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Posted in: don't say i never do anything for you
12-09-2004, 11:59 AM
Huzzah! The recognition we deserve!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-28-2004, 11:05 AM
[Just got the money to order the complete rulebook set....]...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-28-2004, 6:40 AM
*The characters are left in an endless void* Deac: Great job. No more sequels for us now. Oh well Orthos: Who's up for Dungeons and Dragons! THE END...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-26-2004, 8:22 AM
Real Deac: Europe sucks eh? *He types some more and Cracken walks into a wall* Real Deac: I can godmode real bad when the urge takes me. *Syrnl grabs the keyboard* Syrnl: Give me that! *Continues wall-butting*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-24-2004, 9:53 AM
*Deac, Syrnl and Orthos burst in the head office to see a large struggling crate and a figure sat in a chair with their back turned* Deac: Alright, Lokpihet, hand over Real Deac *The case shudders* Lokpihet: We're in here *The chair turns and is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-22-2004, 9:46 AM
Deac: Then...the stairs... Syrnl: Yes the stairs, and then? Deac: Up, up up and up. And then... Syrnl: The tunnel... *Deac looks puzzled* Deac: No, the office. Syrnl: Yes, the office. We meant that. Deac: Whatever. *Starts climbing stairs*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-21-2004, 11:24 AM
[Time to get this moving] *The plane lands and they arrive at the Enron building* Deac: In there? That's a long way to go. *Begins climbing stairs* Syrnl: Anyone else want to take the lift?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-20-2004, 5:23 AM
Passenger: Don't I know you from somewhere. Deac: I just have one of those I'm playing JC in Deus Ex the Movie....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-18-2004, 8:13 AM
Deac: Awww. I stink at those. Syrnl: So do I...hmmm... Deac: I'll try anyway... You want to let us on the plane Attendant: Hey! You're like that guy out the movie! Syrnl: Hey...we're going to a convention. In New York. These are all just plastic....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-16-2004, 9:13 AM
[It is indeed correct. They are in England...BUT Enron/Darkstar tower is in the U.S] Deac: That's right. We need to cross the ocean. Orthos: But how? Deac: To...the airport! *After a long and difficult bus journey there [this is English public tr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-16-2004, 6:00 AM
Deac: Quick! To the Deac mobile! Orthos: You have a mobile? Deac: I'm hoping real Deac does *Goes outside to find a bicycle in Deac's parking space* Syrnl: Stupid environmentalist. Or maybe he's to stupid to drive. Deac: Heck. We'll just hot-wir...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-15-2004, 7:35 AM
Deac: Not only has a mysterious L. Okpihet taken over the former Enron building, but you don't even have to pay to read our adventures!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-14-2004, 7:36 AM
Deac: We're going to see the boss! *Deac runs through the open door and into...* Cantina Offices Deac: Hey wait! This place isn't real either! *Notices a hastly scratched message in a table* Deac: Hmmm. It's a web address... *Accesses* Deac: G...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-11-2004, 5:17 AM
Deac: do we get out of here? Orthos: Pffft. Not being dead for more than 24 hours you wouldn't know! *Goes to the non-alcoholic beer cabinet and opens it, revealing the exit* Orthos: It's all there. Deac: Didn't we just...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina: The Holiday Special 3!!!!!!
12-08-2004, 7:06 AM
Deac: Perchance Deac was a name he already used and so decided to name himself after him and then create me. *Walks into wall* Deac: Hey! --------------------------------- Earth, Darkstar Tower Lokpihet: So how much was this evil base again? Re...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
01-01-2005, 1:50 AM
*Deac feels the gathering force storm* Deac: I don't like the looks of that. Beler: What? Deac: In the throne room...force energy's building up in their... ALL UNITS, GET AWAY FROM THE IMPERIAL PALACE....REGROUP AT THE SENATE BUILDING! GO GO GO!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-30-2004, 7:47 AM
*The two sith suddenly flee. Deac persues them outside to hear great cheering* LONG LIVE THE NEW REPUBLIC! Deac: We did it. They've surrendered. *A figure abseils down the side.* Deac: Beler Jil? Didn't you die? Beler: No, just faked it with a v...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-28-2004, 6:51 AM
NRI *Deac charges back in, his second squad behind him, to see three dark jedi among the bodies of his troops* Deac: Sith! Fall back to the imperial palace! I'll deal with them! *Whilst his troops duck for cover and begin falling back, Deac moves...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-26-2004, 8:27 AM
Coruscant, Surface *Deac sees the huge blast of energy* Deac: What the hell was that...any casualites? Officer: None sir. *Deac gets on the comm* Deac: Squad two, report. Comm: We're getting slaughtered back here sir! Can you give us some cover...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-24-2004, 9:57 AM
SSD Lucifer Malice: As you wish.. *Malice concentrates and a beam of energy fires from her, focusing on Imperial City on the planet below.* ----------------------------- Lucifer, Bridge Comm: Sir! Massive energy beam coming from the cargo bay di...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-23-2004, 6:33 AM
Reletha: I know I won't live this day...but what about you? You wouldn't be here unless something was bothering you...and you don't want to steal Deac Starkiller's vendetta from him. *Reletha moves for one final attack* Reletha: But no...this is to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-21-2004, 11:23 AM
*Reletha throws everything she has into her block* Reletha: Treason? Against who? I had no emperor. You were gone, presumed dead. Taking power in a vacuum is the way of the sith....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-18-2004, 8:11 AM
Deac: West entrance! *Points* Sqaud 3, take out those turrets!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion
12-09-2004, 8:37 AM
Lucifer Malice: I can launch them from the battle they may not notice me......  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 13: Rebellion [DISCUSSION THREAD]
12-29-2004, 4:43 AM
Ramming an SSD into Coruscant at any speed would cause massive earthquakes. It's part of Admiral Daala's plan in The Jedi Academy Trilogy, and she's only using an ISD. Now, as the for the aftermath situation, BD, if Flax has found himself leader as...  [Read More]
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