garrick, What does the man mean?

Suddenly, a thought that made Garrick cringe in fear, something that all Mandalorians should hate to be captured by.

The Republic.

Garrick began to struggle his hands through the binders, but his gauntlets wouldn't allow it. He cursed once again into the silence of his helmet.

I will not be taken to any prison! he thought. Suddenly, he remembered his comm inside his helmet. He also knew that his brother would still be near the system, he would never be far away from an operation that was taking place at Komad's bunker. He blinked 3 times and it brought up a blue screen in his helmet. He set the comm for a distress protocol and released with it a code.

A code 87 Ara'sor.

Barek will understand this code, thought Garrick.

Of course he will... Garrick smiled.
12-03-2008, 11:31 PM
"Who exactly?" Komad inquired. He remembered Andros once mentioning having enlisted the aid of a former Republic Commando shortly before the war had begun. Apparently he was the leader of Beta Squad, Kalla Vel's squad before Gamma Squad. His name was Gieph or something like that, which sounded like he was from Commenor.

"I guess we start climbing." Kalla commented, grabbing hold of the cliff face and starting to climb, following the lead of the Shreyites and the Belosians. Andorra started climbing as soon as Kalla was about two metres above the ground, but quickly started blushing after she realised she was directly below Kalla, and whenever she had to look up every so often to see how far they were, she ended up looking directly up Kalla's skirt.
12-06-2008, 3:39 PM
Garrick listened carefully to his captor's conversation. He wanted to know just as much as them on who these "friends" were. He also knew that this was drawing away their attention from him, to the conversation. All he needed to do was find a way to escape, and the river could provide cover for his escape. He looked over at the raging water and checked the air-supply in his suit. Something in Garrick's head went ding, and he had a plan.
 Cyborg Ninja
12-07-2008, 4:41 PM
Wrath shook his head at her response.

"It's not that simple master jedi, if we go separate ways than I have not completed either of my missions and I will die. If can complete at least one I can live. You will either die here or you can live and save your brother."
12-08-2008, 4:19 PM
"Jamming comm links," Andros blurted out and switched a little switch on a box he produced from his robes. "Secrecy is a must , the reason for cutting all transmissions on off and around here."

"It wouldn't be the Republic would it?" Alkéa couldn't help but ask. She was curious about Andros' intentions and he had the bad habit of not revealing everything as he should.

"They are friends yes," Andros replied, "Some have done service for the Republic. They prefer the quiet here and they agreed only if I cut off transmissions as soon as we crossed the river." It was vague but how do you describe Shreyites to people who have never seen them before. Compared to Avalonians, they looked like children in suits yet Andros knew from experience what this particular band was capable of and they did have some Republic soldiers amongst them.


Jun-la would not be baited into a fight based on passion. Never put passion before principle. Even if you won, you still lose. There was no way that the Mandalorian would understand that yet Tiye and the clans from the days of Revan knew that. It was hard to see how the two could be related. She replied something back in the Mandalorian/Avalonian tongue. Sensing the confusion of her opponet, she said, "Fire is powerful. It can burn the earth, be put out by water but it can be brought back." She brought Sanglumina up in a defensive posture that hid attack advantage.


Greea did not like the options put to her and voiced it, "No compromise? Then what good is it that you put away your weapon?"
12-08-2008, 4:52 PM
Durrel eyed her carefully as he continued to circle. Her words were slightly confusing, but were of no matter.

The mission is everything, he thought, it is time to finish it.

He flicked his blade up and brought it up close to his face where the blade seemingly matched the center of his opponent's face. He then twirled it forward and charged quickly toward her, trying his best for a lunging attack toward the body.

Garrick's HUD went dead, everything inside his helmet went black, and once more, Garrick was alone with no way of contact. He checked the link of his comm system and found out that his message had been stopped only a small ways from the end of the jammer's circle of affect. He clenched his fists and let out a breath of anger. He had to jump ship on his plan that involved the river, he'd have to wait for a better time.

They're meeting with former soldiers of the Republic, he thought.


Garrick glared at the man leading the herd of beasts across the river. Somehow, Garrick would escape, and from there, the Mandalorians will be feared once more as the conquerors of the galaxy. But that would happen later, a plan was needed now. Garrick quickly decided that he should probably see his captor's "friends" before making this escape, though. Something good could come of it.

Hyperspace en route to Korriban
The Bridge of the Murderous One: Super Star Destroyer
1300 hours, Korriban time

"Grand Admiral Velerc, approximately 2 hours before we can dock at Korriban main station at Dreshdae."

Admiral Khorzan Velerc nodded coldly and adjusted his black Senior Grand Admiral's cap. His uniform was of the utmost cleanliness, and his boots were polished to a bright sheen. He was the very example of Sith efficency.

His mission was simple, destroy the rogue operatives on Korriban by way of planetary bombardment. A simple plan, yes, but one of extreme evil, something that fitted the Sith Admiral perfectly.

Suddenly, a loud beeping was heard in one of the command trenches of the bridge and it was quickly silenced.

A man in a gray uniform in the trench stood from his seat and looked at Admiral Velerc.

"Admiral, we have recieved word from Naval Command, mission is to be aborted, something new has surfaced from Operative Alpha Blue 7 with Republic forces. Have a look at the view screen."

Velerc nodded and walked towards a large screen set up at the end of the bridge. He pressed a small button and a coded message appeared:

TO: Senior Grand Admiral Velerc

From: Sith High Command

Admiral Velerc:

We have recieved word from an Operative that a certain Jedi has resurfaced, possibly near your area. The target is known as "Komad Kaltas." He has been spotted with possible apprentices and fellow force-users, possibly Jedi Knights. Other information unknown. Your mission is simple, find the target at these coordinates attached to the message. Destroy or capture any of the selected targets. Leave no witnesses, you are under a "read and burn" order. Delete this message after acquiring any additional information attached.

Good Hunting.

End Message

Velerc smiled and brought a gloved hand to his scarred left cheek. He did an about face and began shouting orders.

"Lieutenant Morten, change course for coordinates seven-three-one-seven, Amshrey."

The lieutenant in the command trench nodded and began the order.
12-08-2008, 7:36 PM
"No need to blush, she just my sister," Andros spoke softly as he climbed right besides Andorra. He wasn't bothered by it at all and thought it good since he rarely saw his siter so happy.

The Belosian then said, "Just a few meters further."


Jun-la did a whirlwind sidestep a little too close and ended up with a slice on her upper arm. It was not a deep cut and in truth, she did not feel it. After sidestep she had jabbed Sanglumina at the rear of the Mandalorian. She said, "Even a kataran beast cannot always watch his flank," in Amshrey's dialect.
12-08-2008, 8:04 PM
Durrel did not see the quick movement his opponent made to avoid the attack. But apparently it wasn't fast enough. There was a small bit of blood on the tip of his blade. The sight made him smile slightly, a lift to his morale, but he couldn't move in time to defend the flank.

The Jedi's blade was stopped mostly by his armor, but some of the blade wasn't stopped and sunk into his side. Needless to say, Durrel was furious. He shouted his battle-cry as loud as he could and moved quickly to the side, in an effort to break the blade and gain the offensive.

And once again, he had to admit he was impressed by her maneuver.

He placed an armored hand on the blade and wrenched it out.

"You are a warrior indeed, Jedi."
12-09-2008, 12:03 AM
After hearing the exchange from below between her brother and Andorra, Kalla asked her, "Enjoying the view down there?" Though she was just teasing her, Andorra felt even more embarrassed. "Is she always like that?" She quietly asked Andros.

"Shreyites then?" Komad asked. He remembered hearing mention of them when he, Greea, and Master Starlighter had gone to inform Chief of State Hame of the Attack on Tython and Hethra Iazoki's death. Though having been in the system before, back when he was Kalla Vel's apprentice, back when Kalla was the Jedi Overseer of Beta Squad and not Gamma Squad, he had never been on Amshrey prior to this visit. The closest was actually when he was held captive on the Restored Death Star.
12-09-2008, 1:36 PM
With the help of the Mandalorian, Jun-la pulled Sanglumina out. It still was just as sharp as ever and strong as ever even with the attempt to break it. She held the sword, bloody tip pointed upward and watched as the blood dripped down while eyeing the Mandalorian. She never left her defensive position even though she was hurting from the slice. She listened to the Mandalorian speak and replied, "The way of the sword is our life."


"Always," Andros said as he hefted himself over the edge and turned to pull Andorra up. "She thinks her butt is the greatest thing since hyperdrive."


Andros nodded towards the prisoner indicating that he could hear. He would rather keep the prisoner on his toes until they reached their destination. Gieph had been good as his word in setting up HQ away from Mando'a and near the Helidas tribe of Shreyites. They were particularly loyal to Revan and Kirabaros 4000+ BY and in turn shared that with their descendants but not all.

Andros, knowing that Komad would want an answer, replied, "It is good to have friends in many places for they see what is not often shown."
12-09-2008, 1:54 PM
Durrel nodded, "Indeed, I can tell that you have much skill."

He took a step back and began to circle her again, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that she was in pain, he could see it in her eyes, some pain, barely contained. He was hurting as well, with the white hot pain in his side and a missing finger, he knew he was fighting a worthy opponent.

He quickly swung the blade at her face, but not as an attack, it was a taunt. He knew what he was capable of doing, he just needed the Jedi to open her defense a tad, perhaps even put her onto the offensive.

He brought the blade very quickly and very close to her face, leaving a small scratch.

Garrick listened to his captor's.

"Allies are a good thing to have, are they not? But there is no telling of how far your trust of them may go. Mandalorians band together and trust no one outside of the clans, that is how we survive. That is also how we nearly conquered the galaxy, and that is how we will win. Allies can reveal new things, yes, but they can also close options of victory."

Garrick sat, back completely straight, on the beast. Perhaps it may be good to hear the man's motivation in all of this, thought Garrick, Yes, that would be most wise...

Garrick awaited the answer of his captor, soon the knowledge would be in Garrick's hands, and he would use it correctly to his uses.
12-09-2008, 4:05 PM
Jun-la recoiled and ended with a scratch on her nose while at the same time knocking the Mandalorian's blade aside. She backed in a defensive position, sensing that her opponent wanted her defenses open.

Tulre could sense his twin's pain even though they were a distance away. He was in pain himself after taking a stinging blow of a blaster bolt in his shoulder. It was his preferred sword arm but since he taught himself and had been taught to fight with both arms, he easily switched over.

After disposing of his current opponent he turned to try to go help her. He was intercepted by another Mandalorian who was insistent on disposig of him. He brought his lightsaber up and prepared for battle praying that someone could sense how hurt his sister was even though she was adept at hiding it.

Matton was having a rather good time. He had managed to commandeer a speeder and was zooming along blasting away at Mandalorians. He had stayed even though it was probably better that he and Tonatius left to protect the governor's daughter. She was the kid's cousin after all. Still mostly he wanted to stay because of Jun-la for reasons he didn't want to admit to himself.

He was zooming along and he felt something out of place. Normally he cursed the basic Jedi training that was given to him out of necessity and he did so at first. It changed mid curse when the message came clear as to who was sending it. Executing an expert turn, Matton turned about and heading back towards the thick of the battle. He saw Belosians and Shreyites gaining an upperhand against their invaders under the direction of some of those Avalonians that looked like Tiye.

That didn't matter as Matton sped through. He caught sight of Jun-la facing what appeared to be the leader of the group in a sword fight. Dammit! She always has to make things hard! Matton maneuvered until he had a good shot. The trick was to distract the Mandalorian so he could pick her up. He aimed for the ground close enough and fired while at the same time gunning the speeder.


"When one depends on only their clan, they die," Tiye replied. "When a clan doesn't change their ways, they die."

"Allies united in cause are often more trustworthy than the closest member of a family," Andros added gently. He knew Tiye liked to bite of heads when she felt like it and in temper and often that led to carelessness. He was trying to placate her annoyance as best as he could.
12-09-2008, 4:24 PM
Durrel's opponent recoiled quickly, causing a longer scratch. Suddenly, something caught Durrel's eye. A speeder was fast approaching his position, probably wanting a firing position. Durrel turned his head back to the Jedi and gestured to the craft. Blasterfire hit the ground around Durrel's feet.

"A friend perhaps?" Durrel gave her no time to respond, "Well, it is of no matter."

He keyed in his comlink and got Krek, who at that moment, was dissecting a Republic soldier with his blade.


"Captain? What do you need?"

"Get a firing solution on the speeder near me."

Durrel sent the coordinates via comm.

"Yes, Captain, there will be nothing left."

Durrel nodded and switched the comlink off. He looked at his opponent and saw raw fear mixed with pain in her eyes. He brought his blade up in a small salute and looked at the speeder approaching. The battle was falling into place in Durrel's opinion.

"Cro'ika, get that rocket launched!" shouted Krek. A Republic soldier jumped at Krek, but the skilled Lieutenant dodged and stuck a grenade in the man's pocket as flew past.

"Yes, sir, locking...."

Krek cracked another enemies skull and pushed the body aside.

"Krek, I've got him......and it's...away."

The launcher let go of its deadly ordinance with a deafening Kathunk. The missile rocketed toward the target, closing the gap in seconds. Krek smiled and prepared to watch the fireworks.

Garrick lost patience with the female captor.

"You would know nothing on how the clans would survive! We have lived for centuries on the old ways! And we are SUPERIOR still! The clans have risen!! We are not those who have compromised and fallen from the fairer ways!"

Garrick would've spat if his helmet wasn't on. He was greatly offended at the remarks of the Clan's survival, and in a way, its courage. He also felt slightly ashamed at the outburst, for Mandalore was supposed to be the master of patience and calmness, along with the most skilled. But surely this outbreak was justified.

He recomposed himself and started again, "Allies are a waste, traitors and the un-skilled fill their ranks nearly always....Mandalorians cannot be forced into such a position."
12-09-2008, 10:06 PM
She wouldn't be far off. Andorra was tempted to say, but she remembered who she was talking to, and didn't want to make things more awkward. Fortunately, they had reached the top of the cliff and she was able to change the subject. "This looks safe." She commented. Secretly, she wondered if now would be a good time to send off that transmission to Virul as instructed. When her mother was kidnapped, Wrath had left behind a portable transmitter, which she hadn't told the Jedi about. She had been told by Virul that if she wanted to see her mother alive again, she would have to provide him with as much strategic information about the Avalon system as possible. She knew Kalla would be furious, and would have to be very careful to not let her know.
12-10-2008, 12:31 AM
"Such arrogance is what caused your people to fall and why they really aren't rising," Andros replied calmly, "But of course Mandalore would know something about that since maintaining calm and patience are crucial. Funny are those not Jedi traits?"

"Indeed. Revan taught that as much while fighting alongside my forebearer. Then he came here and taught them all with our people," Tiye answered. She cast a glance at the prisoner who was in front of the Jedi Alkéa and then added, "Still he knows nothing of this. Only a desire to conquer runs in his veins. Cheap worth of my forebearers."


Jun-la eyed the Mandalorian with no fear. Indeed she wasn't afraid to die if she had to. She preferred that she didn't but was willing to do so. She ran her finger along th very tip of her nose where the scratch was. It was a small one and would heal. She knew how to do this.

She did know that Matton was doing something foolish and wished to the gods that he didn't have to always showoff. She understood Mandalorian enough to hear what was being said. At the same time she sent Use the brake hard and let it fly right by. She looked defiant at the Mandalorian.

Matton had fired off a few shots and was gaining speed to get closer. He then began to feel the little niggle in his mind that he got when he worked with the kid who was supposedly family. This was different and it came in strong. It was Jun-la's voice and she was telling him to brake hard.

He looked behind him to spot a rocket heading at him, chasing him. If he slowed and then braked, it would miss him and hit...No! I won't let you play martyr, Princess.

Trust me. Brake hard and let it fly by.

Matton rolled his eyes as he brought the rocket in closer. When he was within range he hit the brakes and pulled up. He flew over the rocket as it passed him and headed straight towards the Mandalorian and Jun-la.

He couldn't see her face but he could tell that she was being defiant to the last. The thing that he most liked about her. He didn't deviate as he followed the rocket and watched it get more closer.

Jun-la looked at the Mandalorian with defiance. She knew that her idea was suicide in the very definition but she had spotted something the Mandalorian hadn't and she knew the land better than a spacer. She gave a defiant smiel and said, "Always assuring yourself victory through arrogance. Your undoing." She could hear the rocket come close.


Andros pulled Andorra over the edge until they were standign on top of a cliff. Looking out, he could see the forest and even spot Mando'a. In the distance he spied some old ruins. Briefly he wondered what it was before he heard the SHreyite guide jabbering away in his native tongue. He asked, "What did he say?"

The Belosian listened intently before replying. He said, "Our guide says we cannot go farther."

"Why?" Andros asked.

"He says that in order to set foot on the ancient land, proper respect must be had." The Belosian looked slightly confused as he tried to translate what the Shreyite was saying. "We cannot go farther until we look into our hearts. If our intentions are pure then we may pass."

"How long?"

"It depends on how much you believe in your intentions. Good intentions have been known to cause acts of destruction. When one thinks they are doing the right thing, they act without knowing how much it hurts others, even those close to them." Belosian looked to the Shreyite to make sure he had the translation right. He listened to the last bit and then translated, "Until we know, we cannot enter. Reflection we must...if that is willing to you?"

Andros was perfectly fine with that. He looked to his sister, "What do you think Kal?"
12-10-2008, 12:54 AM
Krek panicked, "Detonate the blasted rocket!! NOW!"

Cro responded instantaneously, he pressed th early detonate button and the rocket exploded, hopefully a safe distance away from Captain Durrel.

Durrel saw the rocket coming towards his position. He looked back at his opponent and charged. He knocked her blade to the far left and got within grabbing range. He quickly moved to grapple her, one arm going for her throat, the other for her arms. He used his helmet to activate his lightsaber resistant blue shield and shoved her into a hostage position. Then the explosion came.

Garrick was once again surprised on his captor's intuition on his thoughts. But what really threw Garrick off the edge was the sudden revelation.

"Mand'alor?" He said.

Garrick shook his head in disbelief, Not possible, surely she cannot be of the bloodline of Canderous! Garrick couldn't shake off the feeling that nagged at the back of his mind.

If she is of the bloodline of Mand'alor, and if she has the mask....then I owe her my allegiance.

Garrick couldn't believe his thoughts.

That was the code of Mand'alor, yes? The bearer of the Mask is Mand'alor...but female....unheard of.

Garrick was speechless, there was absolutley nothing he could say to this revelation. He was not Mand'alor if she had the Mask...he was merely, a steward of the throne, it would seem. Garrick shook his head and angrily stared out at the sky.
12-10-2008, 2:59 PM
Jun-la was ready for the grapple and took a quick step back and threw the Mandalorian over her shoulder while rolling into a little hollow. It would protect her from the blast, at least she hoped. She gave a slight hiss once inside in response to the pain on her side. She heard the rocket and covered her ears.


Tiye looked at the prisoner with her iron grey eyes while her dark hair, streaked with silver gleamed like the river. She knew that she and Andros had grabbed the attention of the prisoner through their discussion. She added, "Clan Ordo has lived under Mandalore's teachings for many centuries." She then gave a click and led the party onward.
 Cyborg Ninja
12-10-2008, 3:30 PM
"Haar'chak!" Wrath blurted out in anger.

Wrath knew he couldn't take her in alone so he wanted to at least complete one of his missions for Lord Virul.

"You want a compromise? You help me find your brother and your children will not be harmed. If you refuse right now I will walk away but your children will suffer. I insist you choose the first choice because I do not like harming children."
12-10-2008, 4:19 PM
Greea did not take kindly to threats. She replied, "You walk away now and leave everyone be. You can lie if you have to but I will not help you search for my brother so you can do what you will." The time for games was over now and she would stickfast to her principles.
12-10-2008, 7:58 PM
"Very well. I have nothing to hide." Kalla told the Belosian, and looked to Andorra for her answer. Andorra was deeply conflicted, however. If she objected, they would know she had something to hide, but if she agreed, they would find out. If she decided to send false information to Darth Virul, then her mother would return alive, and any attack would fail. That seemed the best. "I agree." She finally told Kalla.

"The galaxy will change whether you do or not. People don't fear Mandalorians like they used to, and you can thank your stagnancy which pride yourself for that." Komad commented, tiring of the arrogance displayed by their captive.
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