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Rogue 9

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Page: 7 of 10
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-26-2001, 3:21 PM
hate to break it too you but startrek ships are more powerful, their phasers can fire in any direction, Quantum torpeodoes are a hundred times more powerful than a (starwars) proton torpedeo and StarTrek sheilds operate differently and they are not e...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-25-2001, 3:22 AM
***OUT OF STORY*** he was sucked into a subspace rift on page 7, no one escaped his ship......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-25-2001, 12:27 AM
Rogue9's Fleet begins to strew Remotely Detonated Anti-Matter Mines throughout Federation Space......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 11:47 PM
***OUT OF STORY*** I already told you I was in the SOL System......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 8:23 PM
R9's Fleet lies in wait silently, knowing that the time for it to join in the fight will be soon...Rogue9 will not attack until the Imperial Fleet is in Jupiters Gravity well and unable to Jump to Hyperspace......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 8:20 PM
***OUT OF STORY*** Thrawn was killed by the Federation Originally posted by emupiett: Thrawn: Belay that order. I shall go out myself, since our fleet is not doing so well. Zamarus, I shall give orders from my TIE. Launch 10 squadrons of TIE Interce...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:23 AM
Temp. Truce, I will not be present most of saturday but if the other R9 willpick up my task force i'll appreciate it....  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:21 AM
Rogue9's Fleet lies in wait behind jupiters mass shadow no one can see him, a much more visible Task Fore by "Rogue Nine" is lying in wait also but whos side hes on no one is sure......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:18 AM
Leaving Coruscant in Ruins, Rogue9 jumps his Fleet back to his home base where they are protect by an energy shield, and many ground based turbolasers....  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:15 AM
Originally posted by Rogue 9: Commences Planetary Bombardment of the Imperial World...The first thing to go is the Imperial Palace Missed you huh!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:13 AM
Discovering that the Fleet has left, Rogue9 Commences Planetary Bombardment of the Imperial World...The first thing to go is the Imperial Palace...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:11 AM
Rogue9's Fleet Now Composed of the R.P. II and ImpStar Duece and 8 Victory Class star Destroyers all of which incorporate Federation Technology jump into the Coruscant system take out the "night hammer" FLEET CAPTAINS: AYE,AYE SIR Rogue9:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:01 AM
Rogue9's Fleet jumps out to an unspecified area in the outer rim to rearm and repair but I will be ready when the time comes......  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:57 AM
"9's" fleet rallies around the last section of the Promethues, only to SD's remain but they are VICTORY III's Which were designed by Rogue9 and have 4 times the Sheild strength of a standard IMPSTAR DUECE these ships are capable of taking s...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:53 AM
thrawn dead Prometheus is through runnin' Rogue9: Charge All weapons those Imps are going down. Originally posted by Rogue 9: the prometheus detonates an isolidic burst before yet another section of it is blow away, the burst detonates right under t...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:50 AM
the prometheus detonates an isolidic burst before yet another section of it is blow away, the burst detonates right under thrawns flagship the powerful gravimetric distortions make abadoning ship impossible and it is pulled inside and destroyed with...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:45 AM
the rest of Commander Rogue9's Fleet Arrives and detects debries from the R.P. assuming the worst the fleet charges into the midst of the imperials, all 6 of it Victory II Class ships firing Continuesly...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:43 AM
the Promethues takes the R.P. in tow and removes it from the system to begin repairs...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:41 AM
the promethues beams the survivors off the R.P. including Rogue9, Rogue9 assumes Command and begins to rip theSSSD to shreds because he is ticked about the backstabing attack on his personal beloved ship, which he spent *sniff years caring for and re...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:31 AM
EMH: I did not see them attack you that ship is well known to me, they have assisted me on a number of ocasions... ***OUT OF STORY*** and you can't kill me before my response publishes - remember your ship was disabled by the borg. th R.P. was Fresh...  [Read More]
Posted in: The ULTIMATE Battle
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 3:28 AM
80 Concuction missles leave the Repuiblics Pride and destroy the bridge of the already crippled imperial ship, Turblaser fire lances from the ship batteries and staps deep into the core of the imp ship DAMAGEE REPORT: Sir, Ventral sheilds down, 32 m...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Scenario
 Rogue 9
02-26-2001, 3:23 PM
I am a Jedi Master, not a maggot...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Scenario
 Rogue 9
02-25-2001, 2:17 AM
I have wrecked my car in real life...the lightpole made out much better than my car....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Scenario
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 11:34 PM
I am being irritated by a guy over in the RS>NET system and I am trying not to think Violently...that drink will stop me from thinking...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Scenario
 Rogue 9
02-24-2001, 4:41 PM
Watching bad Terran Movies again Cracken...Bartender, I'll have a pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. [This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited February 24, 2001).]...  [Read More]
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