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Sordid Dreams

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Posted in: Missing some crystals and costumes
 Sordid Dreams
11-01-2010, 7:21 AM
You can get the lighside, darkside costumes from the first game as well if you have a save game where you finished both endings of TFU 1 Ya, I do have those. Unfortunately it's those stupid ceremonial robes and that ridiculous Freddy Krueger cyborg...  [Read More]
Posted in: Missing some crystals and costumes
 Sordid Dreams
10-31-2010, 10:28 PM
Okay, so I finished the game (PC version, btw) for the third time now but I still only have one of a pair of some of the crystals and I'm missing some costumes. I'm absolutely sure that I found all the holocrons, so what do I need to do to get all th...  [Read More]
Posted in: FU2 - PS3 or PC?
 Sordid Dreams
10-31-2010, 10:23 PM
Trophies are pointless and bugs will be ironed out (not that there are all that many to begin with). Playing the PC version using a PS3 controller was thoroughly enjoyable and I can recommend it based on the experience. Plus, as has been pointed out,...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
 Sordid Dreams
11-01-2010, 7:17 AM
It's things like this that blows the cannon to hell. I think that's the least of this game's problems. What really blows the canon to hell is the whole idea that being in love somehow brought Starkiller over to the light side. But in the films it wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
 Sordid Dreams
10-31-2010, 10:44 PM
Did anyone else notice that Vader based his Terror Troopers off of General Grievous? He remembers how deadly Grievous was and the face-masks of the Terror Troopers reflect that. Actually, Vader (unlike, say, Shaak Ti) doesn't have much of a reason to...  [Read More]
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