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04-20-2004, 1:30 AM
Doesnt any one think its cheap and ruins the game play with

things like "I put 4 yoda's on screen to help me" or mess with the

games program. i mean regular cheats are ok but "hacking" progs
04-20-2004, 1:32 AM
That's not hacking. That's basic NPC spawning.
04-20-2004, 2:03 AM
ok im sorry but i think spawing ruins the game
04-20-2004, 2:18 AM
Well when you're using cheats, you're admitting that you're cheating and throwing out all competition and challenge.

People who cheat in single player to mess around, well that's totally their business. I admit, there's some games I had a real hard time finishing straight because it was so much fun to mess around with cheats. I got most of that out of my system in JO though so it was a little less of a temptation in JA (though check out the "Not Enough Customization" thread and you'll see I did spend quite a bit of time messing with stuff I or others found!).

As to MP, if you're running a cheats server, again, all bets are off. You can't join a cheats server and expect it NOT to be "ruined" in terms of challenge or competition. So I don't see the problem really...

As to "hacking progs" I'm not sure what you mean. I haven't seen anything like this, unless you're talking about those crappy "trainers" that were released for SP back when the game came out (sadly, in conjunction with warez and illegally leaked betas). I never saw the need for those, since you can just type in all the cheats yourself anyway.
04-20-2004, 7:11 AM
Originally posted by jake_exe
ok im sorry but i think spawing ruins the game

C'mon if NPC spawning doesnt even exsist, then you wont be able to have fun although having to much NPCs crashes the game.
04-20-2004, 8:13 AM
Originally posted by jake_exe
ok im sorry but i think spawing ruins the game
I think NPC spawning is great. It can revive the SP campaign somewhat. Plus it's quite amusing what can be done. Check out the screenshots thread.

04-22-2004, 6:46 AM
Originally posted by jake_exe
ok im sorry but i think spawing ruins the game It beats the **** out of playing those dumb ass bots.
04-22-2004, 10:12 AM
NPC spawning can be fun. I'd rather have the option to do it, than not have that option at all.

When I play the SP campaign, I play it straight, though. No cheats, no walkthroughs, and no help. If other people want NPCs in the map to help them out, that's purely their business. If they get more fun that way, then power to them.
 Darth Evol Baby
04-22-2004, 7:30 PM
NPC spawning makes the game! This is just a game, it's not like you'll turn into a real Jedi or something just playing it to the end.

With NPC spawning and the editing and customizing functions it raises gameplay to something never seen before in entertainment. With these new PC games you can change and add so much it's like getting 1,000 games for the price of one.

Your only limits are your imagination and computer processing.

I just took the speeder bike section and spawned some mutant rancors, wampas and Jedi and it's like a brand new game in itself!

I call it my 'Arena Of Death'. Just watching Rancors slap the snot out of the evil bikers and Jedi fight alongside is more fun than the normal game! It could be a game in itself and I would BUY it.

I fired that bad boy up and played that one scenario for HOURS.

I can't wait to learn more about making maps and models and skins. I'm a professional in comics/animation and didn't know you could have this much fun. When I'm done learning what needs to be learned I'll be able to make models and maps that'll rock your knot!

(problem is trying to get tutorials that explain everything. For some reason people think 'assumption' is a part of knowledge. Somebody put out a dictionary or something on these game functions please. )
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