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Posted in: yay and nay survey: TOR
11-21-2010, 9:46 AM
Nay for me. It doesn't have a star wars look or feel for me. Looks like just some random space MMO that just happens to have lightsabers(which, no offense, but the lightsabers look lame. I like the TFU, JK:Academy, Kotor & RotS Video Game lightsa...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
11-01-2010, 10:51 AM
What really blows the canon to hell is the whole idea that being in love somehow brought Starkiller over to the light side. That thought did come to me. And you're right, "love" was Anakin's down fall, so why wouldn't it be for Starkiller....  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU 2 Needed to be alittle longer
11-01-2010, 5:18 AM
vader can't use force lightning cause he can risk shorting out his survival suit :confused: the scene at the ending??? WTF??? Drawing power from the elements and feeding so much lightning to vader and he still survives??? I agree with you. In retur...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Force Unleashed 2 - My Thoughts
10-31-2010, 8:05 AM
The story in TFU II is terrible, though. I'm actually writing a detailed explanation of why the story is terrible, simply because I want to. I personally loved TFU I's story and characters. TFU II managed to ruin the story and all the characters but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Unleashed 2 - TV Previews
10-13-2010, 7:50 AM
Not sure if you guys have seen these awesome new tv previews for the game. Their short, but very very sweet!  [Read More]
it seems their faces are younger looking? Yeah, they do look a little different. But the cinametic's look more real then the gameplay, so that's probably the difference you're seeing. the same actress. she looks the same(for me), maybe a bit older....  [Read More]
Posted in: Juno
10-15-2010, 2:31 AM
it would be cool, if she die, and Galen resurrect her This really made me laugh, lol :) With one of the flashbacks it does look like she died....and like Darth Vadar said, as long as she is alive he will be able to control him. This will be a true...  [Read More]
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