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good servers

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09-30-2003, 12:28 PM
What are some good servers with custom mods, skins, and no force? I really hate ppl using force powers. All they do is push you off the ledge or lightning. I try to win with pure saber skills but they get easy kills with force. So does anyone know servers that i mentioned? So far I have only found pure servers.
09-30-2003, 6:18 PM
Since I'm not at my house right now (my mom's office) I don't have the IP here but I can tell you that "OmNi" server is pretty cool :D it's unpure so it lets you use any
model/skin/mod/whatever you have It's a 24 slot FFA server (obviously it's closed sometimes since it's a clan server and they need to use it for reunions,matches,etc...oh and it's Saber only and it dosnt have force) if I get home I'll tell you as soon as I can :P
 Rad Blackrose
09-30-2003, 6:30 PM
Originally posted by kingdomwinds
What are some good servers with custom mods, skins, and no force? I really hate ppl using force powers. All they do is push you off the ledge or lightning. I try to win with pure saber skills but they get easy kills with force. So does anyone know servers that i mentioned? So far I have only found pure servers.


For bloody Christ sakes, its funny just to watch you people go off on how force requires "no skill," or how it's "cheap."

Someone find me the duel demo between Impunity and Reborn for the number 1 spot in JKII before I knock someone's head off.
09-30-2003, 6:31 PM
If you want people to stop pushing you off ledges and using Lightning to kill you, I suggest stocking up on "Absorb."

; )

Also an appropriate level of Pull will provide some protection against Push if you're a dark sider.

Everybody's entitled to their opinion. Frankly I find full force far more complex, interesting, challenging, and fun than NF.

And Full Force is required for Siege, because otherwise the Jedi class is fairly useless.
 Rad Blackrose
09-30-2003, 6:32 PM
See that link in Kurgan's signature? Use it. Make love to it... Ok, don't make love to it. It's what every newbie needs.
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