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Pilot registration codes -planet names?

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12-10-2006, 4:21 PM
I'm giving my nephew who is a star wars fan my old copy of x wing on floppies - it runs fine on an old windows 95 laptop BUT to play you have to enter a registration code each time which is on a particular page of the manual - which has long ago been lost - I think thse were planet names and there must be at leat 18 - does anyone have the full list?
12-10-2006, 7:25 PM
I just enter 3 different ones at random, like Alderaan, Hoth, and Tatooine, restarting the game and entering the same 3 when necessary, until you get cleared for pilot selection. Then again, I have XW95, which may not be the same thing as DOS X-Wing, but does not make you go through the codes. I'm sure someone has them, though.
12-11-2006, 1:43 AM
Thanks - Yes - that's what I've done so far - but as you get bounced out after 3 goes it took a long time to get in (although I now know that page 8 is Hoth) so the full list is the thing - let's hope someone has it!
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