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Posted in: PS3 Owners Question
08-31-2008, 5:51 PM
I would recommend getting a HDMI cable from if your monitor supports HDMI input. The "official" Sony HDMI cables are selling for $50-60. You can get them on monoprice for about $10-15, depending on what length of cable you nee...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Opinion on the Demo
08-30-2008, 3:06 PM
Probably, although I'm interested to see the actual numbers of downloads there have been, if I could find the info somewhere... right now this is the most downloaded file on playstation network. TFU is #1...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Opinion on the Demo
08-29-2008, 7:58 PM
Like I said in another thread , "best PS3 demo out there"....  [Read More]
Posted in: New GT gameplay video
08-27-2008, 9:54 PM
#1  [Read More]
Posted in: People Are Not Getting the Picture...
08-28-2008, 11:51 AM
Da_Man_2423 I agree 100 % with you , TFU isn't lightsaber battle simulator and god thanks. Just think about it for 1 sec , imagine the apprentice doing combos at an enemy npc , imagine each lightsabers hit cutting down the guy , its will look awfu...  [Read More]
Posted in: People Are Not Getting the Picture...
08-27-2008, 9:15 AM
I have been reading many posts and threads about people complaining that there are no detatchable limbs, lame force animations, simple lightsabering, and probably others. People need to realize that this is the first next-gen Star Wars game (Lego Sta...  [Read More]
here my video.. please forgive me for my spelling ,that movie took me 3 hours to make because I was trying to figure out , how the Dazzle works and also how studio 10 work to edit the video. hope you enjoy.  [Read More]
no sorry PS3 , I mean square I'm ***** tired too much overtime . I also test on xbox360 every days so I mix thing up alot....  [Read More]
no and no if you mash the buttons you wont trigger the moves. you have about 1 frame to trigger the moves , I wish I knew how to record video on my PS3 . when the apprentice swing his lightsaber , you can notice a little spark on his lightsaber the...  [Read More]
Not really secret but you really need to pay attention to find them. Everytime the apprentice swing his lightsaber if you pay attention you will notice a spark on his lightsaber , if you press X with enough timing the apprentice will execute some fa...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Demo review on PS3
08-23-2008, 9:11 AM
I mean this is the issue I have.. How could anyone possible say that TFU graphics are on par with today's standard? and then.. Then.. you actually compare it to GTA4 or MGS, I mean come on!!!  [Read More]
Posted in: My Demo review on PS3
08-22-2008, 7:00 PM
from the trailers , I knew years ago that it wont be a jedi knight .. So im not disapointed , btw i didn't liked the jedi knight series that much....  [Read More]
Posted in: My Demo review on PS3
08-22-2008, 12:15 PM
Because you don't like the graphics doesn't mean other people can't. If he thinks the graphics are worth a 5 out of 5 it doesn't make him a fanboy. I don't own a PS3, but I do own a 360, and the graphics on that look awesome - and considering the P...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Demo review on PS3
08-21-2008, 9:14 PM
Setup : HD TV in 1080p I played the demo Twice , first time in sith warrior then sith lord. In my first play through I had to get used to the controls wich took me around 5 min to master since only few combos and force powers are available. Then I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Heh new or old video. ( minor spoilers )
08-16-2008, 11:40 PM
I never saw that video before. maybe I'm just late or something. you can play as proxy ......  [Read More]
Posted in: Huge GT TFU Media update (videos)
08-16-2008, 6:24 PM
The environment is stunning , its really feel next gen , just look at the reflection at almost everything. i give the graphic's a 10/10 There something strange , in past videos the storm troopers wer sometimes loosing their helmet when the appren...  [Read More]
Posted in: Huge GT TFU Media update (videos)
08-16-2008, 5:18 PM
#1  [Read More]
Posted in: OXM TFU review no spoilers.
08-16-2008, 10:19 PM
this game might be the best SW game since kotor....  [Read More]
Posted in: OXM TFU review no spoilers.
08-16-2008, 7:21 PM
You missed by a 0.3 difference. What can I say, I'm good at math. heh no.. the reviewer gived a 7.5 and i said he took a 1.5pts and another 1pts that make 2.5 so 7.5 + 2.5 = 10...  [Read More]
Posted in: OXM TFU review no spoilers.
08-16-2008, 7:15 PM
I think TFU will be the kind of game that you will play 1-2 each years. Kinda like metal gear solid series for me or God of war. But once you knows the full story and master the fighting system , you start loosing interest for that game . But no wor...  [Read More]
Posted in: OXM TFU review no spoilers.
08-16-2008, 3:08 PM
-- OXM review -- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Luke Skywalker was a wuss Ah, life's simple pleasures. Exploring new worlds...chatting with your robot sidekick...hurling Stormtroopers hundreds of feet in the air. It's good to be a Sith warrior, s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo Release for 360
08-13-2008, 10:25 PM
I know what NDA stands for thanks you , when i think NDA for some reason i think DNA. And yes i know what i cannot say and what i can say. i can tell that im working on X project but i cannot give any technical information on the game. ( but the ga...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo Release for 360
08-12-2008, 12:19 PM
Like we ( UBI ) did with soul calibur iv , Episode III wich UBI devloped. I'm on DNA I cannot say anything about TFU and Ubisoft. LA and Ubisoft are partners and we test project of each others. If you pick up any SW games and you read the credit y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo Release for 360
08-10-2008, 9:32 PM
You're an Ubisoft tester then. What is Ubisoft doing for TFU? What kind of argument is that ? you tell me im pathetic to claim that my job is QA. Whatever lol.Ubi and LA worked together in the past on projects like Episode iii.The QA works all the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Demo Release for 360
08-09-2008, 10:22 AM
Lolwut? The "i'm a tester" is even more pathetic than the "i heard from a friend". What Jacob said is more believable than what you said. so what can say pathetic but not a liar on that forum. alright and i also want to know in...  [Read More]
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