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Posted in: WIP: Matrix
04-12-2003, 8:51 AM
#5  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Matrix
04-12-2003, 7:16 AM
Ok iv just started to work on this map along with theed which is almost done...but the matrix map is the city where agent smith captures morpheous and neo and trinity rescues him it will include the main building where they kept him and a few semers...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: U.S.S Enterprise
04-13-2003, 2:13 AM
well i wish the best of luck with you reckon you can have teleporters like in the real 1 or the engine room and stuff?...  [Read More]
sounds good ill have to go get asap!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: quick question
02-23-2003, 7:18 AM
well im working on my first map (screenshots at )but i find the easiest way to avoud lots of leaks at the end everytime you do a complex brush or sumthing that has potential leaks just do a simple bsp nov...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
02-23-2003, 5:27 AM
ok iv got about 11 new screenshots at sp check em out and look at my progress:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
02-12-2003, 5:20 AM
sorry bout the leave of absence but my internet wasnt working and radiant hasnt been working but it is now and im ready to start work again and a quick question what doin what does exeded MAX_POINT_WIND or sumthin like that mean when i load the level...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
02-05-2003, 5:45 AM
i have good news i now have a working copy of jedi knight2:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
02-05-2003, 2:59 AM
i glad some1 came allong and gave me some textures i can use thanx a bunch scouttrooper..........:p they are heaps good:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
02-04-2003, 6:45 AM
ok im getting desperate i REALLY need textures/shaders for naboo and theed so if some1 can post a reply where i can get some or send them in an email it would be great:)...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
01-29-2003, 4:50 PM
Aru-Wen:thanx i will make them bigger i will even round them so they look more like poles from ep1 Wedge2211:unfortunetly i dont have the phantom menace but i have battle for naboo that has a lot of scenes from ep1 but i dont think they are of the pl...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
01-29-2003, 7:34 AM
yeah i have given up cos its too big!!!! and i cant be bothered considering im not gonna be able to come closs to your dotf map............................PS: have new images on my page just click on my theed p...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
01-28-2003, 11:02 PM
well have have gone throught ep1 and 2 and draw about 30-40 differand drawings and have a large 3m-2m map draw in pencil(mums not happy cos i took up the dinning room table)and i am using that the main thing i need now is textures i have some but not...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
01-28-2003, 10:34 PM
im hoping it will be a good map but i dont think it will considering it is my first map.the reason it is a golden color is because if i use a dark texture its harder to see but when i finish parts i will texture it and move on to the next part but iv...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP:Theed!!!!
01-28-2003, 7:40 PM
ok here is my wip this is only the start and no they arnt the textures im using at the moment im using them so i can see where everything is uther than dark textures and sorry for the crummyness of the shot due to the fact that i dont have a working...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trade Federation Control Ship MP Map
01-21-2003, 3:46 AM
looks great just make sure you keep the screenshots up to see how far you go it looks great cant wait till i can download it:) :D...  [Read More]
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