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Posted in: Pictures of Me and Milkshake
01-05-2001, 12:49 PM
I can't exactly control them at the moment, well mabye Janek, I'm a couple of thousand miles away!!! ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pictures of Me and Milkshake
01-04-2001, 4:32 PM
You had better put in good ones, AKA the ones after I discovered Hair gel and finally gained the ability to have a parting ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I R...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planetarion. I can help you.
01-06-2001, 9:14 AM
If we did that Dukey would kill us all, we'd be betrayed by someone for sure ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk -You call THAT a knife? Now this, is a knife -It's a spoon...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planetarion. I can help you.
01-05-2001, 5:01 PM
You (Yes YOU Coffeeboy)= Multi ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planetarion. I can help you.
01-05-2001, 12:46 PM
Nicky, you can't help us. For starters Chrushing you twice a day is Dukes hobby. 2) Do you really think that a group like this would have gone this long and NOT created it's own alliance, Sorry, too slow  [Read More]
Posted in: Shakey AIr
01-04-2001, 4:37 PM
Well, I suppose if I see it around I might buy it, I'm a bit of a Flight sim buff, And I Like Nukes. Alot. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thrawn 4K!
12-29-2000, 2:13 PM
To hell with the party, Where are the girls?!?!?!?! Oh, well done Thrawn ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a smal...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Moment Of Silence
12-28-2000, 7:45 PM
Postal? Does that mean someone went crazy with a firearm? ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-27-2000, 9:11 PM
Ppl, there is nothing wrong with Disney World, and besides, I never actullay saw a charachter for the whole 4 days there. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a smal...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 8:25 PM
Don't Phone us, we'll phone you. No wait, thats not right....... ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 2:39 AM
I get bored of AoEII way too quickly, but I nobody everv gets bored of planetarion ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
12-31-2000, 6:51 PM
Yes, Whether your a rebel or imp, join our alliance, it's open to all, and one day, we will achive our supreme goal. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (E...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Moment Of Silence
12-28-2000, 7:45 PM
Postal? Does that mean someone went crazy with a firearm? ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-27-2000, 9:11 PM
Ppl, there is nothing wrong with Disney World, and besides, I never actullay saw a charachter for the whole 4 days there. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a smal...  [Read More]
Posted in: BURP!!
12-27-2000, 9:08 PM
Same here Hi I'm Back! ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 8:25 PM
Don't Phone us, we'll phone you. No wait, thats not right....... ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 2:39 AM
I get bored of AoEII way too quickly, but I nobody everv gets bored of planetarion ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
12-31-2000, 6:51 PM
Yes, Whether your a rebel or imp, join our alliance, it's open to all, and one day, we will achive our supreme goal. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (E...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Moment Of Silence
12-28-2000, 7:45 PM
Postal? Does that mean someone went crazy with a firearm? ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-27-2000, 9:11 PM
Ppl, there is nothing wrong with Disney World, and besides, I never actullay saw a charachter for the whole 4 days there. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a smal...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 8:25 PM
Don't Phone us, we'll phone you. No wait, thats not right....... ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
01-01-2001, 2:39 AM
I get bored of AoEII way too quickly, but I nobody everv gets bored of planetarion ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size...  [Read More]
Posted in: More on Planetarion
12-31-2000, 6:51 PM
Yes, Whether your a rebel or imp, join our alliance, it's open to all, and one day, we will achive our supreme goal. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (E...  [Read More]
Posted in: Going away
12-27-2000, 9:11 PM
Ppl, there is nothing wrong with Disney World, and besides, I never actullay saw a charachter for the whole 4 days there. ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a smal...  [Read More]
Posted in: BURP!!
12-27-2000, 9:08 PM
Same here Hi I'm Back! ------------------ Self proclaimed Forum Drunk I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)...  [Read More]
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